Wednesday, April 05, 2023

6.5 Drawing - Taskmaster's Back!

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined them chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the fifth day of the month is "Drawing." 


The fifteenth series of Taskmaster debuted last Thursday and I spent a delightful amount of time on Friday watching it and laughing hysterically. If you don't watch it after all the time I've spent talking about how amazing it is, I don't know what I can do to convince you to watch it. Just go to YouTube, start with series 2, episode 1 and check it out. You'll know if it's for you or not. (I wouldn't start with series 1, to be honest. They still had some kinks to work out.)

Dr. BB bought me the Taskmaster board game for Christmas a couple of years ago. We haven't played it much because it requires more than two players and those players should at least be mildly familiar with TM, but we did play it when TJC came to visit us last year. The first thing you need to do is make a portrait for the scoreboard and here are our self-portraits.

I think we all deserve to have entire museum wings dedicated to our craft, don't you?

One of the tasks we had to do was to take a photo of a tiny Taskmaster trophy and make it appear large. Here was my effort.

Please watch Taskmaster and then come back and talk to me about it. I want you to laugh just as hard as I do at "my eyes are circles" and "am I the spider?" because they sound ridiculous out of context and they are actually ridiculous in context, too, but I need some validation about how fun this show is.

What's a fun show, podcast, or book you've been into lately?


  1. I haven't watched it and I'm not sure if I want to get sucked into a show with that many seasons right now but it sounds very fun (I went and watched some clips on YouTube)!!

    I feel like I've not been hooked/really into anything specific lately? I have a whole season of GBBO to watch and haven't touched it yet...

    I feel very, very boring right now. But I got nothing!

    1. I can see not wanting to get sucked into a show with a lot of seasons, but these are standalone, so you can just dip in and out of seasons without missing anything!

      I'm so jealous of your GBBO season! What a treat!

  2. I spy the 8 out of 10 cats crowd! This sounds right up our alley. Give me a minute to get some free time and you and I will circle back on TM.

    1. Ha ha! We call 8oo10c the Taskmaster crowd! I think you'll like it.

  3. I'm going to try it! We are always looking for an evening YouTube channel!

    1. I just think it's exactly my humor. I hope you like it!

  4. I haven't tried this yet, but clearly that is an oversight.

    Right now, I have been watching Ted Lasso, Shrinking, and Jeopardy. All excellent in their own ways.

    1. I think we're going to wait until the whole Ted Lasson season has dropped before we subscribe to Apple TV again. I can't wait!

  5. I have never heard of this, but will try and report back :)

    1. It's perfect. I found it in early pandemic times and I don't know how I lived my life without it for so long.

  6. Okay, I don't feel so bad since no one else seems to have watched it either. I really don't watch much (other than Jeopardy, which we often watch during dinner.) I feel like I should check this out though, otherwise everyone will be talking about it in your comment section and I'll feel left out.
    I'm laughing at your self-portraits- although it's probably better than I could do!

    1. We had a limited time with those self-portraits, too (two minutes, maybe?). I think they're amazing!

  7. Watching Taskmaster clips is one of my favorite pastimes! It is so my sense of humor and I literally LOL (which my family finds hilarious) during them. I never knew there was a board game - I obviously have to do some research!

    1. The board game is really fun, but I think it's best with people who know TM. You also have to be comfortable with people rooting around through your house. We did with a really good friend who I knew wouldn't judge me if she was looking around through our kitchen cupboards!

  8. I hadn't seen you mention it yet! Will have to check it out.

    1. Oh, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

  9. I love taskmaster! But also, I live in the UK so we get it on our TV. I had never heard of it till this year when I visited a friend who showed me an episode and I was hooked. We haven't watched every season but OMG are those people funny!

    1. I sometimes wonder how popular TM is in the UK. It's sort of niche in the States, but those are pretty popular comedians, right? I love it so much that I try to convert everyone to watching it!

  10. I have never heard of this show! I will have to check it out at some point given your strong endorsement. I don't watch much tv but it's at an all-time low lately since work has bled into my personal time. I used to watch a show during my lunch breaks on Mondays and/or Fridays but that has not happened for a month. I look forward to a quieter period when I can catch up on the shows I love (A Million Little Things and Top Chef!).

    1. I don't watch much tv, either, but this is the only show that's appointment television for me right. I love it so much.

  11. So, is it a podcast or show? Currently looking at an episode on Youtube, but also found the podcast. (they're mostly British--am I at the right place?)

    Love your drawings and yes, frame them and hang prominently in your home for all to see. :)

    1. It is a television show and there is a recap podcast hosted by one of the contestants. The placed I'd start is with the tv show itself.

    2. Thanks for the clarification; I'll give it a whirl.

  12. We are in the middle of our first Australian season right now. Our girls love it so we often watch it with them when they come over. Very, very funny.

    1. Yes! I need to watch the Australian version. I've heard it's one of the better international versions.
