Sunday, November 19, 2023

13.19 A Year of Library

I just finished a yearly project. Each day of the month I posted on a pre-determined theme. During the month of November, I'll post a collage of all my photos on the daily theme from the past year. The theme for the nineteenth day of the month was "Library ."


Shelved Books - I read 7/10 books I had checked out here. 1/1 games played.
December Books - I read 9/11 of the books I had checked out here. 
January Library Loans - I read 10/13 of the books I had checked out here.
February Book Loans - I read 8/9 of the books I had checked out here.
March 2023 Loans and Holds - I read 7/10 of the books I had checked out here.
April 2023 Loans and Holds - I read 12/14 of the books I had checked out here. 
May 2023 Loans and Holds - I read 11/13 of the books I had checked out here.
June 2023 Loans and Holds - I read 12/12 of the books I had checked out here. My first perfect month.
July Loans and Holds - I read 12/12 again!
August 2023 Loans and Holds - I read 8/11 of the books I had checked out here.
September 2023 Loans and Holds - I read 8/14 of the books I had checked out here. 1/1 DVDs watched.
October 2023 Loans and Holds - 6/12 here, but I'm about to start one of them, so maybe I can eke it out to 7/12.


Hannah count: 0
Zelda count: 0
Library count: 2
Books: Too many

My library stack is a little small right now because I have less time to read than I'd like and certainly less time to figure out what I'm going to order from the library. But, I have some good news! Our university system is also hooked up with Libby, so I get an additional five ebook holds. Woot woot! Unfortunately, the university library's ebook collection leans more towards academic works and less towards fiction, but it's still better than nothing. Also I have six physical books on hold, and most of those I am the first person on the list for, so this stack should bulk up soon. 

Physical books checked out:
Ask the Passengers by A.S. King
Dog Songs by Mary Oliver 
We Are All the Same In the Dark by Julia Heaberlin - Book club book for the month.
Accountable by Dashka Slater
Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me by Mariko Tamaki and Rosemary Valero - O'Connell

Ebooks checked out:
Fledgling by Octavia E. Butler 

Physical books on hold:
Strange Sally Diamond by Liz Nugent
One Woman Show by Christine Coulson
Kill Show by Daniel Sweren-Becker
The Road Home by Rose Tremain
Home by Marilynne Robinson

Ebooks on hold:
The Rewind by Allison Winn Scotch
The Do-Over by Lynn Painter
Business or Pleasure by Rachel Lynn Solomon
None of This Is True by Lisa Jewell
The Only One Left by Riley Sager

Audiobooks on hold:
A Swim in a Pond in the Rain by George Saunders
The Deep by Rivers Solomon
The People We Keep by Allison Larkin

What are you reading these days?


  1. Aha... you like poetry if it's about dogs. Gotcha :)!
    How lovely that new job comes with book perks...

    1. I was super excited with the new Libby holds until I realized that their library wasn't exactly overwhelming me with options. Oh, well. It's also a nice perk to have access to an extensive university library system.

  2. Hooray for extra ebook holds! And I love seeing your collage with all those lovely books. Looking forward to reading your review of Strange Sally Diamond -- I just finished it last week and have Thoughts.

    I started listening to Paper Palace and am reading Quiet -- a nonfiction book about introverts.

    1. I gave up on Quiet very quickly. It felt like an extrovert trying to tell me how to feel. LOL. I wish I had loved it.

    2. Haha, that's how my husband felt too. He said, "Why do I need a book to tell me that the world overlooks introverts? I already knew that." But as a wildly skewed to the "E" personality, I liked it!

  3. I just started Sure I'll Join Your Cult and so far I'm feeling meh about it. We'll see! I just finished Late Bloomers, which I liked in a non-ravey, but it was good kind of way.

    1. Lots of meh reads for me these days, too. That's fine. The raves are out there and I'll find them!

  4. Taking pictures of your stack is such a fun way to record reading aspirations. I listened to The Deep last year and thought it was pretty good. The audio production was definitely top notch.
    I just started listening to Lily Chu's latest book, the Takedown.

    1. Everyone I talked to about The Deep said it had to be the audiobook version, so I'm listening to that advice.

      Oh, Lily Chu! I loved the Stand-In, so I'm adding that to my list ASAP!

  5. I'm almost finished with The Dutch House. I have another book by the same author ready to read after that. You read a ton of books. No idea how you have time for that. Impressive.

    1. Well, I had time for it because I was unemployed for most of the last year. I am gainfully employed now and my reading stats are about to plummet!

  6. We will have to talk once you finish SSD. I'm debating whether I want to try Lisa Jewell again. I've liked her books, it's just that I'm kind of burned out on thrillers.

    I've been in a DNF phases so I turned to an old favorite for a reread. The Chequer Board by Nevil Shute.

    1. Ah, yes, the old DNF phase. I think rereading an old favorite is a great solution to getting out of that.

  7. I really liked "The People We Keep" and audiobook is the perfect way to read it, since there is music involved.

    1. Yes! I heard that the audiobook is good. I really listen to audiobooks when people specify that the listening experience is worth it.

  8. yay for university libraries!

    1. I am loving not having to get books through my husband. I can just get them on my own!

  9. Woop, woop for extra library holds!

    I just finished Anti-Diet by Christy Harrison, which was so good. I got a lot out of it. And I'm reading Codename Charming by Lucy Parker (e-book, romance), The Displacements by Bruce Holsinger (audiobook, cli-fi fiction), and Like a House on Fire by Lauren McBrayer (print, sapphic fiction).

    1. I know! Extra holds are amazing. Also, the University queues tend to be much shorter than the public library, so I'm hoping I won't have dead times in my ebook reading.

  10. So can you only get 5 audiobook through Libby? Is that a specific library thing? Because I can get as many as I would like... But than I haven't really checked out more than three at a time. Maybe I also have restrictions. Interesting.

    1. Our public library has a limit of 10 holds on Libby (for both ebooks and audiobooks) and you can only have five checked out at a time. The University library I just got access to has a limit of 5 holds, but I don't yet know the checkout limit because I haven't hit it, yet. LOL. These limits are decided by individual lending institutions.

  11. Oh, I will be interested to hear what you think of Home...Haven't read it but have been peripherally interested.

    1. Oh, you'll definitely hear all about it when/if I finish it.
