Sunday, November 05, 2023

13.5 A Year of Drawing

I just finished a yearly project. Each day of the month I posted on a pre-determined theme. During the month of November, I'll post a collage of all my photos on the daily theme from the past year. The theme for the fifth day of the month was "Drawing." While I did post an occasional drawing that I did myself, I am such a bad artist that I eventually started taking photos of town landmarks and putting them through an app that creates pencil drawings.


Where I Grew Up - I started by drawing the floorplan to the farmhouse where I grew up.
Not Enough Holiday Stickers - I ran out of stickers. How did I run out of stickers?! This reminds me, do I have enough holiday stickers for this year?
About Town - My first use of the sketch app to help me out with this theme.
Arched Bridge - So pretty!
Sculpture About Town - Also so pretty!
Taskmaster's Back - I am still obsessed with Taskmaster
1901 Water Tower - I'm still obsessed with the water tower, too.
Forward - I left my town! This is in another city altogether. 
Water Tower Revisited - I went to do the water tower tour. Exciting!
Cow - Local museum for the win.
Cow, Part II - I'm amused at how many of these had follow-ups.
The Poet - What a strange sculpture.


Hannah count: 1
Zelda count: 1
Hat count: 1
Public art installations count: 4
Artistic renderings of animals count: 2

I guess the theme of this prompt is my town, but I did that by using local landmarks. It's interesting to think about what this would look like if I lived somewhere else! Also, I'm basically obsessed with the local water tower. 

Yesterday Hannah and I took a long walk so we could go by the local business that sells a lot of breakfast meat to get a photo of their pig statue. It's already decorated with holiday lights, but IGNORE CHRISTMAS things happening in early November.

As always, I'd love to know which one you prefer!


  1. The app works well. I cannot draw.

    1. Obviously, I can't draw, either!

  2. I like the picture of "Dominique" with glasses and a floral blouse best. Among the ones completed with the app, I like the one of Hannah by the bridge best. (Perhaps I just like the personalities in those sketches, IDK.)

    1. Ha ha! That's what I was wearing that day. I'm such a nerd.

  3. What I like the most about the drawing app is that it gives another "take" on the picture so that we get a fuller view.

    I'm reacting purely emotionally rather than artistically - out of all of these things the water tower tour is the thing that I would like to do the most, so that's my favorite picture.

    1. I'm so obsessed with the water tower. We had a big storm at the end of July and it opened up this vent high on the tower and they don't know how to close the vent. I love walking by it every day to see if the vent is closed yet or not. (It was still open yesterday morning when H and I walked by it.)

  4. The poet in pencil drawing looks like a color book page. I think my favorite.

    1. I think a coloring book of things around my town would be a fun thing to make.

  5. I can't draw so I like them all but prefer the dog + snow under the stone arch. It's atmospheric.

    1. That stone arch is so pretty. I feel lucky to walk under it regularly.

  6. It's so fun to see all the drawing versions next to their photograph versions! I can't choose a favorite. Maybe the one with Hannah? I do really like the new one with the pig.

    1. I'm glad you like them next to each other because it took A LONG TIME to do all those and I'm happy to hear it was worth the effort.

  7. I'm partial to the one of Hannah in front of the tunnel. But I like the pig! Christmas lights in November don't bother me... it just makes me excited for what's to come.

    1. Hmmm...I admit that your enthusiasm for Christmas in November makes me side-eye you a little bit, Jenny. I can't deal with it until after Thanksgiving! One holiday at a time!

  8. I love these drawings created by an app. Who knew an app could do that? Well, I didn't. Super cool. I think I like the water tower one the best, but I'm also partial to the one with Hannah in front of the bridge/tunnel.

    1. That one with Hannah is getting a lot of love. Maybe I should have included her in more of these photos!

  9. The pencil drawing this time (in the pig set) but the water tower overall!

    1. I think the shadow in the pig photo/drawing is so cool.

  10. I forgot that you used an app for these, and I was thinking, WOW, she improved so much from the first ones, it's amazing! LOL. I'm team Hannah, so that is my favorite. <3

    1. LOLOLOLOL. Imagine if I could draw even half that well!!

  11. This is like a "before" and "after" exhibit... I love how the drawing app transforms the photos. For the last one though ,I think I prefer the real photo... that "rusty" pig looks so cool.

    1. When I was at the Meijer Sculpture Gardens recently, I went on a docent-led tour and they talked about how some of the sculptures had to be repainted regularly, but the ones like pig just "rust" and grow a different look.

  12. I did not know such an app existed to turn photos into "drawings"! But of course it does. :)

    1. Thank goodness for that app or who knows how I would have handled this prompt.

  13. The flying pig with illuminated wings 😂

  14. I like the contrast between the "drawing" of the round barn sculpture and the actual one. (The first one.) It actually looks like the artist made a sketch and then brought it to life.

    1. Oh, like it's an architectural sketch or something like that?!

  15. I adore the pig statue. It makes me miss my mother-in-law, who loved pigs.

    1. I love pigs, too. I have pig stuff everywhere. It's a hidden secret in my life.
