Friday, November 04, 2022

1.4 Information - Trail Running

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a post on a pre-determined theme we chose from a random noun generator. The theme for the fourth day of the month is "Information." 


We have had a streak of unseasonably warm weather here in Nowhere, Wisconsin. I have been taking advantage of this by taking the dog out for super long walks, doing so much yardwork I can't stand it anymore, and yesterday I even went for a run in our local park.

It's a strange place. It's open to the public, but privately run. It's less than half a mile from my house and I regularly take the dog there because if we go in the middle of the afternoon, chances are that we'll have the place to ourselves and I can let her off leash. There's a trail and a little metal bridge that leads to an island. I have only convinced Hannah to go across that bridge once (it IS kind of scary, in her defense), but then I just let her run around like a maniac and she had a great time and I loved letting her live her best dog life.

Regardless, it's also a nice little quiet oasis and I decided to go for a run because it was sunny and warm and there was no one else in the park. 

The park has a few signs posted along the trails with information about trees, plants, river life, and this one that makes me giggle for no real reason other than I think it's funny that it has the authority to tell me what to do because I rarely (if ever) pass it without taking a minute of stillness to enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells of the park.

Today I heard the rustle of the wind, the sound of a critter in the trees (a squirrel, I think), and the crunching of the fall leaves all around. I saw a blue sky, bare trees in their winter garb, and jack-o-lanterns on the side of the trail left over from the Haunted Hike there last weekend. I smelled fire smoke from someone burning leaves somewhere in the neighborhood and the pungent odor of the nearby citywide compost pile. 

To see what Bestest Friend has to say about Information, check out her blog Too Legit To Quit.


  1. I love it- I want to run on that trail! Although I would giggle a little at that sign too. You're lucky this is so close to your house.

    1. We are really lucky that there are so many easy running spots by our house - this trail, a bike trail also about half a mile away, or a path along the river just a couple of blocks away. Sometimes living in the Midwest is worth it!

  2. We could all use more reminders to take a minute to enjoy the outdoors. I can't believe how nice the weather has been this week and I'm soaking in every minute of it.

    1. This week has been glorious! I'm trying to be outside as much as possible!

  3. That's fantastic that you have this park with trails nearby. I wish I had more "options" when it comes to running, but since I live in the city, most of my runs are in my neighborhood or along the river (but since we've had a huge uptick in homeless people here and lots of them camp along the river, I've been gotten kinda picky about the times and stretches I can run along the river).

    1. Yes, we really are lucky with our location. I try not to take it for granted!

  4. I loved that descriptive final paragraph. I read it 3 times. :)

    1. Hey, I was only doing what the sign told me to do!

  5. Beautiful! I love a gorgeous off-leash!

    1. Right? And because we're on the island, I don't have to worry about her running out of my sigt and into trouble. It's so glorious!

  6. The park looks so peaceful and the haunted hike sounds fun. Did you go?

    1. I was out of town for the Haunted Hike, so I did not go. We've tried to go in the past and it's very popular and the wait was more than we were up for, but we love having such a lovely community resource close to hom.

  7. At our botanical gardens there are these "Garden Meditation" signs, and my favorite one encourages people to breathe, and says something to the effect of "The air filling your lungs is made by the trees around you." Something about that always makes me feel so calm.
    I'm a big believer in savoring, and it sounds like you did some very mindful savoring at your park!

    1. I love that green spaces are getting in on these signs! When I was visiting the Calvin College Ecosystem Preserve in Grand Rapids, Michigan over the summer, they had similar signs. Maybe this has always been a thing, but I feel like I'm just noticing more recently.

  8. I'm jealous, that looks like a beautiful place to walk or run.

    1. It is gorgeous and I try not to take it for granted.

  9. D, this noun challenge is awesome. I am loving the prompts and your responses. Really gorgeously written.

    1. I think it's a fun idea, although we'll see how I feel six months from now. Bestest Friend fell off the wagon after day two, so I might be on my own for it - feel free to join in if you want!

  10. What a lovely resource so close to home. The sign would also make me giggle.

    1. It is funny that I have to do what it says!

  11. That is great the trail is so close to you. I am jealous!

    1. Oh, I know we're lucky to have it! I try to take advantage of it as often as I can.

  12. That is so nice that it's so close to where you live! I do not have easy access to trails but I have great running/biking paths in my neighborhood. I went on a short 2.5 mile run this morning and we saw 2 hawks! We mentioned it to a guy walking his dog and he said there are tons of hawks in the neighborhood because there are a ton of rabbits? So they are hunting? eeks.

  13. What a beautiful trail! I agree with Suzanne - I really love this noun challenge. It would be a fun one to play on IG.

  14. This park looks really fun to walk. I love listening to nature and trying to figure out what is going on and who is hiding around the bushes. The other day I took the bike to the nearby forest and at one point stopped to sit and just listen. Suddenly a fox came around the bed, really close inspecting me and then continued his rounds. It was fun to be part of nature.

  15. This: "I loved letting her live her best dog life"
    That is why you are a fabulous dog parent.
    The park looks pretty awesome, too, and I honestly wonder how many people have missed the signs telling them to pay attention because they're... paying attention to their phones. ;)
