Saturday, November 18, 2023

13.18 A Year of Winners

I just finished a yearly project. Each day of the month I posted on a pre-determined theme. During the month of November, I'll post a collage of all my photos on the daily theme from the past year. The theme for the eighteenth day of the month was "Winner."


Podcast Roundup August - November 2022 - I stand by these picks.
Podcast Episode of the Month - I have listened to this episode at least half a dozen times. It is probably my favorite podcast episode ever of all time.
She Finally Did It - Zelda ate popcorn. 
A Muzzle Full of Snow - Hannah loves winter.
Podcast Roundup March 2023 - This includes a nice list of my top podcasts. 
Media Roundup April 2023 - Taskmaster! Dogs! I stand by these recommendations for sure. 
Podcast Roundup - I am not going to lie, I don't listen to Dungeons & Daddies anymore. That first season was way fun, though.
Podcast Roundup June 2023 - Remember when 60 Songs That Explain the 90s was my personality for a tiny bit?
July 2023 Podcast Roundup - I have listened to a lot of good podcasts in the last year!
August 2023 Podcast Roundup - More solid recommendations here.
Podcast Roundup September 2023 - Hmm...these are not the best of the recommendations. September must have been a challenging month for me in terms of podcasts.
Podcast Roundup October 2023 - Hey, I cried while listening to a lot of these. 

Hannah count: 1
Zelda count: 1
Other dog count: 1
Hat count: 1
Artistic renderings of animals count: 2

I am so inconsistent with how I name my podcast roundup posts. That's the major lesson I learned from this!

I have been seeing the same hair stylist for more than a decade at this point. She used to work at a salon in my town, but opened up her own place in a nearby town and I followed her. The last time I saw her, she was pregnant and big (due in January), but she said she would keep working until right up to her due date. I shrugged, decided it was none of my business, and scheduled my regular appointment seven weeks later, which happened to be the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. I was pretty pleased that my hair would still be in stylist shape when we went to Iowa.

(Can we talk about how there are some of you out there who don't schedule your haircuts in advance? How do you ever get in? My stylist is usually booked up for months in advance.)

Yesterday I got a text from my stylist saying that her right ovary had twisted and she'd had abdominal surgery (she's 32 weeks along!) and that she was on bedrest and that she'd reschedule my appointment as soon as she could. My response was:
No worries! Take care of yourself and the little one! You can put rescheduling my appointment at the very bottom of your priority list. Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!

I feel like I should really text back that she shouldn't see me until after her maternity leave is over, but I know she's concerned about money, so I went with this response so that she knows I'll show up to any appointment she has, but that I am not EXPECTING one.

Anyway, here's to modern science. What would have happened to her and her unborn baby one hundred years ago?! 

Yesterday's real winner was Hannah, whose afternoon walk happened at twilight. Look at her blending in to the background. Also, note the prancing. 

Everyone, we're more than halfway through NaBloPoMo! We got this!!


What are your weekend plans?


  1. I hope she's ok. There are many conditions that would have done us in years ago.

    1. Right? How lucky we are to live in an age when we can get medical treatment for things like this.

  2. Modern science is keeping many people alive! I hope everything goes well for her. I feel bad if she's concerned about money- its tough to be on bedrest!
    A bunch of my favorite podcasts are on a holiday hiatus right now and it's making me cranky.

    1. Ah, yes, the yearly December - January slowdown. I am trying to get a lot of audiobooks in the wings for when my podcasts start slowing down.

  3. Gosh, I hope your stylist and her baby continue to be okay. Bedrest is very scary, and yes, thank goodness for modern medicine and science.
    My longtime hair stylist (I think I was with her for like 19 years), I would schedule four appointments at a time, and it always worked out well. This new woman is great and I book probably...two months in advance of needing a hair cut? She's super busy but also super efficient so I am in and out in 1/2 an hour, which is nuts and which I appreciate deeply. So if I needed anything other than a trim I'd probably need to book more in advance.

    1. It actually doesn't take much more than half an hour for my stylist to wash, cut, and style my hair, so I think that's pretty normal. It's only when I start adding things on (color, waxes, etc.) that things take quite a bit longer.

  4. Yikes! I wish your stylist the best for a successful delivery. Some people don't realize how pregnancy truly taxes a woman's body, even without complications.

    I'm one of those people who doesn't book appointments ahead. I just wait until I can't stand my hair any longer (pun!) and then calls with desperation in her voice. I figure, if I've waited that long, I can wait for another week or so. I look at it as my Penance.

    1. I don't think I could get in with a week's notice, that's the thing. I really wish I could. She is literally booked up 3-4 months in advance, so I generally schedule out 2 or 3 appointments ahead of time. It's good for me, though - keeps me on top of my personal grooming.

  5. I'm sending good healing thoughts toward your stylist. My mind boggles at how any of our ancestors survived to get us to the point of modern day science.

    I've never had a "hair" person. I only started "scheduling in advance" when Great Clips started online check in;-) Something about my personality doesn't mesh with the traditional hair salon.

    1. That's such a great point about how lucky any of us are to actually be here. There were so many times when our ancestors must have lucked out.

  6. I know there are many scary conditions that science has mitigated for us, but pregnancy and childbirth are fairly horrifying to me, and I'm so glad science is able to make that more safe and pain-free for people. When I read historical fiction, I'm always taken aback by dudes who claim to love their wives and then impregnate them like 16 times.

    1. Yikes--what I was actually thinking was I wish your stylist all the very best. (And I applaud your decision to let her make the decision on whether to keep your appt. or not.)

