Sunday, August 20, 2023

10.20 Message - MPLS

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twentieth day of the month is "Message." I have decided that I'm going to write about the last photo message I sent and/or received via text.


So we did end up going to Minneapolis. We were there for less than 24 hours, and we did lots of things that were important to us, but let's just start with some very basic things.

The first thing we did was go to the Walker Sculpture Garden because the entire time I lived in Minneapolis, I never took my photo by the Spoonbridge and Cherry, so I had to rectify that since I am officially a tourist now and not a resident. Obviously my husband took this photo and then sent it to me. I apologize for the dumb hat, but I'm old and prone to bad reactions to everything in the world, including sunlight.

The sculpture garden has definitely increased in size since we lived there and we spent far too much time wondering about the financial state of the Walker and its acquisitions team, but you can't tell me that you don't do the same exact thing when you're at a modern art museum. The sculpture garden is open daily and is free and should be a mandatory Minneapolis stop. 

I have been utterly influenced by the world of Harry Potter and since the suits of armor animated to fight in the Battle of Hogwarts, I wonder a lot about what if some of these sculptures came to life, see especially the above Hephaestus or the below Hahn/Cock. Imagine if they suddenly started moving around!

We wandered around going to local shops we missed from our time there before going on a stroll around Lake of the Isles. Minneapolis has a lot of public parks and green spaces, but its crown jewel is the Chain of Lakes. Lake of the Isles is one of those lakes and when we were first dating, Dr. BB lived a block off of it and we used to walk around it for hours and hours. We just did one lap this time (just over 2.5 miles).

I absolutely love our town and our house, but if I had lottery money, I would buy a house on Lake of the Isles and live there year round. 

From there, we ordered pizza from Pizza Luce and took it back to our hotel (a random Hampton Inn by the airport - nothing special) to eat. Pizza Luce is the only place that claims to have gluten-free food that we have eaten at and Dr. BB has not been sick. Plus, their pizzas are delicious. We ordered a GF Pizza Athena (minus red onions) and a GF Baked Potato Pizza (minus bacon) and they were so good. We ate some of it for dinner and I had cold pizza for breakfast the next day. This was our only meal out - the rest we packed in a cooler. 

I did have a cupcake!

The next day we did something that might make you roll your eyes, but I was very excited about. We went to the Mall of America where I replaced a bunch of my University of Minnesota gear. I have one Minnesota hoodie and I've been babying it for years. I've replaced the zipper on it multiple times, but the sleeves are legitimately frayed in an irreparable way. I wanted a full zip and while I wasn't able to find one in maroon (I got black), I had to settle because my current one is no longer an option. I also got a couple of long-sleeve t-shirts, some postcards (natch), and some popcorn. 

I had somehow forgotten the scope of MoA. It's just enormous.

Then we went back to the Chain of Lakes to walk around Lake Harriet because this was our lake when we first got married. We lived a few blocks away from it and even got our engagement pictures taken there. (No one asked, but I prefer our engagement photos to our wedding photos. The wedding photos are WONDERFUL, but the engagement photos show our true selves a lot more.) The lake is the same, but the rose garden has expanded quite a bit and it was BUSY there. Like, we were there on a Thursday in the late morning/early afternoon and there were so many people there!

We tried to recreate some of those engagement photos, but it turns out neither of us is a professional photog. Hey, if you're getting married in the Twin Cities, Barclay Horner is still around!

This trip around Lake Harriet meant I could cross "go to the beach" off my summer to-do list. Woot woot!

We ate lunch by the bandshell and the sailboats and then headed home to go get the dog from the sitter. All in all, a delightful tiny getaway.


If you could blink your eyes and instantly be transported somewhere for 24 hours, where would it be?


  1. I don't see what is dumb about the hat, but the photo is at a distance. That mall looks too huge for my liking. I wouldn't mind being in Vancouver, where child 2 lives, for a day.

    1. The mall is definitely overwhelming! I do not recommend it for everyone.

  2. Thanks for taking us along on your trip! It's so fun to just go out and explore.

    I'm bouncing ideas around on where to go for my long weekends this fall while my guys are at Boy Scout Camp. So many places to go, so I have to keep "bouncing" the ideas until I see what's at the top of the list.

