Saturday, October 21, 2023

12.21 Decision - It's On!

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined topic chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-first day of the month is "Decision."


I will admit that I have been a bit of a bad bloggy friend the last few days. There are a number of reasons for this. I've spent hours combing through resumes and doing Zoom interviews with people for the open positions at the community center. It is super clear to me why I am not an administrative assistant after I have continuously messed up sending out Zoom links and emailing the wrong people about the wrong things. Ha! The good news is that we have at least five excellent resumes for both of the positions and I really feel like we're going to get good candidates.  


You guys. I got the job. The job I really thought would be a good fit for me. I signed the contract YESTERDAY. I filled out the new employee forms. I did all the things and will be starting at the end of the month. 

When I got the job offer, I immediately called my husband and do you know what he said to me? He said he was proud of me. Not because I got the job, but because I never gave up. I filled out hundreds of applications. I went on dozens of interviews. Sometimes I got discouraged, but I always went back. And I still kept doing the things that were important to me - reading, blogging, hanging out with my girls, exercising, and volunteering. I was busier unemployed than he was with his job. (You know the saying if you want something done, ask a busy person?)

I know that in another month or two I'll be over here complaining about work, but I'm just so excited that I'm going to be able to do something productive and get paid to do it. Yay!

You know what, though? I never even heard back from the first job I interviewed for even though they checked my references. How weird.

Have you made any big decisions recently?


  1. Hey, hooray for you! That’s terrific. You kept your head up and just kept living with intention. I’m really happy you got the job you wanted. Congratulations!

    1. Thanks so much! I'm excited.


    Being out of work is a temporary situation, but very frustrating because you never know how long "temporary" is. The billion jobs that you applied for and didn't get don't matter, except as stepping stones to get you to the one that you wanted.

    I'm here if you ever need to complain about the new job, but hopefully it will be great and you won't have to;-)

    1. Ha! I'm sure I'll have complaints. It just seems ungrateful at this exact moment to complain too much.

  3. HOORAY!!! This is great news! Yes, being out of work is tough and applying for jobs and going for interviews is stressful, but your husband is right to be proud of you- you didn't give up and it paid off. I can't wait to hear about the new job. I hope you love it!

    1. I think it's going to be a great fit. I hope it is, anyway. I don't want to have to look for jobs again any time soon!

  4. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!! Soooo happy for you. <3!!!!! All the hugs and best wishes for the new chapter in your life. xoxoxo

    1. Thanks so much! I hope it's going to be a great fit.

  5. I'm so happy for you and yes - I'm glad you got the job, but am most proud of you sticking with things. And now you have a great job lined up. Wishing you all the best in the next steps <3 Can't wait to follow along with future work adventures here on the blog!

    1. I'm sure that pretty soon this blog will just be nothing but complaints about work. Yay for that?

  6. Great news! Yay! Goodbye stressful volunteer position, hello hopefully better working environment! Time to celebrate.

    1. Absolutely! There were celebratory cupcakes!

  7. O M G!!! CONGRATS!!!!!! What a triumph and what a sense of relief you must feel! I've been so inspired by your accountability about all the things that matter to you and yes, Dr. BB is right it is absolutely something to be proud of! And I'm glad you are so cherished. 💗

    1. I am very lucky to have my husband in my corner.

  8. YOU DID IT!!!!!! Way to go, Engie!!! What wonderful news! And seriously, your husband is right on the button. You have been the model of dogged perseverance. Congratulations!!!!

    1. Thanks so much! I feel lucky to have gotten this job.

  9. I AM OVER THE MOON FOR YOU!!! This is the best news---you've persevered. ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Thank you! I'm so happy about it.

  10. This is awesome news - not "just" that you got a job, but the more important element that it is the right job for you at this point in your life. I am so, so happy for you! (I saw "It's On!" and had to click over to read immediately, unlike my usual practice of commenting roughly a month in the future...Sigh...) You persevered (ha, I almost wrote "perseverated", not quite) through it all. I know I'm not the only one awaiting future posts with bated breath. :) :) :)

    1. LOL. I think persevered and perseverated work pretty well, actually!

  11. Congrats! That is great news! I am sure that you are super excited! I have been unemployed a few times and it is hard to do what you have done...sometimes the lack of responses can be so daunting! I am proud of you and can't wait to hear more about it.

    1. Being unemployed is so terrible. I was lucky to have a supportive spouse, but I'm trying to enjoy the last time I left before I have to start going in regularly.

  12. YOU GOT THE JOB!!! This is such great news, Engie, congratulations!!!!

    1. Thanks so much! I can hardly wait to get started. (But I also am enjoying these last days of relative freedom.)

  13. SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! ❤️

  14. Yay!!! Congrats!! I am so happy for you!!! What a huge relief to have found something you are excited about!

    1. I am so relieved and so happy and excited to know some of my co-workers before going in as a brand new person.

  15. Yay yay yay! Congratulations! I am proud of you too. You really preserved and that made all the difference! I have not heard that saying but 100P get it - I remember learning in college that students who have jobs are better at studying because they have to prioritize their time and that stuck with me.

    I have been making big decisions about European travel - does that count? LOL

    1. Hey, decisions about how to spend your precious free time are IMPORTANT!

  16. How exciting! congrats! Your husband's spot on and I'm so glad he said those words to you.

    1. He's a great guy and I am relieved for him that I have a job, too.

  17. YAY!!!! Congratulations! Enjoy your last bit of freedom...

  18. OMG ENGIE I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!! You spent so much time and effort to get here. AND IT PAID OFF. Hooray!

  19. I am so late with my comment, but CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thank you so much! Fingers crossed it's a good fit.

  20. OMG, congratulations Engie! That is the best news. I am so excited for you!

  21. Congratulations!! This is wonderful news
