Monday, June 19, 2023

8.19 Library - June 2023 Loans and Holds

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the nineteenth day of the month is "Library." I've decided I'm going to just tell you what are on my library book shelves each month.


Paper books checked out:

Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano

Warrior Girl Unearthed by Angeline Boulley

All the Living and The Dead: From Embalmers to Executioners, An Exploration of the People Who Have Made Death Their Life's Work by Hayley Campbell

Vita Nostra (Vita Nostra #1) by Marina Dyachenko

Closer to Home (The Herald Spy #1) by Mercedes Lackey

We Are Not From Here by Jenny Torres Sanchez

Montana 1948 by Larry Watson

Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt - Book club book for the month. The waitlist at the public library was crazy, so I had my husband get it for me from the university library.

Echo by Pam Muñoz Ryan

As Bright As Heaven by Susan Meissner

Spanish books checked out:

Los buscadores de las nubes (Amulet #3) by Kazu Kibuishi

Con cariño, Amalia by Alma Flor Ada and Gabriel M. Zubizerreta

Ebooks checked out:

The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

Audiobooks checked out:

In an Absent Dream (Wayward Children #4) by Seanan McGuire

Paper books on hold:

Black Sun Rising by C.S. Friedman

Genealogy of a Murder: Four Generations, Three Families, One Fateful Night by Lisa Belkin

Same Time Next Summer by Annabel Monaghan

Ebooks on hold:

Rosemary and Rue (October Daye #1) by Seanan McGuire

O Caledonia by Elspeth Barker

The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

The Last Train to Key West by Chanel Cleeton

Maybe in Another Life by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Archer's Voice by Mia Sheridan

Audiobooks on hold:

A Swim in a Pond in the Rain by George Saunders

What do you have checked out from the library these days?


  1. So many books! The library is so magical!

    I just returned five unread books to the library -- I'd renewed them several times, and it just wasn't working out for me to read them. I wasn't finding the time and/or they weren't grabbing me. So back they go. I can check them out again at some point.

    I did replace them with a bunch of audiobooks (also from the library), so I will never sever ties with my library completely.

    1. Well, it's very likely that some of these will get returned unread. That's okay! I can always check them out again later, as you say. That's the library magic!

  2. I can't wait to hear what you think of Hello Beautiful. I started out by being annoyed that it was the It Book of the moment, but then decided to read it and was blown away. The hype is legit.

    1. Hm. Well, to give you a preview, I did thought it was fine. Just fine.

  3. My library hold on Hello Beautiful is in, so I'll be picking it up and reading it soon! Also, I can't wait to hear what you think of Vita Nostra.

    1. Vita Nostra keeps getting pushed back on my list because I have other loans that can't be renewed, but I'll get there soon!

  4. I have We Are Not From Here sitting on my table right now, and it's next in the queue for me to read. I did not realize it was a YA book. I haven't read YA for a while, so we shall see how it goes. I currently am reading Beauty Sick and I have another one - the title escapes me - waiting for me to read. I am like a zillionth in line for Hello Beautiful, so looking forward to reading that when it finally comes in. Of course, I might have to cancel it and then get a new library card when I move, but one thing at a time.

    1. I was surprised at how quickly I got Hello Beautiful, considering at one point there were more than 200 people ahead of me. Maybe you'll get it sooner than you think you will.

  5. That is a huge stack. I'm reading Pride and Prejudice and have a Jojo Moyes book (Giver of the Stars, I think) on my bedside table. Life is crazy right now and I've had to tone down my reading stack or it adds to my anxiety.

    1. I can see how a large stack makes you anxious. A small stack makes me anxious because I only had four books when the library closed because of COVID, so now I always have way more than I need. I wonder if I'll be like this forever or if I will eventually just have a few books again.

  6. I still have the same 4 books checked out that I had last time we did this check in! I just haven't been able to get to them, but at least I can keep renewing them: Hidden Pictures, The World Record Book of Racist Stories, and Iona Iverson's Rules for Commuting. I have Marrying the Ketchups checked out on audiobook and no e-books currently! And nothing on hold, which I'm sure is crazy-talk to you, haha.

    1. That IS crazy talk, but you also buy books and I do not, so I can understand how you might not get to library books as quickly as I do! It's library or bust for my reading!

  7. I have ten ebooks checked out, which I just realized is a ridiculous amount of ebooks and I am going to return some - I am reading a weird horror one called Leech and an equally weird existential musing/sci-fi one called Anomaly. I have five actual books checked out - two are read and I just have to make a couple of notes before I return them. Three are by the same woman, which I have realized was a mistake. I ... this comment is going to be stupid long and I am going to make my own post and tag you, lol. I really liked Remarkably Bright Creatures - gave it to my sister for Christmas - and the Wayward Children books I've read. I have 22 books on hold.

    1. Ha! I would be riveted if you wrote a long comment with the titles of all the books you have on hold. I'm fascinated by this kind of thing, but I can understand how you might not want to type it all out in a comment. I've never heard of Leech or Anomaly, so I'll be interested in hearing what you think about them.

  8. I can see from comments above that you didn't love Hello Beautiful as much as I did. That's my favorite book of 2023 so far! I'm currently reading "Invisible Kingdom." It's about the struggle of having a chronic disease so it might be an interesting book for you to check out since D. BB has celiac. I feel very seen reading it, although it makes me glad that my diagnosis was pretty straightforward. The author's isn't and she is much more sick that I've been.

    1. Oh, thanks for that recommendation. I put a hold on Invisible Kingdom. The author was on Fresh Air last year and I always meant to actually read the book, so that was a great reminder for me.

  9. I have waaay to many books checked out right now - I'm being ambitious about how much reading I'll get done this week while the rest of the family is gone.
    I just started Slay, a YA book about a black teenager who develops a video game, a couple books of poetry because I feel like I want more bite sized moments of intense focus.
    I listened to the audiobook of Echo and found it very satisfying and they had music woven in and out, which was nice. The historical bits were fascinating to me too.

    1. Yes, this is way too many books for me, too! I will probably end up sending at least a few back unread, but that's okay. If I really want to read them, I'll be able to check them out again.

      Another blogger recommended Echo and I know nothing about it, but I'm happy to hear at least one other person enjoyed it. Hopefully that means good things for it.

  10. Of all of the books on your lists, I have only read Hello Beautiful, We Are Not From Here, Remarkably Bright Creatures and Song of Achilles. I also thought Hello Beautiful was fine, but not as great as all of the hype led me to believe. WANFH was an eye opener (I had not heard a lot about La Bestia before), I thought RBC was cute and liked it, and I enjoyed the alternative view point of Song of A. I look forward to your reviews!

    1. I am slogging my way through Song of Achilles and I'm finding it such a snoozefest. I actually felt the same way about Circe and I think there's something about Miller's writing style that just does not jam with me. *sigh* I've heard the ending is worth it, so I'm continuing.
