Thursday, July 20, 2023

9.20 Message - From E

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twentieth day of the month is "Message." I have decided that I'm going to write about the last photo message I sent via text.


So the last photo message I sent via text was of the diving dogs. I sent that photo to about five people and I already used it here, so that's boring. 

A friend is in Oregon right now visiting family and he sent me the following photo last night:

We had an interesting exchange about how Zelda the Cat would not like to be called a Bulldog and why they would name portable restrooms, but that's it. I just want you to know that I'm the kind of person people feel obligated to send photos of toilets.  


What's the last photo message you received?


  1. Wow, these toilets are fully baffling. WHY would you name them? Whose namesakes are they? Seems like an insult to me. Also, "Bulldog House"? What does that mean? "Only people who are tough use these facilities"? I have so many questions.

    The last photo message I received was a picture of my friend's dog, cowering in a corner while a storm raged outside. Poor puppy.

    1. I think they're probably named to make it easier for people who work with them to talk about them - like Willie's at the construction site on Main Street and someone needs to clean Rambo at that fair in Button Lake. It's probably easier than numbers, right?

      Poor puppy. :( I hate it when Hannah is scared, but she won't even cower in the corner or under a blanket - she comes over to us and just sits there and shakes. Poor babies. I wish we could explain to them what's going on.

  2. I am fully mystified by those toilets! I can't imagine someone saying "BRB, got to use the Rambo." The last pic I got was from my friend Vanessa who was at a thrift store and found the perfect sparkly, furry, PINK heels to wear to our Barbie outing next Friday.

    1. Those heels are amazing! It will be the PERFECT Barbie aesthetic.

  3. Sigh, no one ever sends me pictures of portapotties. The last pic that I received was (no surprise) a pic of the dog from my husband.

    1. Well, Birchie, if you want I can send you photos of portapotties when I see them!

  4. Ha ha, I love it. I mean it's so weird, I love it. I would love to know who came up with THAT idea???
    The last photo I received was from my husband- he has started to rip apart our kitchen because we're getting new cabinets next week. He sent me a picture of the destruction in progress. Ah, fun times ahead!

    1. I love it, too! I think it's just the sort of whimsy that tickles me!

      Oh, I didn't know you were doing a kitchen reno. HOW EXCITING/ANNOYING!

  5. I kinda like this idea--jazzing up porta potties by putting names on them. Let's face it; anything is an improvement when it comes to these things.

    The last photo message I got was last night from my son. He sent me a photo of the granddog looking sad. He had just been swiped at by the cat (who is a big bully).

    1. Cats are so mean. Why they gotta be so mean?

  6. Yesterday my friend sent me a picture of myself! It's from two years ago, when she was here on vacation. Kind of funny to get a photo of me.

    1. My friend frequently sends me photos of me she has scanned from college and it always makes me laugh! Look how young! How thin! How clear-skinned!

  7. I love random stuff like this!
    My oldest daughter sent me a photo message yesterday. She sent me a picture of the pigs in a blanket she made in honor of National Hot Dog Day!🤣

    1. You must celebrate in style, right?!

  8. My sister texted me a picture of her teenager driving through rural Maine. They're on a nonstop 24+ hour roadtrip to Canada (including a visit to us)!

    1. Ooohhhh!! How exciting. Rural Maine is probably a great place to get some fairly easy road miles for a new teenage driver!

  9. Can we please get to the bottom of this mystery: WHY ARE THE TOILETS NAMED?

    My friend Melissa texted me a pic of a French bulldog with some sort of mask on; looked like Hannibal Lecter in Dog Form.
    Her caption was: "You can always get Peanut some new headgear if she doesn't play nice with friends."

    1. Awwww...Peanut doesn't want an UGLY muzzle. That's not her style.

  10. I mean, porta-potties are sort of icky, anything that makes them more fun is cool in my book. But yes, weird.
    The last photo texted was from my friend who was here last week when we had a tornado warning - it was a picture of her back home, five hours away, with the sky a threatening colour during another tornado warning. Gotta love climate change.

    1. Canada does seem to be getting walloped this summer. I presume everyone stayed safe, so we can just marvel at what a weird turn of events the weather has been this year.

  11. Haha - I kind of love that they named the portapotties? I mean, why not?! You do you, Bulldog House!

    The last photo I received was a photo of doggos that my girlfriend sent to me. Her parents have two Frenchies who are SOOO adorable.

    1. I think it's great that they named them! It's so much better than just a random number of something.

      Puppies!!! I just want all the photos of all the dogs all the time. I'm greedy like that.

  12. My question would be, which would you choose and why? :) I'd go for Zelda just because, well, the other names don't really work for me, at all.
    Also, every time I see one of Bucky's portapotties, I wonder if they have an image of Bucky on the inside. I've never checked. ;)

    1. Well, I'd go for Zelda, but Willie is a bit of a favorite because he's the mascot where my husband teaches.
