Monday, March 20, 2023

5.20 Message - Like a Penguin

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twentieth day of the month is "Message." I have decided that I'm going to write about the last photo message I sent via text.


So, you know how when it's icy outside, you're supposed to take short, shuffle-y steps, keep your center of gravity over your feet, keep your knees loose, and keep your hands out of your pockets to help with balance. In short, you're supposed to walk like a penguin? 

So the last time I took Hannah to the dog park, this sign was posted on the gate to enter. I laughed and laughed and sent a picture to Dr. BB. 

What's the last photo message you sent? 


  1. We were told about walking like a penguin at seniors exercise class. We use the term a lot if we are out and about in dicey weather.

    1. We also reference it a lot in our house. Between Yak Trax and walking like a penguin, we muddle through on the ice well enough!

  2. Great sign! The last photo message I sent was of purple crocuses in someone's yard while I was on my walk. I sent it to my mother so she could see a little sign of spring.

  3. I've never seen a sign like that, but that's certainly practical advice! Hopefully this will be our last cold snap and we won't have to "do the penguin" until winter.

    1. Fingers crossed we don't get any more ice or snow! The dog park does still have some icy bits where there's tree covering, so that's why the sign is still up.

  4. Ha! This is awesome! The last pic I sent was one of two deer in our yard to my husband.

  5. I know about the penguin walk but I've never seen it on a sign! The last photo I sent was probably after I rearranged my sock yarn and was showing it to my knitting group.

    1. Your yarn collection is impressive and I'm show they were envious of your organizational skills.

  6. I will remember this the next time I have to walk on ice. 😂

    1. We mention it a lot when we're walking on our icy driveway. Be like a bird!

  7. I love it! I wish more signs were whimsical like that. For once, the last photo message I sent wasn't extremely boring. My daughter went to a birthday party this weekend and the girl's mom sent me a picture of everyone at an arcade. I was pleased to see that my daughter actually smiled for the photo, and forwarded it to my husband and sister.

    1. Yay! for your daughter having a good time with her friends. I'm glad your last photo wasn't the weather or something lame like that.

  8. I work with so many senior ladies, and we are always talking about stability and strength to not fall on our incredibly icy sidewalks. There is a terrible statistic about the decline of a woman's body after breaking a hip - very common with older ladies - I don't even want to go into it, but it essentially can be the beginning of the end!
    The last photo I sent was a cute one of Rex, to my husband and the boys. I mean, naturally!

    1. If I were you, every photo would be of Rex. Ha!

      Breaking bones once you're a "certain" age is really terrifying. I am really clumsy and prone to falls, so I just keep active hoping that it will help me hold on longer.

  9. I sent Ben a picture of Minnie because even though I post a million pictures of her online, there are still more LOL. I shuffle on my morning walks and always wonder how silly I look

    1. I don't care if shuffling looks silly - as long as I don't fall, I'm good with it!

  10. Haha, I am trying to picture this... and it's so spot on. LOL

    1. I just love the idea of everyone in the dog park walking like this. It's an amusing thing to think about.

  11. I'm right there with you in the clumsy/prone to falls group and quite frankly, walking on the ice terrifies me now (have enough falls where you hurt yourself - badly - and this is the result...). So while I do walk like a penguin when it's absolutely necessary for me to be outside on ice, I avoid it as much as possible...
