Sunday, June 02, 2024

20th Anniversary Countdown: Guest Post #7

In celebration of my 20th Blogiversary, I'm having guest posts every week in the lead up to the big day. 

Please welcome Lisa!

Lisa is a mom of two little boys who lives in Minneapolis. She has a full-time job in the financial field, gives great picture book recommendations, and manages her way through a very busy life with a chronic health condition called rheumatoid arthritis. She's been blogging for quite some time and it's fun to dive into her archives from when she was a single lady through when she got married and then had babies! She blogs over at Lisa's Yarns and you should go visit her there!

Hi, I’m Lisa of the blog Lisa’s Yarns (named as such because it’s meant to be a platform to share the stories/yarns of my life (a la the phrase spinning yarns)). Similar to NGS, I’m a Midwesterner who also adores reading and books. When NGS asked me if I wanted to guest post, I had a lot of different ideas for a “20 things” list but ultimately went with the 20 ways blogging has made my life better.

1. It allowed me to form friendships without geographical constraints. There are people I call friends who live around the world.

2. In that same vein, it helped me find my fellow enthusiasts for things such as running, reading, and Paris.

3. Blogging and the friendships I formed got me through a very lonely period of my late 20s/early 30s when most of my college friends were getting married and starting families and I was very single.

4. … blogging also got me through a challenging, lonely year when I was relocated to Charlotte for my job and then diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis (which is a crappy autoimmune disease that tends to impact my joints). I haven’t gone back and read many posts from that year because they are painfully raw but writing about my experience was very cathartic.

5. It’s given me an opportunity to explore places I might not have otherwise gone. For example, when Phil and I stayed with Kyria for a weekend back in 2016, she took us on this awesome hike down to Stinson Beach where we enjoyed tacos in the cutest little taco stand. How could we have come up with a cool plan like that on our own unless we had a local by our side?

6. I also went on some very cool running-centric trips because of blogging. I ran the Victoria, BC half marathon and a trail half marathon in Berkeley, CA.

7. As someone who doesn’t identify as being artsy by any stretch of the imagination, it’s given me a virtual scrapbook of life. If something big happened since I started blogging in 2008, it’s probably been documented on the blog.

8. It has given me a platform to share the books I’ve loved with my readers!

9. I’ve also gotten a lot of book recommendations from reading others’ blogs, like NGS!

10. Thanks to my blog, I can refer to myself as a writer (even though I struggle to really embrace that as part of my identity).

11. It has allowed me to share some finance-heavy topics on the blog, like annual spending posts, ethe decision to pay off our mortgage, and how we conduct our quarterly financial review.

12. It’s helped me process the loss of several important people in my life, such as my grandparents.

13. It also helped me process the end of several dating relationships… which are another set of posts I haven’t felt compelled to re-read because of how raw they were.

14. If someone is traveling to a place I’ve been, I can simply send them the links to the posts I wrote about that location. Mostly recently, I sent a bunch of Maui posts to Kae since she’s going there in June.

15. Because of blogging, I was a bridesmaid in 2 weddings and had 2 tables of bloggers at my own wedding (although most in this photo are no longer blogging. Whomp whomp)! [Note from NGS: Look at that gorgeous wedding dress. I feel like I should go back and read a recap from everyone who got married.]

16. I can crowdsource ideas from people I know and trust. The most recent example was when I was debating getting an Apple watch. I hemmed and hawed over this but then thought – why don’t I just ask Elisabeth! I knew she had an Apple Watch AND I knew that they were very thoughtful about spending money so I asked for her thoughts and it gave me the confidence to pull the trigger on the purchase.

17. Blogging has introduced me to women that I think of as sort of adopted/surrogate big sisters. Two that come to mind are Nicole and Jenny. They are just a bit older than me but in a different stage of life and I appreciate their wisdom and perspective on things! I feel like “what would Nicole do” could/should be a mantra in my life and I feel a special kinship with Jenny because our oldest sons are both named Paul (which is not a super common name these days!) and she lives in a very musical household which is something I can relate to since I was very musical and even taught piano as a high school job! 

18. I also get a lot of recipe ideas from blogging – most recently I was inspired to make the curry chickpea salad that so many were raving about. I never would have heard of it otherwise!

19. Blogging has also introduced me to people in my own city. A woman that lives in my neighborhood and has similar-aged kids found me through my blog. What a small world we live in! We have met up in person several times and she’s such a delight.

