Friday, October 20, 2023

12.20 Message - From the Past

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twentieth day of the month is "Message." I have decided that I'm going to write about the last photo message I sent and/or received via text.


One of my friends from high school texted me a couple of photos from when we were really young. I blurred out her face because she doesn't need to be publicly embarrassed here (hi Tabs!), but I just love how young we were.

This is an undated photo, but I suspect we were in college based on the length and darkness of my hair. Speaking of which, how crazy that my hair was ever that long?! Maybe 1999? Or 2000? My eyebrow game was spot on. 

Next weekend I'm going to Michigan and I'm going to hang out with my group of high school friends and we'll take more undated photos so that 20 years from now we'll be all agog about how long and hot we used to be. 


Have you gotten a blast from the past recently? 


  1. You do have great eyebrows! I also can date photos based on my hair and what I'm wearing. Have a great weekend!

    1. The thing is that I currently own a red top like that, so the clothing is not helping!

  2. I love looking back at old photos - to be honest, I like how I look SO much more now. I was definitely a stereotypical AWKWARD teen and it still kinda makes me cringe, to be honest. That said, I am noticing I am getting a saggy chin and this is not something I'm enjoying...

    1. In my current photos, I always notice my neck and grey hair. Oh, well. At least it proves I'm alive!

  3. Ha, one day I was looking at a picture of myself 20 years ago and lamenting how much "better" I looked then, my son said "twenty years from now you'll look at a photo from today and say the same thing." Ack. That's a sobering thought.

    1. Your son is EXACTLY right. I'm convinced that I'm never going to be as attractive as I am today ever again (even though I suffer from invisible middle-aged lady syndrome), so I better enjoy it while I can.

  4. Your cheekbones--gorgeous. We so often forget our youthful beauty. Why didn't we fully appreciate it when we were living it?

    1. Youth is wasted on the young. If only I could go back and redo my college years!

  5. Eyebrows on fleek!

    I just went through a bunch of photo backups and found a trove from when the kids were a lot younger and from before our dog started getting gray hair lol. When she was younger her face was black and over the years its turned white.

    1. Oh, boy! I love that you can date the photos from how grey the dog is. Hannah's muzzle is getting a bit spotty these days.

  6. Last year around this time, a director friend that I hadn't spoken to in over ten years randomly texted me a picture of us that he had found while cleaning out some boxes in his attic. I never think of myself as old, but when I see pictures of my when I was younger, I realize I'm no longer young. Everyone was so young and glowing back then.
    It is such a mental double take when I realize that there are pictures that exist of me as a grown up *twenty* years ago.

    1. The years go by so fast. It IS crazy to think I was an honest to goodness adult twenty years ago!

  7. Facebook memories reminded me today of a cute moment where a friend posted something silly on my wall and then two other friends responded with their own silliness and teasing. I love all those women so much... and was so surprised to see that it had been FOURTEEN years since that happened!

    1. Oh, but how lovely that you remember those moments of silliness all these years later.

  8. Impressive eyebrows!! And such long hair! My only recent blasts from the past are looking through old pictures of my kids!

    1. Kids change so much in such a short period of time!

  9. You really don't realize that you age unless you look at old photos - haha.

    1. Ha! Well, I realize I age as I put on more eye cream to combat wrinkles! But I'll never again look as young as I do right now, so I can't really complain.
