Tuesday, September 19, 2023

11.19 Library - September 2023 Loans and Holds

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the nineteenth day of the month is "Library." I've decided I'm going to just tell you what are on my library book shelves each month.


Physical books checked out:
Thornhedge by T. Kingfisher
The One by John Marrs (book club book for next month)
The Fountain Overflows by Rebecca West
The Good Girl by Mary Rubica
A Hundred Summers by Beatriz Williams
Vampires of El Norte by Isabel Cañas - I've officially memorized the alt code for ñ. Woot.
Black Sun Rising (Coldfire Trilogy #1) by C.S. Friedman - The eternahold finally came in!!
The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood
The Cat Man of Aleppo by Irene Latham

Ebooks checked out:
We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
The Wonder Engine (Clocktaur War #2) by T. Kingfisher

DVD checked out:
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Audiobooks checked out:
I'm Only Wicked with You (The Palace of Rogues #3) by Julie Anne Long

Spanish books checked out:
El dragon de oro (Bitmax & Co. #3) by Copons & Fortuny
Paolo, el perro pastor (Bitmax & Co. #4) by Copons & Fortuny

Physical books on hold:
Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros (The Empyrean #1)
Happiness Falls by Angie Kim 
Idlewild by James Frankie Thomas

Ebooks on hold:
The Charm Offensive (The Charm Offensive #1) by Alison Cochrun
Daisy Darker by Alice Feeney
Maybe in Another Life by Taylor Jenkins Reid
When in Rome (When in Rome #1) by Sarah Adams
Archer's Voice (Where Love Meets Destiny #1) by Mia Sheridan

Audiobooks on hold:
The People We Keep by Allison Larkin
A Swim in a Pond in the Rain by George Saunders

What are you looking forward to on your hold list?


  1. This may sound very lame, but I'm pumped about some organizing books (with pictures). To me it is the ultimate in comfort reading.

    I have just started back into a fall reading groove and it feels good, but I always find it tricky to balance holds lists. It feels like feast or famine - no good books in or a dozen!

    1. I don't mind having a huge stack of library books - if they get read, great, but if they don't, that's also great! But I can see where that could be stressful for some people.

  2. I see my favourite book in that pile! I am just looking forward to getting a library card. Life has been so hectic that I haven't done that, even though I now have "official" ID. I do still have some ebooks on hold, but honestly I can't remember what I have on hold. I'm currently reading The Dutch House and am loving it. I'm looking forward to my plane ride tomorrow so I can just read solidly for a few hours.

    1. Yes! I think the Atwood will be the next book I read!

  3. All my library holds came in at the same time (how does that always seem to happen?) So now I have a stack of books, but I just finished reading (actually, re-reading although I don't remember it) an Agatha Christie. Elisabeth's comfort reading is organizing books and mine is Agatha Christie mysteries! I haven't read any of your books- but I'll be interested to hear what you think. Some of them look pretty interesting.

    1. My e-book holds always come in at the same time and it's so frustrating. I can only have them for 21 days with no renewals, so it's a constant struggle!

    2. Engie - when that happens to me, I usually turn off the WiFi on my Kindle and then you can keep them until you turn the WiFi back on. Actually to be honest, I usually leave the WiFi OFF until I am ready to add new books, then I turn it on, add them and turn it back off. It also saves battery and I don't read on multiple devices so I have no need for the syncing feature.

  4. Wow, so much inspiration!! I can't read very fast so I have to be careful about how many holds show up since it overwhelms me. Feast or famine like Elizabeth said above!

    1. Well, don't be too inspired! Who knows how many of these are actually good?!

  5. I've got Happiness Falls on my hold list. At first I wasn't going to read it since her first book was heavily hyped but ended up being a DNF for me, but after a while of listening to the hype on the new one...hey the worst that can happen is that it will be another DNF.

    I read A Hundred Summers a long time ago on vacation. As best I remember I liked it.

    1. I don't even know how A Hundred Summers got on my list. It's just a big question mark from me. Maybe I wrote it down after you talked about it?

  6. I got Thornhedge from NetGalley - liked it a lot, like I do most Kingfisher/Vernon. I hated The Good Girl, will be interested to see what you think. I read one Alice Feeney, was pretty good, will read Daisy Darker at some point. I love George Saunders. Remembering the alt code for an accent is huge! I can't figure out any of them for my Chromebook - the ones I look up never work.
    Is A Tree Grows in Brooklyn a movie??
    It's so cool that you read in Spanish. Maybe I should try reading in French again. Or maybe not, that sounds hard.

    1. Thornhedge does seem to be getting a lot of praise from people I trust. I haven't read anything under the Kingfisher name that I haven't enjoyed, so I bet I'll like it! The Good Girl was pretty bad. Sad news.

  7. I just picked up a nice big stack from the library! And I have a few audiobooks on hold that I have to keep asking to "deliver later" since I don't have time for them right now.

    I can't wait to find out what you think of The Blind Assassin. I added that one to my list after Nicole raved about it.

    1. I'm finishing a non-fiction book right now, but I think The Blind Assassin is up next in my reading order!

  8. Wow, I would say that out of all of your loans and holds, I only see a couple that I have read!! I can't wait to hear how you like them all to see if there are any of them I should add to my list!

    I am currently reading the Many Lives of Mama Love and am only into the first chapter but I can tell it is going to be interesting although currently I am cringing (book about drug addicted mother who is currently out of power at home and is shuttling her kid from place to place). I also just read Stealing, which is about a Native American girl in the bayou in the 50s/60s and her struggles with the system. It was good but I felt the ending was a bit abrupt.

    1. I just listened to Stealing last month and it was fabulous, although I also found the ending puzzling and ambiguous and frustrating! I am not interested in addiction memoirs at all, so Mama Love has been recommended to me, but I think I'm going to keep avoiding it because I know it will irritate me!

  9. I will be curious to see what you think of The One. I tried reading it after multiple people raved about it and then I DNF'd it. When there was a serial killer character (or a character that was presented as a serial killer) I was like NOPE. But everyone loves it so maybe I should give it another try!

    I just finished Late Bloomer which was a good contrast to the very heavy non-fiction book I'm reading (Under the Skin). Now I am reading "The Last Lecture" which is a short novel about a woman that is preparing to give a lecture about Joyce Maynard Keynes. I have NO IDEA how this ended up on my hold list on Libby. I think I must have ready about it the Book Page magazine from the library because I don't know anyone who has read it! it's too soon to tell if I will like it.

    1. I am not optimistic about The One, to be honest, but I'll soldier through because it's for book club. Chances are I would not have read it otherwise.

      I cannot tell you how many times I wonder exactly how a book has gotten on my hold list. Like...was it a blogger? Something I heard on a podcast? Did someone recommend it to me in person? It's such a mystery!