20. Lastly, blogging is a hobby that I can do no matter what is going on in my life. I certainly post far less than I did during my pre-kid days but I can usually write 2 posts/week – often from my phone (which I know blows NGS’s mind!), and I try to keep up with others blogs as best as I can because that back-and-forth dialogue within comments can forge really meaningful friendships! [Note from NGS: I can't even look up restaurant recommendations on my phone - I have no idea how Lisa writes entire posts on hers!]


Have you ever been to a blogger wedding? Made that curry chickpea salad? Met people in your own city because of blogging?


  1. Lisa, we already knew that you are a rock star! I'm not sure which is more impressive - having two tables of bloggers at your wedding or being able to WRITE POSTS ON YOUR PHONE(!) but wow to both.

    I started blogging because I wanted a place to say "hey I made this recipe, hey I read this really good book" and I didn't/don't have that IRL. In return I've gotten so many good recommendations for everything under the planet and I get to tag along vicariously on everyone's adventures. And they say that blogging is dead lol.

    WWND - what would Nicole do - is solid life advice!

    1. I think the world would be a better place if we all followed what would Nicole do as our daily mantra!

    2. Funnily the only things I can't do on my phone is comment on your and NGS's blogs - I can't figure out how to log into my google account so I have to use a PC to comment but I can do everything else on my phone!

  2. Thank you for sharing this Lisa. So many things you list here that I can only agree. Blogging is such a fun hobby. It has had such a positive impact. I love the blogging community. I have met bloggers in real life who became the hosts of my book club. Other than that its more Instagram people I meet. There are not many bloggers. I am impressed by two blogger tables at your wedding. What great connections.

    1. It's crazy to think about how many fewer bloggers there are today than were twenty years ago or so. Those of us still in the blogging game are the lucky ones, I think.

    2. My early years of blogging were so different since IG and FB weren't quite as broadly utilized. So I made some really really crucial and important friendships back then. Then I had a period where I felt a little meh about blogging and like it was something that was dying off but have since met a new crop of bloggers, including NGS, and I feel very reinvigorated about blogging!

  3. Oh wow, I was absolutely loving this post and then I came upon your kind words to me!! Thank you, Lisa, I'm all teary eyed. What a beautiful thing to read.
    I love blogging for all those reasons as well! I started blogging just to share my life and also because I love writing - and I had no idea it would give me such a sense of community and such a wide-flung, large circle of friends. This is just the best, thanks Lisa for absolutely lifting me up today! xoxo

    1. I blogged without many readers for a long time and I have to say that I love the community of bloggers right now. It's such a wonderful thing to know that there are people around the world just trying to get through the day the same way I am. I was so happy Lisa picked this topic because I think it speaks to all of us as bloggers and blog readers.

    2. I'm glad you enjoyed the post and were touched by my words! You are such a thoughtful commenter and have helped me be a bit more compassionate towards myself!

  4. AW! I definitely feel like your surrogate big sister (I'm just glad you didn't say surrogate mother, ha ha.) And "what would Nicole do" is definitely a mantra!
    GREAT list here. I agree with almost all of them (barring the ones that don't pertain to me.) To answer your question- I've met three blogging friends in real life, but am hoping for more meetups in the future. You definitely win the prize on this one- maybe someday if I've been blogging for as long as you, I'll have a ton of IRL blogging friends.
    And I agree with probably everyone reading this- HOW do you write blog posts on your phone? I can't even write a text without a million typos. You're a pro!

    1. Right? Writing posts on her PHONE? Who can do that? It's an amazing ability.

    2. I think you are younger than my eldest brother so you are definitely at an age where you *could* be my sister!

      And I know it's so odd that I write posts on my phone! I don't really have a PC that I use at home. I could use Phil's but generally don't so I end up writing on my phone when I have downtime while watching the kids. I also mostly comment on my phone!

  5. Good heavens, Lisa. I refuse to have email on my phone--absolutely REFUSE TO--and you're writing blog posts on yours. I'm going to pretend that I don't know that anymore.

    Kudos to you for giving RA the big FU by hiking and running and being super active. I love telling a chronic condition "Not today, Satan!" That's such a big win.

    Some of my best friends are those who I've met online and then got to meet in person. Meeting IRL seemed to be largely a formality at that point; we'd been chatting and getting to know each other so well forever.

    You captured the pluses of blogging so well here.

    1. I'm so happy Lisa picked this topic because I think it's important for all of us to recognize how crucial blogging is to our sense of selves and community. Sometimes when I meet people face-to-face I mention that I have a blog as a throwaway, but that feels disingenuous because it's such an important part of my life!

