Saturday, November 04, 2023

13.4 A Year of Information

I just finished a yearly project. Each day of the month I posted on a pre-determined theme. During the month of November, I'll post a collage of all my photos on the daily theme from the past year. The theme for the fourth day of the month was "Information."


Trail Running - I do love having this trail so near my house.
A Surplus of Holiday Cards - In which I sent holiday cards to other bloggers because Minted sent me two orders. 
Pop Sugar 2023 Reading Challenge Plan - guys are probably due for an update on how this turned out, aren't you?
In the News - I probably shouldn't bother checking the news. 
Picking a Book Club Book - The comments were GOLD on this post. I love hearing how other book clubs choose the books.
Q2 Quarterly Goals - Wow. What a boring format for goals, but I like reading about other people's goals. Is this format boring?
Inquiring Mind(s) Want to Know - I answered questions about this project and now the project is almost over and I'm so relieved.
Peonies Everywhere - The prettiest time of year in our town.
2023 Q2 Quarterly Goals Update - Look at me doing things! And not doing other things!
Questions for Readers - I answer questions about my reading habits that no one actually asked.
Questions for Readers, Part II - Ha! Even more answers to questions no one was interested in.
2023 Q3 Quarterly Goals Update - Still have not touched the totes under the beds. 

Hannah count: 2
Zelda count: 1
Dog park count: 1
Shadow count: 1 
Hat count: 1
Park by our house count: 2
Public art installations count: 2
Me being me count: 1
Sign count: 1
Library count: 2 (one fictional)
Books: 11

This prompt seemed to be mostly me answering questions people asked or talking about quarterly goals. I did love seeing how I got  repeat order of my holiday cards last year. What a weird thing to happen.

No one asked, but this is stuff I brought from home to my new office. My office is big, yo. Bigger than my husband's. And he's tenured. And a chair. Not to brag or anything. (Also, I make a lot less than him, so the size of the office basically means zilch.)

Earlier this week, San did an introduction of herself for all the new NaBloPoMo readers. I thought it was a good idea, but it seemed like a lot of work until I realized I could just throw it in here.

I'm NGS (some people call me Engie) and I have been blogging at this site for nearly twenty years. I live in Wisconsin with my husband (who I call Dr. BB), my gorgeous dog Hannah, and the Queen of the Household, Zelda the Cat. I work in higher education, but have just started a new job THIS WEEK after almost a year of being unemployed. I volunteer at a community center, don't like to work out, but still try to do it most days, and am always cold. Right now I'm wearing a sweater, a scarf, and I have a blanket around me. Winter is coming and I'm already too cold for this nonsense. 

I read a lot, watch almost no television or movies, and use YouTube for exercise videos and to watch videos about shipwrecks and building collapses because I obviously want my anxiety to go into overdrive. I like fantasy novels and am trying to read every book on the Top Books by Women list from r/fantasy. I read all sorts of books, though, so don't be surprised if you see a book review about a random romance novel or thriller on here, too. Genre for life. Sometimes my readers tell me about picture books and even though I don't have a child, I will take them out from the library and have a GREAT time reading them. 

That seems like enough about me. If you're new here, please tell me a little bit about yourself. If you're a returning reader, tell me either something new about yourself OR predict when I will ever get around to cleaning out those totes. 


  1. I also enjoy reading about people goals and bucket lists. It is motivating to me. But I also wonder when I write about it on my blog if it gets boring if I do it every month.

    I need browse those top booky by woman list. Not that I need anymore reading material but especially the fantasy genre ist still so male dominated, isnt it?

    One thing you may not know about myself mhm... I was born in eastern germany maybe? I grew up in a very political household and am now a bit allergic to it but now the importance of democracy so I will always vote and if need be get an opinion. I have two younger sisters. And I also dont have and won't have kids.

    1. Oh, there are so many great books in that reddit list. Some clunkers, too, but that's okay. It is such a male-dominated genre and I sort of resent that, so I found this list to be amazing.

  2. I think your totes goal and my gallery wall goal will happen at the same time.

    How did I miss that months-ago discussion of how to choose book club books? Such a good convo! Also YAY for a new office!!!! I hope your new job is off to a good start.

    1. The conversation around book club picks was so fascinating. Some book clubs do so much work! And some have discussion leaders. I guess it all comes down to whether it's a "serious" book club or more of a social one.

  3. Nice to re-meet you Engie! I don't remember exactly how we "met" for the first time, but I feel like I saw a comment from you on another blog, clicked your link, and was like "whoa! A REAL PERSON BLOGGER!!!!!!" and added you to my Feedly one split second later. You have my permission to NEVER clean out the totes.

    I see another add to our list of the difference between corporate and academic jobs - when I started working everyone was packed into cubicles, which later gave way to open offices (so still cubicles but with very short walls). I only had a private office for very brief stints in my in-office life and they were all tiny.

    1. I had a shared office as a grad student, but in every job I've had in a college, university, or non-profit, I've had my own office. *shrug* Even when I was just an adjunct, I had my own office! I guess it's one of those invisible perks since I was getting paid so little for each of them. In my non-profit job, I literally was paid about $12,000/year. LOL.

