Sunday, September 08, 2024

Blogiversary Guest Posts! The Complete List

For the last twenty weeks, I've had guest posts on my blog leading up to my big anniversary celebration. I feel so much gratitude for each of these people who took the time and made the effort to write these posts. I love that my readers got to hear all these different voices on my blog and hopefully all of my readers have found at least one new blog to follow (and love!).  Huge thanks to all these wonderful contributors! The amount of time each of these posts took to put together cannot be understated and I truly appreciate how much time everyone spent from emailing me back and forth to actually writing the thing to collating photos for it. 

I have learned so much from doing this project. When I originally sent out emails in April, I was so surprised when not a single person said no to my request. I mean, it was a big ask! Twenty is a lot of things and these posts were a lot of work. I was shocked by the responsiveness and how excited everyone seemed to be about doing it. Doing this has really reiterated to me that my blog space is  quite important to me and this blogging community is a vital part of everything. 

Anyway, here are the final twenty guest posts and what I learned/will remember from each of them!

#20: 20 Questions by Dr. BB - Here I learned that my husband was first attracted to my tshirt and jeans look. Huh. I sort of wonder what he thinks these days when I think denim is a bad word!

#19: 20 Favourite Horror Books by Allison - I have a serious dearth in my horror knowledge. So many books here for my TBR!

#18: 20 Random Things About Feelings by TJC - My IRL friends are so supportive of this weird blogging thing I do even though they are all better writers than I am. TJC's hilarious and unhinged post* is a reminder that I am so lucky and honored to be surrounded by such talented people. (*quote from Allison)

#17: 20 Things about Being a Doctor's Wife by Suzanne - Suzanne sometimes forgets she's amazing and super important to everyone!!

#16: 20 Things I'm Grateful For by Kaelyn - Kae's grateful for her challenging volunteer role. I should probably learn something from that instead of being so bitter about mine. :) 

#15: 20 Things about Me and What I Blog About by Birchwood Pie Project - Birchie is a wizard in the kitchen, but we knew that already!

#14: 20 Favorite Mantras/Motivational Quotes by San - San says athletes don't exercise and diet, but they train and fuel. Well, I'm clearly NOT an athlete because I 100% exercise.

#13: 20 Places I Have Been (and Loved) in France by J - You can still get bad food in France. J assures us of this fact. 

#12: 20 Operas That I Love by Diane - There's an opera set in an animal shelter. And some opera requires a live horse on the stage. Diane's life is so different from mine. 

#11: Knit-Read-Cats-Hockey by CCR - CCR claims you can knit a sock inside another sock. Simultaneous sock-making! Witchcraft!

#10: Top Twenty (er - Twenty Four) Favourite Things to See/Do in Nova Scotia by Elisabeth - Elisabeth wrote about the Bay of Fundy and my supervisor then went on a vacation and talked about how cool it was and I was able to contribute to the conversation!

#9: Wayback Machine to 2004 by Anne - Anne used to run, eat meat, and she didn't even live remotely near me!

#8: Insights on Being Single in Your 30s by Stephany - Stephany is worried that a partner might steal her snacks. This has never once been a problem in my world. I literally think about this fact at least once a week and it never fails to make me giggle to myself when I'm reaching for my favorite snack in the cupboard. 

#7: 20 Ways Blogging Has Made My Life Better by Lisa - Lisa knits!! Her blog name refers to knitting, not telling of tales. My mind is blown.

#6: 20 Madison Things She Can't Live Without by Sarah - Dream parks in Madison suburbs! I had no idea they were there and now I know exactly where to take my small human friends when they come to visit. Thanks to Sarah for that find.

#5: 20 Running Favorites by Jenny - Jenny regularly sees wildlife on her runs, but doesn't always tell us about it!

#4: Poetry 101 by Maya - I now follow the Instagram account Poetry is Not a Luxury on Maya's recommendation and I stop to reflect on a poem whenever I see one now. A tiny bit of puzzlement/beauty/reflection on a regular basis. 

#3: Best Reread Books by Nicole - Nicole rereads a lot more than I do, but A Little Princess will always bring us together. 

#2: 20 Interesting Places to Visit by Kyria - We all want to go to Slovenia because Kyria sold it so well.

#1: The Top 20 Ideas for a Top 20 Post that I Considered Making about NGS by Bestest Friend - Bestest Friend still holds a grudge about that blinking red light thing.