    2. Ha "not today, Satan" is a good way to sum up the FU I try to give RA. I'm glad my disease is managed well enough that I can be active. That was not the case in the early days so I have made a lot of progress. At first I had a really jerky doctor who scolded me for not being active but it hurt to get out of bed in the morning so exercise felt impossible at that point.

      I'm glad you've met best friends through blogging, too!

  6. I love how blogging has impacted your life! It has mine, too, but in a much less concrete way. I have only started meeting bloggers in person this year!

    Like Engie, I am blown away that you write posts on your phone! I can't even write blog comments on my phone! Cannot imagine creating a whole post. My fingers are sausages.

    1. I know, the writing posts on my phone is bananas... I have only done that since having kids. It's not ideal but I've gotten pretty good at it.

      Yay for meeting bloggers in person this year!!

    2. I am so glad I'm not the only one who thinks writing a blog post on the phone is bananas. I don't even know how to insert photos into posts on my phone. It just seems technically impossible!

  7. Lisa's Yarns! Omg, I finally get it.
    Yeah, I can barely text, so writing a blog post on a phone is highly impressive.
    Meeting blogging friends for real is so trippy and awesome, and also makes me think of the first time I went out to meet someone local, and my husband was sure I was going to be found dead in an alley. Now he lets me invite blog friends into our actual house!
    I also met someone from my own town while we were commenting on the same blog of someone faraway, which led to her reading my blog and then recognizing me in the grocery store parking lot where she was coincidentally parked right next to me (or else is a stalker, but I think the former).

    1. If I could go back in time I would do 2 things related to my blog: 1) start it on wordpress and 2) use a different name! Lisa's Yarns is such an odd name and makes it sound like I might be like an octogenarian that is knitting or something like that...

      The first I met a blogger in person, I flew to Vancouver to meet up with a Canadian blogger that lived sort of close to where Nicole lives now. Then we road tripped down to Portland and ran a marathon together. My parents were a little concerned but they had kind of accepted that I was going to do it. I had done a lot of video chats with my friend and we had been messaging on blackberry messenger for years. But we really dove into converting our friendship from URL to IRL. It was an amazing trip and we had the best time!

    2. I ALWAYS knew what Lisa's Yarns meant and I'm *shocked* to learn that it was confusing for some folks.

      I met with a blog person for the first time LAST YEAR and my husband also thought that the person was probably going to murder me. I think that I'd definitely know if a blogger was a murderer, right?

    3. I got into blogging as a knitter, so I assumed it was related to my kind of yarn! I had the vague idea that, like some of my friends, Lisa was a knitter before she had kids. This is definitely news to me.

    4. Huh. I'm the only one here who didn't assume it was knitting-based yarn. Interesting!

  8. I love this list! I've been blogging since 2005, and at first it was just some IRL friends, and then I got to know a bunch of other bloggers and it was busy and fun, and then when Facebook and Twitter got big, most of them stopped. For several years I only had two or three readers, but I kept at it, and then Engie stopped by several times, and I went and found her blog, and then to San and NaBloPoMo, and then Lisa and so many others. I love it all.

    I've met several bloggers, and every time I love it, but I feel shy about suggesting it with people who live nearby, who knows why. Like Lisa, I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, and writing about it when I was first diagnosed was really helpful. Also writing about losing my parents (9 years apart) helped a lot, and my sweet dogs, especially Mulder who died too young of Lymphoma. Yes, blogging has meant so much to me.

    1. I had the same experience of friends shifting from blogging to using IG/FB. For awhile there I questioned why I was still blogging but then I met a whole new crop of bloggers in the last couple of years and feel reinvigorated about blogging!

    2. I wish I would have known about you when I lived in Minneapolis, Lisa! We could have been IRL friends for a long time!

    3. Yes if only we'd known each other then! The years you spent in Mpls where some of my lonely years where I felt like I didn't really fit in with my college friend group since they were all getting married and starting families...

    4. Oh, man! I could have introduced you to an entire crew of grad students who were NOT getting married! Oh, well. It all worked out in the end.

  9. Loved this post and, of course, I LOVE Lisa.
    I am jealous of all the bloggers Lisa has met (I've now met one and that feels like a major accomplishment).
    I am beyond grateful that I met Lisa through the internet and she has become a dear friend! I can't wait to meet her one day (it will DEFINITELY happen).
    I have made the chickpea curry. I got it from Birchie, made it, and it has continued to make the rounds. I love the crowd-sourced info I get from other bloggers.
    I don't really publicize my blog to people I know in my immediate area, so the closest blogger I know - but haven't yet met - is about 6 hours away from where I live.

