Monday, November 20, 2023

13.20 A Year of Message

I just finished a yearly project. Each day of the month I posted on a pre-determined theme. During the month of November, I'll post a collage of all my photos on the daily theme from the past year. The theme for the twentieth day of the month was "Message." I wrote about the last photo message I sent or received for this prompt.


To My Sister-In-Law - Surrounded by love on a job interview for a job I ended up not getting.
To My Mom - Sending my mom a photo of me and my husband so she doesn't think we never leave the house.
Stickman! - Hannah chews on a toy a friend gave her.
To Anne - When Anne and I painted postcards together. 
Like a Penguin - How to walk on the ice. 
Good luck! - A friend was having surgery, so Hannah faced her fear of the letter board to wish him luck.
A Puppy! - Humphrey! We met Humphrey!
Dog Park - I get so excited about everything and my husband is generally less than amused by me. 
From E - Do you think it's weird to name toilets?
MPLS - We went on a day trip to Minneapolis.
Another Photo of Humphrey - Who can resist a puppy?
From the Past - A friend sent me a photo of us from twenty years ago!
Hannah count: 3
Me being me count: 4
Dog park count: 2
Humphrey count: 2
Hat count: 3
Sign count: 1
Artistic renderings of animals count: 4
Snow count: 1


I usually have adorable photos of dogs and cats in my messages, but unfortunately for all of you, the most recent photo I've gotten in my messages is this photo of escalators taken by Bestest Friend. She does not like escalators at all and she was at a conference someplace that had them. That's not a very interesting story, is it? 

Here's a picture of my sister's cats.


What's the last photo message you sent or received?


  1. Ben sent me a pic of a polar bear eyeing Minnie like she's a snack

    1. Ha ha! That polar bear knows what's up.

  2. I remember a lot of those photos! My last photo message was a drawing my brother did of his dog, which was quite good!

    1. Oh, wow! I am always so envious of people who can draw. What a lovely thing to share with you.

  3. My SIL sent a photo of their new granite countertops now installed in their kitchen.

    1. That's a real Adult photo, isn't it?

  4. Last photo message was Rex, he's sporting a cone this week due to a spear grass issue in his paw.

    1. Poor Rex. I hope he's adapting well to the cone. And that is paw is feeling better ASAP.

  5. I sent a quote to a friend. I had written it out in the back of a journal and recited it out loud at one point and she asked me to to send it to her!

    1. What a lovely thing to share! I don't usually share quotes with people in day to day conversations. Maybe I need to be better about that.

  6. I just sent a picture of Kae's meme from her blog today to my husband (the one about "giving up drinking till Christmas.") That was a switch, because most of my photo messages are pictures of food or cats.

    1. Most of mine are cats and dogs, too, so it was startling to realize that this time it was just escalators. You and I are going against the grain!

  7. I get the escalator thing. And those are STEEP!
    My last photo message was a picture of my husband sleeping in his recliner. He told me he was "just watching a video on how to do something" and then promptly started snoring. I sent it to the family group chat.

    1. Ha ha. Whenever I say I'm going to read on the couch, it's code for "taking a nap with the cat."

  8. Mini's roomie's mom sent me a photo of Mini and her roomies at the ND tailgate on Saturday. I'd contemplated going to tailgate, just a drive in for the day sort of thing, but Curly had a game in the afternoon so we stayed to watch it.

    1. Awww, isn't it nice when other parents send you photos of your kids?!

  9. The last picture I sent was of the artwork we've hung in our house, and I sent it to my mom. Your sister's cats are cute. And also that is a HUGE escalator if you aren't an escalator fan! Hope your friend was able to find an elevator.

    1. Yay for putting up artwork on the walls. You're making that new house your own!

  10. I hate the escalator. Ella refused to use the escalator until she was almost 12 years old. She'll be annoyed that I mentioned it here. 🤣

    1. I won't tell Ella if you don't. ;)

  11. I sent a picture of the boys at the library. I have a group text with Phil, his mom, and my parents. Since I am not on social media, I try to post photos on there pretty frequently so they can see what the boys are up to!

    I was terrified of escalators for quite awhile. I brought Paul to my office last week on our way to Wild Kratts live and we had to ride an escalator. He did ok going up, he was terrified going down so I had to pick him up and carrying him onto it. They are pretty weird/overwhelming for some. I was on a very very very long escalator at Grand Central last week when I took the long island rail road out to long island. It must have been a 3-story escalator. I kept thinking about what would happen if someone fell forward!!

    1. Now I'M going to think about what happens if someone falls forward on an escalator!!

  12. A knitting friend sent our group text a photo of the grandbaby in a knit outfit, pretty cute!

    1. Oh, I love the idea of the baby in the outfit!

  13. I send so many photo messages, haha! I just sent one to my guy of the dog sitting in his chair in the living room looking so proud. Bella is such a seat stealer lately!

    1. LOL. She just wants to be in the warm seats.

  14. My daughter sent me some pictures of a fancy dinner we had on Saturday, because I forgot my phone.

    1. Forgetting your phone! A crisis of the modern age! LOL.

  15. A sent me a picture of his Wordle score--we're neck and neck in our private competition....

    1. It's so fun that you have that competition together. So sweet.

  16. The last photo message I sent was a beach sunset to my friend. I think she appreciated it :)

    1. I'm so jealous of your beach time! Enjoy it!

  17. Escalators used to freak me out. My grandma fell using one and hurt herself badly, so I'm always so cautious on them now!

    The last photo message I received was a screenshot a friend sent me about her Slack conversation with a colleague, which was all about romance novels and book boyfriends, haha. She's our people!

    1. Oh, I'd love it if my colleagues would talk to me about books! I'm quite jealous!