Some facts about this blog:

  • My first post was published on September 8, 2004. In it I complained about allergies. I do not recommend reading my really old archives.
  • I have recorded so many milestones on this blog from starting dating my husband to getting engaged to getting married, jobs and more jobs, moving, adopting first Zelda and then Hannah, buying our house, and every thing in between. Most especially the mundane things like how many scarves I own, what's in our linen closet, and how much I spend on beauty products
  • I have published on the blog at least once a month since that first post. 
  • I have published over 3300 posts and have had roughly 22,000 comments published, which is shocking since hardly anyone ever commented at all for many, many years.
  • Over a quarter of the posts I've published have been about books, which is by far the largest label on the blog.
  • I've participated in several blogging challenges over the years, including writing descriptions of people in my life in 45 words for a year, writing every day for a year (June 2014 - June 2015 and November 2022 - November 2023), and NaBloPoMo 2020-2024. 
  • I have run three editions of Cool Bloggers Book Club (CBBC) - A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, My Brilliant Friend, and I Capture the Castle. I'll try to run another one in February or March. 
  • In the last couple of years I have met up with several bloggers IRL: Anne, Kaelyn, Kyria, Birchie, and Maya. If you're ever in southwestern Wisconsin, let me know. I'm always up for an adventure.
  • For the reviewing of popular culture I do on this blog, only two times have content creators chimed in. I had reviewed a podcast about a missing girl and suggested that I was uncomfortable with the podcast naming the suspect who had never been charged and the sister of the missing girl wrote a comment saying she was unhappy with my review. I stand by my review. Also, everyone knows that Sara O'Leary commented on my review of The Ghost in the House and thank goodness that was a positive review because otherwise I would have felt horrible. I hope Stephen King never reads my blog. 
  • I have made a slight modification that you might be interested in. I have added a Blog Roll to my header (up top) because there have been so many issues with Feedly recently. I will be using that Blog Roll to check blogs from here on out like an old person because I feel like I can't trust the RSS feeds. If you have a blog and I haven't added you to the list, LET ME KNOW. I am, as you all know, sometimes not as detail-oriented as I should be. Also, if you are on the list and the link is wrong, let me know. I promise I'll fix it all ASAP. You can email me directly with the widget on the right sidebar. 

And that is a wrap on this anniversary project.

Sincerest thanks to all of you who wrote a guest post, all of you who read all the silly lists I've written in the last week, and to all of you who make this community happen. I'll be back to publishing about books, Hannah's inconsistent training, and what new adventures in software have come my way.


  1. Congrats, Engie!! I hope you're celebrating in some tangible way (cupcake?) too! XOXO

    1. I took Hannah to the dog park? No real celebration over here, but it's nice that it landed on a Sunday.

  2. I think we need a "20 pictures of Hannah", a "20 pictures of Zelda", and then a "20 pictures of Hannah and Zelda together" post before you close out the series. What Maya said - I hope you've got a special treat to celebrate.

    Here is to all the great years of blogging to come!

    1. I don't think 20 photos of the two of them together exist! But maybe I'll do something special for each one of them.

  3. Happy blog birthday, Engie!!!!! I loved your anniversary lead-up and am so glad you included this list because I definitely missed some of these posts and want to go back to re-read them! I have loved reading your posts over the years and look forward to many more decades of pet photos, book reviews, scarf talk, and hat references. xxoo

    1. Here's hoping for at least another 3000 posts. LOLOLOL. My poor readers.

  4. Happy blog birthday! 20 years! What a milestone! It was really fun to learn more more about the other blogs. The variety of topics was so fun! Although I would say the primary meaning of my blog = story telling, but at the time it had double meaning since I was also a knitter back then. I don't know when I will return to that hobby, though, which is kind of sad but so it goes. Maybe when the kids are older and I have more free time again (and hopefully not so much pain in my hands from RA... womp womp).

    1. I am sure you'll eventually return to all the hobbies you loved before you had children, friend. They won't be little forever!

  5. Woohoo! Happy anniversary! I have really enjoyed contributing, getting to know others better, and learning more about you! It's been a lot of fun!

    I feel like there are so many things I could write twenty things about, but I'll guess I'll have to save them for my 20 year blog anniversary (April 2026)!

    1. I found it surprisingly hard to find 20 things to write about. And then I felt TERRIBLE for giving it as an assignment to all of you!

  6. A blog roll! That's a good idea. Happy anniversary!! It's been so fun reading all the lead up posts.

    1. Yes, there have been so many bugs with Feedly that I just am going back to the old-fashioned way.

  7. Congratulations! All the guest posts were delightful. What a cool way to celebrate your big achievement.

    1. Thanks so much! It was fun to coordinate it all!

  8. I sometimes feel like a dinosaur for using my blog roll to check out blogs, but if you're doing it now, I guess maybe it's more reliable than some other methods?

    I had an author comment on my book review way back when, and I was FLOORED. The book was The Hearts of Horses, and the author was Molly Gloss. So cool.

