Sunday, March 19, 2023

5.19 Library - March 2023 Loans and Holds

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the nineteenth day of the month is "Library." I've decided I'm going to just tell you what are on my library book shelves each month.


Paper books checked out:
The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros
The Idea of Perfection by Kate Grenville
Uprooted by Naomi Novik
After I Do by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Code Name Helene by Ariel Lawhon
The Thursday Murder Club (Thursday Murder Club #1) by Richard Osman

Spanish books checked out:
Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell 
(Yes, these are the exact same as last month)

Ebooks checked out:
Daggerspell by Katherine Kerr
Nightcrawling by Leila Mottley

Audiobooks checked out: 
The Road Home by Rose Tremain 
Paper books on hold:
Seer of Sevenwaters (Sevenwaters #5) by Juliet Marillier
Changes (Valdemar: Collegium Chronicles #3) by Mercedes Lackey
Black Sun Rising (Coldfire Trilogy #1) by C.S. Friedman - It looks like there's only one copy of this in our library system and it's currently missing, so I've had this on hold for months. I'll have to talk to a librarian about this the next time in the library to see what I should do next.
Happy Place by Emily Henry

Ebooks on hold:
Devil in Disguise (The Ravenels #7) by Lisa Kleypas
Trail of Lightning by Rebecca Roanhorse
Mirror, Mirror by Jen Calonita
In a New York Minute by Kate Spencer
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
Misconduct by Penelope Douglas
The Heir Affair (Royal We #2) by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan
The Friend by Sigrid Nunez

Have you read any of these books? What do you think about them?


  1. Solid lists, Engie. I've always wanted one of those old-style library card catalog cabinets!

    1. This was a working card catalog at a small library! They're transitioning to a digital catalog, so soon this one will no longer be operational, but it was so much fun to just open up a drawer and look at the cards!

  2. Kids these days...they'll never know what it was like to use a card catalog. And that's OK.

    Selfishly I'm exciting that you've got Nightcrawling checked out. I've heard one very good and one very bad review of it, so I'm looking for you to break the tie to decide if it goes on my TBR. No pressure!

    1. Oh, I'm not going to be very helpful on Nightcrawling. I DNFed it about 15% of the way through. I thought it was well done, but wasn't excited about reading yet another book in March about a traumatic childhood.

  3. I read Uprooted: liked it enough to finish it, but didn't love it.

    So frustrating when you want a book and the only copy is lost! Seems like the system shouldn't let you put a hold on if they don't really have it.

    1. Yeah, I have loved Novik (Temeraire! dragons!) and found her meh (Spinning Silver, Scholomance), so I'm quite uncertain about how Uprooted is going to go for me. We shall see!

  4. How is it possible I haven't read any of these? I need to start reading more. I'll be interested to hear what you think of the Thursday Murder Club. Everyone seems to be loving that series these days.

    1. Yes, I'd read so many great reviews of Thursday Murder Club, so I'm excited to dive into it.

  5. I haven't read any of these!!

    1. There are so many books out there that I guess it's not that surprising, right?!
