Friday, January 20, 2023

3.20 Message - Stickman!

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twentieth day of the month is "Message." I have decided that I'm going to write about the last photo message I sent via text.


When I left book club on Sunday night, I came with away a replacement roll for a lint roller and a dog toy. This is how book club goes. You end up sending food home with people, obtaining random bits of things other people are decluttering, and trading books and library tips. The dog toy came from my friend L whose dog Leo (you can see him here) didn't like it. 

The toy is shaped like a stick and has a face on it, similar to a character from the book Stick Man by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. 

Anyway, Hannah loves sticks and I took the dog toy in a random hope that she would learn how to be a dog and play with a toy.  Hannah is roughly four times as big as Leo, so this toy is not exactly made for her, so she basically only gets to play with it for the three minutes it takes me to put on all my winter gear to go outside after I put on her harness and I can supervise her carefully with it. She really loves it.  

The last photo message I sent was an image of Hannah chewing on the toy, thanking her for passing it along. 

Have you read Stick Man? What's your dog's favorite toy?


To see what message Bestest Friend has to talk about, visit her at Too Legit to Quit.


  1. I have read Stick Man various times; we're HUGE Julia Donaldson fans.
    Alas, we don't have a dog. But my kids love LEGO - probably the #1 toy in our household. That and our $3 soft IKEA ball. We own FOUR of them and they get used daily for painless hallway soccer.

    1. All of the parents at book club started gushing about Julia Donaldson, so I think she's a real favorite!

      LEGO is probably the most favorite toy of the adults in our house! :)

  2. Oh, that's so cute! I haven't read Stickman, but the thought of the stick was a face on it is funny. And I love that Hannah loves it so much! Let's see... since I don't have a dog, I'll just say that our cats' favorite toys are anything with catnip. They LOVE catnip.

    1. Our cat doesn't care catnip. It's really weird but she'll play with toys with or without catnip. She loves mice toys with realistic rib cages. LOL. She's a bleach fiend, though, so we have to be careful when we use it because she'll stick her face right in it!

  3. I've never read that book, but it looks charming. It reminds me of a children's book I read when I was a kid. It was a Newbery award winner about a little woman made of a stick with a hickory nut for a head. At the end, a squirrel steals her head, but she climbs a tree, pushes her body into it, and grows into a scion and flowers. I can't recall the title. I loved it.

    My granddog, Zydrunas the pittie mix, doesn't play with toys, either. He just chews and destroys everything. That is his nature. I still buy him toys--nothing expensive--and laugh and enjoy watching him just lie down and rip them apart.

    1. Hannah is so subtle about how she's destroys stuffed toys - she nibbles at one corner at a time. It's actually kind of dangerous because then she chews and swallows the material which can get all messed up in her stomach or intestines! So she can't have stuffies!! I WISH she'd just destroy them with utter abandon - at least then we'd know she wasn't eating it.

  4. I have not read Stick Man, but I adore Julia Donaldson so it feels like a terrible oversight. Love that Hannah is enjoying her new toy!

    1. I am going to have to look into Julia Donaldson. She seems pretty popular!

  5. I haven't read or heard of Stickman, but yay for Stickman toys for dogs. My dog is indifferent to sticks but she makes up for it by how much she plays with her toy squirrel and toy rabbit. There's a golden retriever in our neighborhood who always has a stick when he goes for walks, and the bigger the better. I've seen him carrying small branches sometimes, and he's so happy about it.

    1. Retrievers are so happy with so little! I bet that's a cute sight to see!

  6. I'll have to put Stickman on my holds list from the library now.
    I'm a little confused... does one play with a toy stick differently than with a real stick? My kids love sticks. When we go hiking they cannot go two feet without picking up a stick. Or if there are no sticks to be found, whining about the lack of sticks.

    1. Playing with a toy stick and a real stick are exactly the same in Hannah's world, but I don't let her bring real sticks inside the house! Stupid human rules!

  7. We checked this out from the library this fall/winter but Phil read it to Paul and I forgot to read it before we returned it. We are HUGE Julia Donaldson fans, too!

    1. I'd never heard of Donaldson OR this book, but now I'm intrigued.

  8. Your book club sounds very lovely! I'm sure Rex would love that toy. I have never read Stick Man, nor even heard of it!

    1. I find book club to be the highlight of my month, generally. The ladies are so smart and generous and fun. It's a real blast and I'm super glad I'm part of it.

  9. Our Bella has a favorite little blue dog which she sleeps with and a pink pig that she'll drag over and toss at you when she wants to play. She is good for 3 minutes of playing and then collapses into a nap, similar to how she zooms around the backyard 4 times and then sleeps for an hour. Hannah is so adorable - those paws!!

    1. Oh, yes! If Hannah gets zoomies, it's all over for the next four hours as she snoozes away.

  10. I don't remember reading Stickman, but I love that Hannah benefited from your book club meetup. How sweet that you guys do a meetup and pass off.
    Peanut much prefers sticks over toys, so maybe I need a Stickman Toy?

    1. She might like a stick toy! If I know Peanut, she's going to get herself a stick toy no matter what!

  11. I'd never heard of Stick Man, either, so you're not alone! I mean, I guess it makes sense since we don't have children, but still!