    1. We 100% will meet in person some day! I am determined to make it happen! It was very surprising to meet another person in my neighborhood. Since I post pics of the kids at the park, she quickly figured out that we lived close together since she recognized the park. At first we messaged over email and then we went for some walks during pandemic times and have since met up sans kids (which is my favorite kind of meet up - ha!).

    2. Wow! She recognized the PARK? That's awesome and terrifying at the same time. I feel like it would be really easy for someone who follows my blog closely to figure out where I live - maybe I should be more careful about that.

    3. I have given up on any sort of anonymity! The parks in our neighborhood are so recognizable so if you have young kids, you'll definitely recognize the park. It doesn't bother me, though, as it would be very hard to figure out our address since the park is a mile from us in a pretty densely populated area!

  10. What a perfectly apposite topic for Engie's blog anniversary! I've always noted your thoughtful responses on the few blogs I follow, Lisa, and your post is just lovely. Loved hearing about all the people blogging since the early oughts and the ways the blogs themselves have morphed.

    I've attended a few blogger weddings (and book launches) but don't know any local bloggers, don't advertise to family and friends, and kind of enjoy my anonymity.

    The raisins in the chickpea salad made me laugh because of all the tropes about white people putting them into things like potato salad.


    2. I wish I was anonymous at times! I first started blogging when I spent 3 weeks in France in grad school and then I loved blogging so much that I decided to start a new blog. But all of my friends and family that read my France blog knew about so I had no chance at anonymity!!

      I am usually not a fan of adding raisins to things but I like it in the chickpea curry although I'd like it without the raisins, too. I use golden raisins so they kind of blend in better with the ingredients.

    3. Raisins are gross. I've never made that curry because the cilantro, raisins, and mango chutney combo made me shudder. When we used to eat more meat, we'd use golden raisins in things with ground turkey or ground meat to add some moisture and you'd never even know they were there, so I am definitely a lady who falls into some stereotypes. LOL.

    4. I should note that I exclude the mango chutney (don't ever buy it and don't want to buy it for one recipe) and the cilantro! I like cilantro but it doesn't sound appealing in that salad recipe. I am usually a recipe follower but deviated quite a bit on this one!

    5. I've had the pleasure to meet Lisa in real life! And I lover her blog, and the reasons she listed. I would agree with all of that, except I just started blogging a little over a year ago and I enjoy it so much, as long as I don't let the impostor syndrome take over my ego.
      "Write for the sake of writing" is my motto.
      So great to read Lisa's reflections!
      Oh and Cat Scratching book is good.

    6. Ok--Adding raisins gratuitously to dishes that already smack of cultural appropriation is weird. But I want to note that in South Asia we *do* add raisins to spicy food because of geopolitical and commercial Persian/Middle Eastern influences. (So curry and raisins aren't an abnormal pairing.)

    7. People put raisins in potato salad!? That is just strange. In spicy food, fine, but in creamy potato salad, not fine.

    8. In the defense of the raisins in things, golden raisins have very little flavor and can add moisture to things that get dry. I don't know if I've ever encountered a dry potato salad (*shudder*), but I can imagine certain recipes needing a bit more texture. *sigh* I'm just Midwestern enough that none of it strikes me as crazy.

    9. Raisins should not exist. There. I've said it. In no dish, ever. ;)

  11. Lisa always has such open and honest posts and comments!
    I just put that chickpea salad on my meal plan for this week! I wanted something I could put in wraps in eat at the pool. (I did get the mango chutney, because I liked the idea of it and hopefully it will get use and not just languish in the fridge.)
    I've never met a blogger in real life, and sometimes I wonder if all these wonderful bloggers who write such wonderful things are really AI generated creations and I'm trapped in a manufactured universe - the idea of writing thoughts down that get sent into the universe and that maybe someone might read them and comment on them is still kind of wild to me. But I'm glad so many people are doing it because I really love reading what people are up to and think about.

    1. I have heard a lot of people talk about putting that chickpea salad in a wrap, so you would not be alone.

      Ha ha ha! I love the idea that all these bloggers are really AI. NO! We're real people. I think. Most of us, anyway.

  12. I love this list and also that I am mentioned and pictured in it! How fun! I had the best time with the two of you and I think that was also the first time I met Phil. I think he only liked me because we went to that little beach shack and I had a beer with him! :)

    I love that someone in your neighborhood found you through your blog! How random! I actually had someone random email me for tips about hiking in Slovenia and we became pen pals and I went and stayed with him and his wife on Vancouver Island last month! So the blogging world does provide, doesn't it!?

