Sunday, October 22, 2023

12.22 Safety - Haunted House

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-first day of the month is "Safety."


In October, I frequently find myself imagining that my walks with Hannah are through a haunted house. It's basically because a lot of people in our town decorate their yards in sort of a spooky way and Hannah and I are walking at dusk or in the dark a fair amount, but sometimes it's fun to imagine it even in broad daylight. 

But I am not really scared, of course, but I've got my guard dog to protect me from the frights.


Does your neighborhood get into the Halloween spirit? Are you planning on going to any haunted houses or forests this year?


  1. EEK!! I wonder why there are x's on those trees?

    1. I think it means the trees are sick/dead and are going to be taken down. :(

  2. That's a VERY scary clown!!

    1. And oh--if my scaredy cate response didn't make it obvious--I'm not going to any haunted houses this year or ever...

    2. It is a scary clown. They did a haunted hike at the park by our house last Friday/Saturday and Hannah and I went for a walk during the day on Saturday to see all the spooky decorations. She did not always enjoy it, that's for sure.

  3. Ha, i love the thought of you imagining you're in a haunted house while out walking. Our neighborhood is okay for Halloween, but over the weekend I drove my daughter to a party in a neighborhood where people really went all out- like more decorations than most people put up for Christmas. It was really fun.

    1. There's a house in our town that has a Halloween display synchronized to a Halloween playlist. I think maybe our town does up Halloween even MORE than Christmas.

  4. The Halloween decorations in our neighborhood are AMAZING. It really makes walks with the boys so much fun. We are so lame and do not have a single decoration outside. We will carve pumpkins this weekend and put them out but that's it. I tried to convince Phil that we should get a skeleton for the bench on our front porch and he was a hard pass on it.

    1. Awww...Phil's being a spoilsport! It's great that the boys have fun with the Halloween decorations - they're not too scary!

  5. The scary clowns are the worst. We don't have too many people decorate in my hood, and that's ok with me. Hannah To The Rescue! 😜😳

    1. Ha. I would be so sad if people didn't decorate here. I think it's funny that we are opposites about this.

  6. I am definitely NOT going to any haunted houses - I don't do scary stuff - but I do love to run/walk around our neighborhood during this time of year to look at the decorations. I prefer "cute" over gory, though.

    1. I like both, to be honest! I'm an all-around Halloween fan!