  4. Lolololol "I obviously want my anxiety to go into overdrive." ENGIE! Turn the video off right now! Lol! I like this intro. I was wondering how your new job went this week! Hopefully all is going well! I don't know if there is anything you don't know about me. I'm an oversharer! Here's a fun fact: my whole life I wore a size 8 shoe, and after I had kids my feet are now a size 9. My running shoes are Asics and they are a 10! So that is something that I am sure you didn't know, my shoe size.

    1. I cannot stop myself from watching videos about maritime disasters, even though I know darn well that I will stress about it! You watch one video about duck boats sinking in the Wisconsin Dells and the algorithm KNOWS you want to watch all the ships sink. It's not my fault - blame YouTube!

  5. Hope you love the new job!!! What are you doing? Is it student-facing? Can you say more?

    1. It IS student-facing and I'll probably talk about it more when I get my legs under me and understand more about what my role is.

  6. Love the re-intro! I think I knew most of it already (pats self on back, applies Loyal Reader sticker to shirt) but still always fun to get a little glimpse like that. Maybe I'll have to do that, though I'm not sure I have many "new" readers really.

    1. Yeah, I don't know how many "new" readers I have, either, but I want to make sure people feel welcomed or some of my references may be incredibly confusing. I mean, the whole wrapping up of the 365 Day Project is probably confusing for new readers in the first place! Congrats on knowing all the facts! You ARE a Loyal Reader indeed!

  7. Sing it. Winter is the worst and I am mostly spending any spare time I have lately figuring our ways to stay warm.

    Yay for new offices. You're gonna knock their socks off <3

  8. Nice intro! I've been enjoying these intros, even from bloggers I've been reading for a while- there are always things I don't know. I'm thinking I should do a (belated) intro in one of my posts soon. If there are any new readers for NaBloPoMo they're probably like "What the hell is going on here? Is this supposed to be some kind of running thing? Who is this person anyway?"
    Anyway, I've also been wondering about your new job. I hope it's going well!

    1. LOL forever at "isn't this supposed to be some kind of running thing?"! I'm sure people understand that you write about other things besides running!

  9. I'm always cold, too, and it's annoying to everyone (mostly me). Is it lovely to have your own office? I have one at home, but it's really not the same. I never had my own at work, being in public high school education, but I loved having my own classroom.

    Please consider a small heater or a heating pad. I cannot live without my heating pad. My son got me one for Christmas last year. It's called Mighty Bliss, and it could not be more aptly named.

    One thing about me that you (or others) may not know is that I detest all Western movies and shows. Can't stand anything that has cowboys, cowboy hats, or anything like that. Not sure why, but I've been that way since childhood.

    1. We are considering buying a bigger space heater for our downstairs office so I can take the one that's in there to the office. But now that you've brought up the idea of a heating pad...maybe that's an even better option.

  10. People who are not faculty always get the big offices. For real. I can't wait to hear more about the new job - I hope it lives up to the space. ;)

    1. Yes! My office is technically part of the Dean's Office. There are three fridges and two microwaves on this floor. Imagine the luxury!

  11. Loved your re-introduction and I think I told you before that I am so excited to find a genuine blogger who has been doing this thing as long as I have. :) Way to be consistent!! And I feel lucky to have known most of your introductory facts already... I've been reading for a while now.

    I am also very excited for you about your office. I mean, maybe that's part of your benefits. Less pay, but a big office LOL

    1. It definitely is part of my benefits. My pay is shockingly low, but it's better than $0, right?!

  12. Congrats on the new job and the big office. I'm also always cold. I hate winter, but I live in the Chicago 'burbs. On my blog tomorrow, I'm sharing an intro of me. I laughed at a lot of your intro, especially about you watching building collapse videos, etc. because you want your anxiety to go into overdrive. Bah ha ha.

    1. The YouTube algorithm has me figured out and just shows me videos of maritime disasters and I can't help but click on them. Why do I do this to myself?!

  13. I just took a pile of totes that were hanging off the end of a bench by the front door because they looked messy. I then hung them on the dining room table chairs, because why deal with a problem when you can defer dealing with the problem?
    I always forget about Youtube as a useful resource for learning how to do things.
    I don't like tomatoes but I love tomato sauce, and I can say pillow and egg in five languages.

    1. Egg and pillow are very specific words to know! My best friend tries to get every person who speaks a language other than English dirty words, so she knows some specific ones, too. Only they are definitely NOT pillow and egg!

  14. I have always dreamed of having an office. My first job, I worked in this open office setup where my boss could directly see my computer and what I was doing. That was NOT great for my psyche. And then I worked in a cubicle farm until we had to start working from home! Working in a cubicle was not great for my mental health!

    1. Outside of grad school, I have always had my own office in my professional career. It's because I've always had confidential files and/or had to make phone calls to students/clients. But it's also because nonprofits and academia never really went for the cubicle life. But having an office isn't as awesome as working from home, to be honest!