    1. You were the co-star of this post, my friend!!

    2. Yes, Kyria, you were a co-star w/ multiple mentions/references! I have a sort of similar story about meeting someone randomly. I sat next to a guy in first class on a flight once and actually talked to him (usually do NOT talk to anyone on planes). It turns out his girlfriend lived in Paris and I was going to Paris in a couple of months over Thanksgiving so I went to his gf's house for a Thanksgiving dinner which was very fun. His girlfriend was from Belarus and her boyfriend was a Russian studies professor at a university in Maine so it was a super interesting gathering.

  13. I love this! I've been lucky enough to meet Lisa a few times when she was in town, and she is just as warm and friendly and wonderful as she seems on her blog. Yay, Lisa!!

    Also, I feel like such an idiot because I thought the "yarns" was related to knitting. Didn't you use to knit a lot? Am I making that up??? Now I know!

    I don't know if I would be where I am without blogging and the friends I've made from it. It has truly shaped my adult life!

    1. Ha! I assumed it was about storytelling because Lisa has never struck me as a crafty person. I just did a search on Lisa's site, though, and she does have a number of posts about knitting!! You're not crazy!!

    2. She does knit, and I actually always thought it was a play on words and meant BOTH!

    3. Yes I used to knit before I had kids! So there was sort of a double meaning, but it was mostly meant to refer to the telling of the stories of my life.

  14. This was such a wonderful post. Lisa is probably one of my longest blog friends (who still blogs!) and I can relate to so many things she mentioned here. Blogging can have such a positive impact on people's lives. I love all the different friendships that are forged through blogging and they're "low maintenance" because you can just check in whenever you have time/feel like it.
    I met Lisa once before and would definitely love to meet up IRL again.

    My mind is also blown that Lisa blogs from her phone. I cannot imagine that (mostly because I like to type things out and work on my posts and that is hard to do on the phone, although I do feel like the latest Wordpress App has made it more intuitive and more doable).

    I have been to the wedding of a blogger (although she doesn't blog anymore) and I have met some local bloggers too.

    1. Oh, I never thought about blog friends being "low maintenance." I probably know more about them than some of my IRL friends because I hear from them more often via their blogs. Certainly I know more about (some of) the minutiae of their lives, right?

    2. I'm in more frequent contact with friends through blogging as well. I think because we share the minutiae, it opens the door to exchanging over minutiae over text/whatsapp/email? This spring when I lost my grandma, I wanted to let my college friends know but I have not been in frequent contact with them so when I texted I was like "sorry I've been MIA, life has been a bit crazy with a lot of travel/kid stuff/etc but I wanted to let you know about the passing of my grandma since we share big life events with each other." Meanwhile all of my bloggie friends knew about my grandma's decline... And then interestingly, I received 2 sympathy cards and both were from bloggers! (Nicole and Elisabeth) I certainly did not expect a sympathy card from anyone but was so touched.

  15. This was so fun, Lisa seems like so much fun! The blogging/wedding blows my mind! I suppose if I'd been in a different time as a blogger (a youngster, not married) I would have forged those friendships as well!
    I can add pics or edit from my phone, but I've never tried to make an entire post that way: She's my hero!

    1. Yeah, I'm envious that she had bloggy friends at her wedding. I had none!!

    2. Yes I am quite the odd duck for blogging on my phone. I think if I had a functional PC at home, I would be less apt to write blog posts on my phone! I could borrow my husband's surface laptop but he's often on it in the evening so it's just easiest to do everything from my phone. I've gotten pretty good/adept at it although I probably have more typos as a result...

  16. I am SO late to the party but this was a great post. I wish I had started blogging years ago. I am envious that you have your blog to look back on.

    I was about to write no blog friends at me wedding, BUT super crazy story. Kari from a grace full life was at my wedding. Her 1st husband was Coach's neighbor. About 5 years ago when I posted about having little kids Irish dance at my wedding (and shared a photo), Kari emailed me to say SHE THOUGHT SHE WADS AT MY WEDDING.

    Talk about a small world. I have met Suz in Florida and hope to one day meet other bloggers. Wisconsin and Minnesota? Maybe we will cross paths one day.

  17. Love this! And love thinking of all the interconnections among all the people reading. We could draw a network, I bet, that shows each person who commented connected, in some way, to someone else. Whether that is an in-person connection, or an online/text one, we all somehow "know" each other and are here for a reason. I love everything about this community right now, and I love that we are all appreciating it - and everything people like you, Lisa and Engie, have done to grow that community. <3