    1. Ooohhh...what are the contenders?

  3. Yay! Happy birthday! I'm glad you got your cupcake. And the trip looks like a lot of fun. Your weather seems so beautiful, especially for perusing the sculpture garden. I love your hat, and -- considering your tracking of the word "hat" in books -- seems very apt.

    1. The weather was so good - it was a bit windy, but that actually helped keep bugs away and make it seem cooler than it was. Minneapolis was definitely showing off.

  4. Well, isn't this delightful, Engie! I have never been there - wait, scratch that, I was at the airport once for EIGHT HOURS. I did consider taking the shuttle to the Mall of America but I didn't, regrets! I think that hat is really cute, actually. A cute hat to protect that cute face! I also really liked the peek at your engagement photos. Did Dr BB shave his beard? I mean, I guess that was a dumb question. Obviously he must have. The lake looks glorious, and I love that cherry and spoon sculpture. Right now I'd like to be transported to someplace that doesn't have thick, choking smoke right outside my door!

    1. Oh, you definitely should have taken the lightrail to the mall. It's an experience!

      Dr. BB usually shaves in the summer so he can apply sunscreen appropriately. Don't worry - the beard will be back!

      Ugh. I am so sorry about the fires. I can't imagine how upsetting it must be for you. :(

  5. Do not apologize for that wonderful hat. 😘
    What a fun (almost) 24 hours!!

    1. That hat is almost as iconic in my own wardrobe as the Cherry and the Spoon is for Minneapolis.

  6. What a joyous day! It’s clear that you had a wonderful time. Love the spoon and cherry sculpture.
    I could really use an instant 24-hour getaway to Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada. Can I just click my heels?

    1. I desperately want to click my heels and be able to be places! Let's do it!

  7. Oh, so much birthday awesomeness!! Happy Birthday again, NGS!

    My BFF lives in Minneapolis now, so I'll add the Walker Sculpture Garden to our list of things to do. We gravitated to the Prince museum the last time I was there (we're both of a certain age, as you can probably tell from that).

    Also, I came across this silly poem yesterday and offer it to you as a birthday present:

    The Love-Hat Relationship
    by Aaron Belz

    I have been thinking about the love-hat relationship.
    It is the relationship based on love of one another's hats.
    The problem with the love-hat relationship is that it is superficial.
    You don't necessarily even know the other person.
    Also it is too dependent on whether the other person
    is even wearing the favored hat. We all enjoy hats,
    but they're not something to build an entire relationship on.
    My advice to young people is to like hats but not love them.
    Try having like-hat relationships with one another.
    See if you can find something interesting about
    the personality of the person whose hat you like.

    1. What a sweet birthday present. Thank you, Maya!

      In college, there was a guy in my Spanish class who was always flirting with me/trying to get me to do his homework. I referred to him as "dirty hat guy" because he always wore a filthy baseball hat when I was talking to my friends. Think: Dirty hat guy wants to meet at the library to study, but when I meet him, he never wants to actually study, so that's a waste of my time. When one of my friends actually met him, she was so surprised. He was actually wearing a dirty hat! So the line about the relationship being superficial really resonated with me. LOL.

  8. Happy Birthday.
    I love the hat. Wear it proudly!
    That spoon bridge is so cool.
    I'm thrilled the GF food worked out - everyone enjoyed it AND Dr. BB didn't have any negative reaction.
    And I'm SO GLAD you got to cross visit a beach off your summer wish list.

    1. The cherry and the spoon is just so iconic! I am not really sure WHY the Minneapolis community has embraced it so much, but it's definitely a landmark at this point and I love it!

      I was so happy that the pizza place was as good about GF food as they had been in the past! Yay for eating food I didn't prepare!

  9. What an amazing trip! I've never been to Minneapolis and it looks beautiful- plus it was a trip down memory lane for you. I would have loved the shopping trip for the UM hoodie. And I love those engagement photos! And you had pizza! How fun, everything sounds great.

    1. It was truly delightful. Next time we go, I might try to push it for another day, but it was lovely as it was!

  10. What a great quick trip, complete with cupcake! A nice birthday celebration. There are so many instant-teleport trips I would like to make, it's paralyzing to try to pick one!

