Wednesday, September 20, 2023

11.20 Message - Another Photo of Humphrey

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twentieth day of the month is "Message." I have decided that I'm going to write about the last photo message I sent and/or received via text.


Our county has us do jury duty for an entire month, so technically I've been on jury duty all month, but I've been checking the schedule every night and I haven't actually had to go in. The most recent text message I just got, though, said I have to be there tomorrow morning at 7:45am. That's even earlier than the 8:15am appointment I had this morning, so let's see how all this shakes down. 

But.  The last photo message I sent was where I hid our keys when I was going to be leaving before my husband got home so I don't want to share that and the message before that was the hairball I took a photo of to show Dr. BB that we were idiots for missing it this morning because that's gross. 

Wow! I'm really going back far to find anything that's appropriate.

Here's a picture Humphrey's owner sent on Saturday to let me know that Humphrey now officially weights more than Hannah. He's such a cute goober.


When's the last time you took a photo of cat puke? LOL.  What's the most interesting photo you've gotten via text recently?


  1. No puke photo, thankfully! The last fun picture was my teen at a paint party. The picture was fun, but also the first time they had done something so social in a long time, so it made me hopeful and happy.

    1. Yay! I'm glad your teen is getting out there. It's hard to be social.

  2. I've never taken a photo of cat voms even though my cats have done their share. They are my cats, so I take care of all that. I would say the most interesting photo I've gotten recently is of the latest sonogram showing my soon-to-be grandson. It's incredible how far that technology has come since I had my own children.

    1. Isn't it crazy how clear some of those images are? My SIL had a 3D ultrasound with her third child and we could already see the resemblance of her third with her first two!

  3. Um... I'm pretty sure I've never taken a picture of cat puke! And thanks for sparing us. The most interesting photo I've gotten lately is of the dinner my son and his roommate prepared on Sunday. And the last one I sent was to him, a photo of my banana bread recipe which he requested. Obviously we are obsessed with food.

    1. I really should delete the photo off my phone, but it sort of tickles me. You send far more food pics than I do!

  4. I can proudly say that I've never taken a photo of any kind of puke and my goal is to keep it that way. My camera roll is full of dog and food pictures.

    1. All you people with food pictures! I rarely take photos of food - I guess I'm too busy digging in!

  5. I was at a butterfly garden yesterday and one of my friends took pictures of the butterfly that landed on the back of my shirt! So that's more fun than I usually have in my texts.

    1. That is a fun photo! Yay for someone being able to share that with you.

  6. LOL LOL LOL-- love the foray into your texts

    1. I know, right? So boring and yet inappropriate to share!

  7. My cats aren't pukers, thankfully, but the few times they have horked, I haven't ever felt the inclination to take a picture, haha. I just clean it up as quickly as possible because GROSS.

    The last photo I sent was to my friend with the tattoo idea I have!

    1. Oh, I'm so jealous. Zelda pukes, on average, 3-4 times a week. It's a thing we're talking to the vet about. We don't even blink anymore - just clean it up and move on with our lives! (And, I guess we take photos now? LOL.)

  8. Oh gosh. Cat puke. Oscar is a puker, too, but I don't think I've ever been sent a photo of her cat puke. Phil will grovel about it but cleans it up and moves on.

    I haven't received any fun/funny pictures lately! The pictures I've received recently are pictures of different options of cars because we are looking to purchase a hybrid SUV so Phil texted photos of the options while I was in NJ.

    1. Honestly, since Zelda's puke is usually a furball, it's not hard to clean up. It just made me laugh because we regularly just walk right by it without noticing and the dog (SUCH A GOOD GIRL) never eats them, which is amazing.

      Ugh. Good luck car shopping. I hate it with all my being.

  9. I am always here for pictures of Humphrey! :) (Not cat puke, though. I have limits.)