    1. FYI, there is a mistake in your bullet point about the author...the name of the book is The Ghost in the House (I just went and read the post, is how I know.) So cool to get an author comment!

    2. Thanks for pointing out that mistake. I fixed it!

      Feedly sometimes doesn't pull feeds for a long time and then it will dump like six or eight posts from someone at one time. That's super sad for the blogger because they don't get any engagement on their posts! So I'm going back Old Skool Cool.

  9. Congrats. For the wonderful blogging journey, for all your blogging friends, for you wonderful pets and marriage, and for being such a bright light on the interwebs. Cheers to 20, and best wishes for many more years to come <3

    1. Here's to a wonderful blogging community for many years to come for sure!

  10. Congrats Engie on this momentous milestone. I think Blog Rolls are making a comeback actually. I don't use mine to read (I use Blogger reader and *fingers crossed* haven't had any issues) though. Here's to twenty more years!

    1. Oh, I hope blog rolls make a comeback. It's such a good way to learn about other blogs!

  11. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ENGIE!!! Who knew when you started writing 20 years ago that you would become such a pillar of the blogging community?! I'm honored to have been part of your countdown to the big day. I'll do it again when you're celebrating your 30th and 40th blogiversaries!

    1. Since there were years and years when hardly anyone read the blog, I think it's super strange that even one person calls me a "pillar of the blogging community." LOLOL.

      I'll put you on the list for the 30th anniversary celebration! :) (Note: There is no such list.)

  12. Happy big day! I've enjoyed checking out these guest posts, but I definitely missed some. I appreciate the list, so I can be sure to go and check them out. I'm so glad I found your blog. You always make me laugh - 'Witchcraft' about knitting a sock within a sock, made me chuckle.

    1. It seems like witchcraft, Ernie! A sock inside a sock! At the same time! WHO THOUGHT OF THAT?!

  13. Congratulations on this huge milestone, Engie. I'm so glad I found you.

    1. Thanks, Nance! I'm glad I found you, too. It's such a fun community to be a part of.

  14. Happy blog birthday!!! I'm so happy that I could help celebrate you and your words and thoughts. And how fitting to your generous spirit that your 20 year anniversary was a chance for readers to learn about *other* bloggers. I feel like that spirit of community was such a gift.
    Does this mean in ten years you are going to make lists of 30 things? I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

    1. Oh, boy! Twenty things was enough! Thirty seems...impossible!

  15. This has been a lot of fun to read along! 20 years of blogging is an accomplishment. Congratulations, Engie!

    1. Thanks, Kari. Here's to many more years!

  16. I had to check out #6 as I've barely been here two years and am still getting to know my way around Madison. Thanks for including that one!

    1. I feel like I learned quite a bit about Madison from that post. I don't get there very often myself.

  17. Congratulations on 20 years of blogging! That's a huge accomplishment and you have gathered so many cool stats about your blogging adventures. I loved reading the 20 guest posts, which warmed my heart because there are really cool people in the world! And you're one of the coolest! Here's to 20 more years!

    1. Everyone was so gracious about agreeing to guest post. It is a reminder that this world is full of lovely people!

  18. I don't even know how I'm going to fit reading all these blogs into my schedule! (hopefully by phone-scrolling less). I LOVED the opera post so much - it also reminded me of the musical Eve was in where they had a live snake that was credited in the program and everything.
    I cringe and laugh when I think now about what I used to think about blogging (ridiculous, self-indulgent, useless). My sister in law prodded me to start mine and I cannot even articulate the extra joy and satisfaction and community it's brought to my life.

    1. A snake in the program! How fun. I hope he (she?) was properly compensated.

      I think some people do think of blogging as a weird hobby. Oh, well, it's my weird hobby and it brings me great joy and connection.

  19. what. great way to summarize it! Now I can dig into them slowly :) happy blog anniversary.

    1. I'm glad I recapped it so it's all in one place for everyone.

  20. Congrats on sticking it out for so many years! Honestly, I'd probably not have blogged that much if not for the comments, so you persevered in my opinion. Isn't it wonderful to be able to go back into your archives and see what/where/who was in your life at that time?
    I've not had any issues (knock on wood) with Feedly lately, but I do love an old school BlogRoll and I love that you said: Like an old person. LOL!

    1. Having such a deep well of archives is truly a joy in my life. If I didn't blog about it, it didn't happen!

  21. I got super behind on blog posts this past week but just wanted to say another congrats and happy anniversary! This is such a cool round up post. And it's just such a creative idea! You really went all out for 20 years!!!

    1. I did go all out! And now we never have to think about it again!