    2. I hope she and her baby are doing well. She was so excited about it when I saw her last and I hope this doesn't impact her excitement!

  7. Yes, I would like to talk about getting appointments with hair stylists. Two years ago the woman I went to for over 20 years abruptly retired leaving me without a stylist. Since then I've tried to get appointments with stylists recommended by friends and acquaintances-- and not one will take me. I am left with the uncomfortable reality that I have to pick someone at random at a nice salon and hope for the best. So far there has been no best.

    1. I just lucked out with this stylist by getting her when I was new in town and just booked the first available appointment at my stylist's original salon, so it's possible. You can find someone great by sheer happenstance!

  8. How scary!

    My stylist is booked a few weeks in advance, but I never - NEVER book - ahead more than that. I only get my hair cut about 3 times every 2 years, so it's too hard to think that far into the future when making arrangements.

    1. Crazy. I feel like good stylists are like good mechanics or veterinarians or dentists - impossible to book with! I wonder if that's geographically dependent.

  9. OMG I am so glad she is doing okay! How scary. And you're right that modern medicine is amazing. My husband and I were watching TV last night and a commercial came on for a new brand of HIV prep, and I am so overwhelmed by what a MIRACLE it is that such a horrific and devastating disease has become so easily treatable. Science and medicine are so incredible.

    I am terrible about making hair appointments. I usually go three or four times a year, although my grey hair is now appearing more quickly than makes sense for that schedule. But I never make an appointment until too late, unless I am pre-planning for a special event. It's dumb because my stylist fills up really fast, AND she is now cutting back even more. YIKES.

    1. I am shocked at how many of my readers are scheduling their hair appointments on the fly. This, along with Elisabeth talking about how little she spends on hair care in a year, is making me think I'm maaaaaybe more high maintenance than I thought I was. Oh, well. I don't go on vacations, so this is how I spend my money. LOL.

    2. I don't think you're a high-maintenance person. Massage and hair care are two ways I take care of myself. Those two things are extremely important to me. Every human is different, but taking care of your basic needs doesn't make you high maintenance at all. 

      You were very thoughtful in your text to your stylist. I hope she is okay and that everything works out for her and the baby. I'm sure she appreciates having you as a client. 😘❤️

  10. I have a standing appointment for a trim, every four weeks. I keep my hair short and that's when it starts making me crazy (it was every five weeks when I lived in Mass., but I guess it grows faster down here). I wonder if it's mostly longer-haired people who wait longer?

    1. I think it has to be long-haired people who wait. My husband just cuts his own hair now, but before that he had a standing appointment every four weeks.

  11. My hairdresser isn't that busy I guess, she can usually accommodate me with a week or two notice. I have her cell and just text and say, 'can you fit me in next Friday morning?' It helps that I have Fridays during the day off, of course. It was more complicated before I got the 4 day work week, esp since she has 5 kids and weekends are rough with sports and so on.

    1. Wow! I wish my stylist was that flexible. Of course, I like that she's busy and making money, but I just wish she could fit me in when I need it. LOL.

  12. I am glad for your hairdresser it was caught and they were able to help. Hopefully everything goes well from there on. Having babies is no joke on our bodies.
    I don't need a hairdresser since I have alopecia and for some reason I became the unofficial hairdresser of the family and my husband is responsible if the kids want colors. So far we did well enough as they are still talking to us.

    1. My husband cuts his own hair and I help by making sure he didn't miss anything big. It's a real money saver for him to do it on his own, but his cut isn't complicated, so that's nice.

  13. I think it's better to be inconsistent at naming posts than to discover that you have blithely been re-using post names for similar themes without even realizing it (humiliating, I tell you).
    I would have probably died in childbirth before the advent of modern medicine, and my sister definitely would have. This kind of thing is partly why I get so stabby when people are stupidly against vaccines and the like, when so many of us would be dead without them.
    About to start listening to podcasts any day now. Totally.

    1. No one has to listen to podcasts if they don't want to. I just find that it helps me when I'm doing chores or walking the dog.

  14. You'd be appalled to hear that i haven't seen a hairdresser since before the pandemic and that I probably won't see one for another six months if it takes that long to schedule an appointment ;)

    Also: love that picture of Hannah. Frame-worthy!

    1. You haven't seen a stylist in four years?! I honestly can't imagine that!

  15. I used to go to this big salon near Costco west side and then left after lockdown lifted when my stylist left. (nooo idea where she went, unfortunately). So I switched, to someone recommended by a colleague, and thank goodness. I love how she cuts my hair - but the only challenge is, we schedule the next appt while I'm there, and then any changes are via text. So I always worry that I have the date/time wrong! I usually just confirm the morning of. My hair is short enough that I need to go about every 6-8 weeks. And I don't think you're high maintenance - we spend our time and money on that which we value. You value having hair that looks good and feels good. Makes sense to me!

    1. I do agree that we spend money on what we prioritize!!

      My stylist texts me reminders of appointments a few time in between appointments. I think I get one immediately after we book the appointment, one two or three weeks out from the appointment, and another one the day before. These are automatically generated by her booking software. I never wonder if I have the day wrong!

  16. I hate going to the hairdresser/stylist. So much waste of my time and I spend a sh** load of money and it more or less looks the same. I don't know... But I could use a hair cut some day but now we moved and I again don't have a place to go and have to re-evaluate. So I see no appointment in the future.

    That said, I hope you stylist is getting better.
