Monday, June 03, 2024

Listen for the Lie by Amy Tintera

I listened to the audiobook for Listen for the Lie by Amy Tintera, narrated by January LaVoy and Will Damron over the course of three days. It was so good that I kept wanting to listen to it, so I took the dog for extra long walks and vacuumed the floors more than necessary.

Lucy returns to her Texas hometown for her grandmother's birthday party, even though everyone in the town thinks she killed her best friend Savvy five years ago. But there's a podcaster, the smug Ben Owens, who is currently airing a podcast about Savvy's death and Lucy says she'll help him, even if it reveals that she is the actual killer. 

The book alternates between scenes told from Lucy's point of view and scenes from the podcast. In the audiobook, the music choice for the podcast scenes was SPOT-ON. The first time I heard the music, I reached for my phone to fast-forward because I hate podcast music. LOL. 

If I had read this, I might have thought "perfectly fine thriller," but the audiobook really made this book for me. The narrators did such a fabulous job with all the voices for all the characters and I can't stress to you how perfect I though the music was. I feel like this is an example of an audiobook improving on the book.  I kept trying to find a few minutes here and there to listen to this. No notes. 

5/5 stars

Lines of note:

Sometimes you meet a girl who is just like your soulmate. Not in a romantic way, but in a friend way, which can almost be more intense. You could tell that Savvy and Lucy were in one of those intense friend soulmate relationships. (timestamp 1:34:09)

Bestest Friend and I joke a lot that it would be easier if we were lesbians because then we could have just gotten married and that would have made our lives a lot easier. Alas. I love and adore my husband, but if forced to pick him or Bestest Friend at knifepoint, I'm not sure either of them would be happy with the choice I would make.

She's one of those women who can do an effortless messy bun and I dislike that about her. (timestamp 5:51:51)

The way this narrator said this line made me guffaw. Yeah, how can some people look like that when they're barely put together?!

Hat mention (why hats?):

Large men in cowboy hats gawked openly at me. (timestamp 6:35:05)


Do you have a book that you think is sheer perfection in audiobook format?


  1. Hmm! I don't listen to audiobooks. But now I want to read this. I know what you're thinking- "It won't be as good in print!" I'll read it and report back.

    1. Don't be disappointed if it's not as good in print!

  2. I don't listen to audiobooks much but I made a point to listen to The Anthropocene Reviewed because I was told it was a must listen. It was a delight! And then I also listened to Viola Davis's memoir. I have kind of sworn off thrillers/mysteries but this is one I have on hold but I still will probably read the ebook because it's so hard to come by time for listening to a book!

    1. People do keep recommending The Anthropocene Reviewed to me. Maybe because John Green is a podcaster? I guess I should look into it!

  3. Suzanne just mentioned this in a comment and I immediately put it on hold. I'm 50th in line though so it may be a while.

    1. Oh, I like to know I'm in good company and that Suzanne enjoyed it, too. Such great audiobook work.

  4. I'm glad you liked it! I thought they did a really good job with the music too.

    1. It was SO GOOD. I am not always a lady who likes audiobooks, but this was engrossing.

  5. Wow. I think you sold me on this one. I'm always a little shocked with an audio book has music. Wait, do they all have music or perhaps I'm losing it? The one I'm listening to right now, throws in a little music in between some paragraphs and it always startles me. Not even in between chapters!

    1. A lot of audiobooks have music at the beginning and end and sometimes chapter breaks. The audiobook of All Creatures Great and Small I just listened to had really distracting music in between chapters and I was super annoyed with it. LOL. This was perfect because the music was supposed to be annoying!

  6. This sounds so good but my library doesn't have the audio book only the ebook. i wait what Jenny says about the print and then I may dive in.

    1. The audiobook is so good. WHY, LIBRARY, WHY? You should request it!

    2. I don't even know how to do that. Is ther a button or something in the libby app?

    3. On my library website, there's a form to fill out to request that they buy a book. Maybe dig around on your library's site? Or ask a reference librarian how to do it the next time you're at the library?

  7. This sounds so good, but I really only listen to nonfiction. Plus, I'm sure I'd be #4000 on the holds list. Sigh. :) (Also, LOL forever at "we wish we were lesbians".)

    1. The number of times I wish I could just live a life without much interaction from men is...not small. LOL.
