Wednesday, July 26, 2023

9.26 Moment - Snapshot of the Day, Edition #11 7/25/2023

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-sixth day of the month is "Moment." 


I got the idea for this type of "snapshot" post from Stephany Writes who got it from To Love and To Learn. I'm a straight-up copycat of the format.


Edition #1 11/17/2021
Edition #2 12/22/2021
Edition #3 1/26/2022
Edition #4 3/9/2022
Edition #5 4/25/2022
Edition #6 6/23/2022
Edition #7 8/30/2022
Edition #8 2/25/2023
Edition #9 3/25/2023
Edition #10 4/25/2023

Time I woke up: 6:00am when the alarm went off.

First thing I did upon waking up: Took Hannah for a walk and went over to the community center to open it up for an event.

Today's weather: Hot. High 80s, sunny.
Can you see the rabbit outside the community center?

An out-of-the-ordinary thing that happened today: I went to get a haircut today, which isn't a normal, everyday thing.

Last thing I read (on the internet): I was looking at the board of directors for a local farmer's market for some of my volunteer work.

Last thing I read (not on the internet): I was reading a romance novel, A Duke in Disguise.

Last text I received: Want me to feed H? - From my husband.
Last text I sent: Yes. Poor starving dog. - To my husband.

Last website I visited: My email to send some emails.
Hannah on our afternoon walk. She's very interested in the river which is weird because she hates water so much, but she loves to walk along it.

Last show I watched: Season 12, episode 8 of Bones, "The Grief and the Girl." This is the last season of Bones and then I don't know what we're going to watch!

Last podcast I listened to: I'm listening to a podcast about a minor league hockey team that was run by the mob called The Fighty Pucks. I'm on Game 8, "Grandpa on Long Island." 

Last thing I ate: We had black bean pumpkin soup for dinner. I had some M&Ms for dessert.

At book club on Sunday night, the host had some of the new cold brew caramel M&Ms. I threw a handful into my tupperware to take home. They're okay. Peanut M&Ms are better, though.

Last thing I said: Don't patronize me. (My husband congratulated me on winking at him and making it look almost natural.)

What I was doing an hour ago: Making dinner.

What I will be doing an hour from now: Presumably I will be watching television with my husband.

Current whereabouts of the other members of the household: My husband is still eating dinner at the table, the cat is curled up in "Hannah's kennel" (quote marks because Zelda spends more time in there than the dog), and the dog is in her bed in the living room.

One thing I crossed off my to-do list today: There were four emails that have been on my to-do list since Sunday. I finally sent them. 

She's obsessed with Hannah's kennel. Poor Hannah is too scared to kick her out.

What's the last television show you watched? I need to put something on the list for when we finish our current show. 


  1. I love the early seasons of Bones - they are like comfort food for me! We are watching season 2 of The Afterparty when episodes drop and then trying out a new show every night until we find one we want to go all-in on...

    1. Early Bones is the best Bones, but I'm quite glad we've stuck it to the end. The last few seasons have their charm.

      I don't even know what The Afterparty is! Off to Google!

  2. Clever format for a blog post. I like it and your answers. I like your haircut being an out-of-the-ordinary event. True dat. We're watching all of the Murdoch Mysteries, almost finished with them, so that's my last TV show watched.

    1. Second comment in a row where I haven't heard of the tv show! I obviously need to expand my popular culture consumption.

  3. Bones! Have you read the books? They're completely different from the show, which isn't a criticism of either side - the show was amazing and the books were amazing. It's just mind boggling how they got from the books to the show.

    I can never resist trying new flavors of M&Ms or oreos but my money is on peanut butter M&Ms and golden oreos for the winners. I'm having a moment with iced coffee on vacation, so caramel cold brew does sound appealing.

    1. I read the first Reichs book the first time we were watching Bones and I thought it was a little dry and never went back for more. Maybe I should dive back in.

      I'm in the minority here. I don't like the peanut butter M&Ms. There's not enough PB for me! I also do not care for an Oreo in any shape or form, although my husband is quite pleased with the GF ones.

  4. My husband and I watched Baby J on Netflix and I really liked it. I am not sure I'd recommend it to you though, because it's all about his drug problem and trip to rehab.

    1. Yeah, I think I'm going to steer clear of Baby J. I'm too judgmental for it!

  5. Haircut! Pictures? TV: The Bear on Hulu. Season 2 was transcendent.

    1. I took a picture at the salon, but it was quite blurry. Then I came home and immediately worked out, so no photos of the haircut! Sorry!

  6. My husband and I just started watching Barry, which I like immensely. When my husband is not up for TV, I have been watching old episodes of Psych.

    1. Old episodes of Psych! That's a classic.

  7. Black bean pumpkin soup??? Yum! That reminds me that pumpkin season is coming up! I'm DEFINITELY no help with TV shoes. I'm making my way through all the episodes of "Beat Bobby Flay" and I assume you're not into cooking shows (and you probably don't have a crush on Bobby Flay like I do!)

    1. I actually loved it when we had the Food Network. I watched a lot of Top Chef and Chopped! I haven't even heard of Beat Bobby Flay, though! Maybe I'll see if I can find some!

  8. I heard someone else rave about those cold brew M&M's. They don't sound good to me. I will stick with the regular ones.

    1. You eat regular M&Ms? Like...plain M&Ms? That is SHOCKING to me!

  9. The other night I watched And Just Like That while cleaning the toy room. I find this new series kind of more labored and less fun than the original Sex in the City. But it's pretty and shiny and doesn't take much brain energy, which was perfect for a midnight cleaning session.
    My Husband and I have been liking Pokerface recently. Or maybe I'm liking it and he watches it because I don't come down to the basement that often to watch tv with him so he just lets me pick?

    1. Ooohhh...brain candy is important, isn't it?

  10. Peanut M&Ms for the win. They really are the most perfect food.

    Rick and I really loved "Somebody Somewhere" on Max (formerly HBO Max)--so poignant and quirky and funny. I'm deep into "Call the Midwife" (11 seasons), which was on PBS before. I'd never seen it. The acting is good, and I like the characters. It's currently on Netflix. And yes, "The Bear" on Hulu--incredibly good.

    1. I really like peanut M&Ms best, to be honest. Why mess with perfection, M&M people?

      ooohhh..."Call the Midwife" is a good callback to something I never watched. I'll look into it!

  11. I love the format of this post so much! We are loving the new season of The Righteous Gemstones.

    1. Add The Righteous Gemstones to the list of shows I've never even heard of before! I'll check it out.

  12. Peanut M&Ms > every other M&M!

    Last show I watched was Abbott Elementary.

    1. Yes! You and I are on the same M&M page!

  13. These snapshot posts are always fun. I saw a coyote on my run today.

    1. A coyote! That's crazy.

      Hannah and I saw a fox on our morning walk the other day and it was very exciting.

  14. I love these posts so much... but my days are usually so boring that I don't really need or want to share! Everyone would be fast asleep. ;)