    1. The beauty of the teleporting trips is that you can do a lot of them because it's inexpensive and you don't have to do the travel part of travel! Let your imagination go wild!

  11. I'm glad you got away!! How fun! It is always special to go back to where you went to college. Brings back lots of memories.

    1. I can't even imagine what it would be like to go back to the town where I did my undergrad. Hm. I'll have to see if I can figure out how to get there. I could use a hoodie and long-sleeve shirt from there, too!

  12. I'm glad that you had a great 24 hours in Minneapolis! I usually take visitors to the sculpture garden. Paul got to go there this summer for one of his field trips. He liked the blue rooster the best! You were pretty close to our house as I'm about 1/2 mile south of Lake Harriet. We used to walk to that south Harriet beach during the summer of 2020 as it felt like a safe thing to do with Paul. We haven't been back there since 2020, though! I run by that beach all the time - I should take the boys back there since Taco is sooo entertained by sand and it's close to our house.

    I love the hat and I'm on board with your replacement of your fraying U of M clothes. I think it's great that you went to a school that you feel such pride in that you want to wear their clothing. Phil and I got our MBAs at the U but both of us kind of have a bad taste in our mouth from the process because the part-time program was a total cash cow for the university and we didn't get nearly as much developmental support as the FT student did. Like Phil got laid off in 2008 so he wanted to join this group of students that manages a portfolio. It's only open to FT students since they work on the fund in the morning, but he was unemployed so available at that time and they wouldn't make an exception for him! But he does have a lot of pride in his undergrad school - Gustavus.

    1. It has taken me years to get over how awful I felt in grad school at Minnesota. I was definitely not in the right program at the right time and it ended up really harming my self-confidence and turned out to be a giant waste of time, to be honest. I can see how going to a PT program would be even worse. I mostly have Minnesota gear because my husband's family is from Iowa and they're big Iowa fans and I like to needle them by wearing my Gopher pride on my sleeve. It's the little things, I guess.

    2. Ahh, I see! That makes sense. It is good to needles the Iowa fans! I totally hear you on the self-confidence harming nature of things... stay tuned for my post later this week about the emphasis that is put on being involved in sports...

  13. I'm so happy you had a little getaway and did all the things that YOU wanted to do!
    I went back and looked at your engagement pics and you are right, they are so wonderful.
    If I could be transported for 24 hours? Maybe Venice Italy? I was there once, and it was absolutely mesmerizing.

    1. Venice would be so awesome for a day, right? Perfect use of your teleportation!

  14. Happy belated!! Your trip sounds and looks wonderful. Me... For 24 hours? Maybe Japan so I can glimpse that unique culture albeit for a short time.

    1. 24 hours in Japan sounds fun! Would you go to a major city?

  15. I'm so glad you got to spend a day in Minneapolis and have some fun! And I think the hat is so cute.

    If I could blink my eyes and be transported somewhere for 24 hours... maybe Paris?!

    1. Imagine the FOOD in Paris. For just a day. I would love that!

  16. You guys are so cute. I love your engagement photos. I can see how they seem more "like you"... we never took engagement photos and in retrospect our wedding photos feel "staged" and not like us at all... oh well.

    I am so glad you had such a great time for your birthday and having a house on the lake sounds indeed like a dream.

    1. Yeah, we have a wedding photo where my husband is glaring at the photographer because he was OVER posing at that point. I love that photo because it just really shows who we are. LOL. I'm beaming and so pleased and excited and my husband was just dreaming of getting the hell out of there. I honestly love it. I mean, the photos are lovely and I'm so glad I have them, but the engagement photos are more naturalistic.

  17. Yay! What a lovely birthday celebration! I LOVE Pizza Luce. Gah, I should go to MN just to get some. I really need to visit the sculpture garden too.

    1. The sculpture garden is most definitely worth a visit! It's beautiful and the vistas of downtown are glorious, too.

  18. Oh, yay! A meal you DIDN'T MAKE! For you, TWO meals (pizza for breakfast is always a good idea...). I'm so glad it worked out for the two of you to get away. You are so clearly each other's person. :)

    1. I know! I didn't make the food! It was a lovely day away.
