Sunday, December 04, 2022

2.4 Information - A Surplus of Holiday Cards

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme. The theme for the fourth day of the month is "Information." 


I have ordered our holiday cards through Minted for several years in a row now. They are lovely cards with good quality cardstock and I can always find a 20% off coupon towards the end of November. I have nothing but good things to say about the end product I get from this company.

But, boy, their quality control is terrible. One year I did not get envelopes. When I requested envelopes, they sent me twice as many as I had ordered in the first place. One year I ordered an ornament-shaped card and they were supposed to come with ribbons to hang the card on your tree and, as you can probably guess, the ribbons didn't arrive. One year I paid to have the envelopes addressed (boy, where was frugal NGS that year?) and some envelopes were printed twice, so I had to go through and alphabetize all the envelopes to make sure that guy from grad school we only talk to at conferences didn't get multiple cards from us because that would be weird and then throw away the duplicate envelopes.

This year? This year I was sent the same order twice, so I literally have twice as many cards as I purchased and, as you might expect, I order exactly as many as I need. So what am I to do with all these personalized cards? I can't save them until next year because they have the year 2022 on them. I can't just toss them because they're beautiful. But, sadly, I don't have homes for all these cards.

Enter you, my faithful readers. All six of you.

Inspired by San's holiday card roll call, I decided I would send YOU cards. If you want to get a holiday card from me, fill out this form. (No one asked, but this is the first time I've ever used google forms and I'm a tiny bit nervous that I've messed it up. It seems like it should work, so let's give it a try.) I'll take addresses until December 15 and then send them out. I'll send them internationally, too, although I don't guarantee they'll get there by Christmas itself. If only a few of you request cards and give me your address information, then this extra Minted shipment won't be entirely wasted. I have up to 60 cards to send, so the first 60 people (LOL) to sign up get cards.  

Thank you for your time. Here's a photo of Hannah and Zelda for no real reason other than they're cute.

Look at them! Sleepy twins! Zelda in Hannah's bed and Hannah just lets it happen.


To see what Bestest Friend wrote about information, go check her blog out at Too Legit To Quit.


  1. I have a memory of bloggers once sharing Christmas cards, but it was a long time ago and only done once.

    1. San over at theinbetweenismine does it every year and I think it's lovely. I'm not sure I'll repeat it next year, but I'm grateful people are signing up.

  2. I love your cute pets. What an adorable photo of them. I would love to exchange cards! We have ordered from Shutterfly/Tiny Prints several times and in the past they had similar issues with quality control. So frustrating! Although they did end up fixing the issues both times (once, we paid to have addresses put on the envelopes and they just... did not do that). This year, all went perfectly though, so maybe they have their act together.

    1. Interesting that it's not just Minted that has this problem. I know they're probably slammed this time of year, but I don't think we've ever had a smooth sailing year. I think getting double the number of cards is not the *worst* problem ever, though, so it's hard to complain too much.

  3. Well, I hate to waste what I'm sure are very cute cards, so I filled out the form. Though this requires de-mystifying myself, since I blog under this name but mail of course requires my real name. I am trusting you with this secret! (It's not really a complete secret...but it is not known by the whole world, anyway.) I look forward to seeing your card.

    1. I will not violate your secret identity, I promise!

  4. Lucky us 😉 This year everything worked out with our holiday cards but I am a little anxious every year what might go wrong. The only thing that went sideways is the delayed shipment of my stamps - you can count on USPS

    1. Ha! In 2020, I ordered stamps from USPS and it took two months to get them. I ended up just going to the post office because I needed them before that! Ha! You'd think mailing their own mail would be a priority!

  5. Ooh, I'm excited! I love Christmas cards and will put yours prominently in my display. Thank you, Minted, for the massive screwup!

  6. Sign me up! (Well, actually, I signed myself up, but you know what I mean)...
    If you e-mail me your address I'd love to send you one in return!

    1. I will send an email this morning!

  7. This is too funny. I am impressed with how many chances you give Minted. Currently, I am wishing that I would just use my Halloween Forever stamps instead of giving myself an errand to go buy holiday themed stamps at the Post Office. But I also have two additional postage cards- one for my parents due to weight and one that I am sending to Switzerland.

    1. This is such a good point! Why do I keep going with Minted? I never even considered switching! Next year I'll try something different!

  8. Well I am excited to get another card in the mail. This is the best mail month of the year by leaps and bounds. We have extras so I will send one your way if you include your return address! I can't believe Minted does such an awful job as I think of them as a premium card provider!

    1. I know! As I told Tierney above, I'm not sure why I keep using them. I'll definitely consider other options next year.

  9. Good lord, YES, they are so cute!

    Lolo used Minted for her wedding stationary and everything was good...well, as far as I know.
    I've always used Shutterfly or Tiny Prints (they are one and the same now) and never had those issues. That's a bit frustrating. I'll help you take ONE card off your hands!

  10. Aww, I love it. I hope I didn't sign up too late - I saw that you filled out my form and I was thrilled to send you a card this year :) I've been ordering cards from PhotoAffections for the last few year and they have really good Groupon Deals! Just FYI ;)

  11. Oh, man! I would have loved a card. Oh, well. Missed my chance. That's what I get for being a MONTH behind. NaBloPoMo was awesome but that + the end of the semester = I will never, ever catch up...
