Friday, October 20, 2023

Fourth Wing (The Empyrean #1) by Rebecca Yarros

I have mismanaged my library loans quite badly and I realized that I had FOUR overdue books and none of them had renewals available, so I read like crazy, but did have to return three of them unread. I can obviously take them out again, but I was pretty upset with myself for not doing a better job of keeping track. ANYWAY. Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros was one of those books. 

This is all the rage on the Interwebs. Magical boarding school! Dragons! A female lead who is the chosen one! (Two dragons. TWO dragons bond with her, not just one like all those other foolish dragon riders.) Political intrigue!

This is high fantasy, including a complicated backstory of treachery and orphaned children. We've got Violet, who was raised thinking she'd be a Scribe until her mother insists she be a Rider despite Violet's weak body and tendency for clumsiness. We've got Dain, Violet's best childhood friend, who has been a Rider for one year longer than Violet and is trying to protect Violet from danger which always ends up putting her in danger. We've got Xaden who is one of those orphaned children who have bad feelings toward the crown. We've got hilarious dragons, classrooms, aerial warfare, and steamy sex scenes. The sex scenes are weird and out of place in what I had assumed was a young adult novel right up until page 374.  

I really liked it, but could have done without the love triangle and the graphic sex. But, look, if you're into fantasy and schools, this is great. 4/5 stars

Line of note:

(advice to students approaching dragons for the first time) "Feel free to look at the dragons, especially if they're showing off their tails, but I would abstain from eye contact if you value your life. If you come across a scorch mark, just make sure nothing's currently on fire before continuing along." (page 145)

I don't know why this made me laugh so hard. It would definitely not be a laughing matter if it were really happening.

Hat mention:

...but I ignore it all as Xaden tilts one corner of that beautiful mouth and tips an imaginary hat to me, bowing his head for a heartbeat before bringing his gaze back to hold mine. (page 322)


  1. My library life is a MESS right now, so I feel you on this one, And also! I read a romance of hers and really liked it, so I think I will check this out

    1. Library life! I've never heard that term before, but I'm going to embrace it and use it forever. My library life is a disaster right now.

  2. Hmm! I think the graphic sex would be kind of jarring for me in this context- I would be feeling "Harry Potter" vibes and it would seem out of place. But, there's no rule there can't be sex scenes in fantasy, so.... I don't know. I"ll have to think about this!

    1. The sex scenes were SO WEIRD. Just unnecessary. I think this was shelved under "new adult" on Goodreads and that's fine, but it was JARRING. I keep hearing about younger readers reading this and it's just so graphic. I think I'm just a prude, to be honest.

  3. I keep wavering back and forth on if I want to read this. Not sure high fantasy is my jam but most people like it! Bummer about having to return some books unread - I hope you can get them back soon!

    1. I will say that this book is very readable for high fantasy. It goes quickly. You'd know within 50 pages if it was for you.
