Monday, September 18, 2023

11.18 Winner - Podcast Roundup September 2023

Bestest Friend and I are doing a podcast project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the eighteenth day of the month is "Winner."


There wasn't much new in my podcast queue last month. I listened to a fair number of audiobooks because it's becoming harder and harder for me to find new podcast recommendations. I'm a tiny bit resentful that celebrities are taking over podcastlandia, but that's on me, isn't it? But here are two podcasts I'll recommend, albeit with some caveats. 

Butt Out, Baby is a podcast that does a scene-by-scene recap of the movie Dirty Dancing. And seriously, the host goes deep about everything in the movie. She spent almost an hour on the introductory voiceover of the movie:

That was the summer of 1963 - when everybody called me Baby, and it didn't occur to me to mind. That was before President Kennedy was shot, before the Beatles came, and when I couldn't wait to join the Peace Corps, and I thought I'd never find a guy as great as my dad. 

The host has some quirks. She's from Canada (no shade at Canadians) and her grasp of US history can be weak (again, NO SHADE, her knowledge of US history is miles ahead of my grasp of Canadian history), but as an American, it can be a bit jarring to have a retelling of the basics of the American Civil Rights movement described in excruciating detail. She also reads as really young to me (I was dumbfounded when she said she was 38 because I assumed she was in her early 20s) and that can be grating at times. 

Regardless, I love Dirty Dancing and I love how seriously she's taking it. 

The other podcast I've recently discovered is Believable: The Coco Berthmann Story. Apparently Coco Berthmann was an internet celebrity and it was soon discovered her whole story was built on a foundation of lies and more lies. This is true crime "lite" because it's about a criminal, but not a violent criminal. She's just...a liar?  

My only reservations about this podcast are that it's sort of dragging along. We're on episodes nine and I'm pretty sure this could have been a better podcast in a tight six or seven episodes. Oh, well. I'm still listening, so they've won, haven't they? 


My earbuds need content. What's a good podcast episode or audiobook you recommend?


  1. I also dislike the celebrity-takeover of podcasts. I love the movie Dirty Dancing but I think I'll probably give that one a pass. I prefer chatty podcasts with more than one person. I don't think you'd enjoy the pods I listen to, I like just light chatty ones about things like skincare and history podcasts as well.

    1. The host frequently has guests, so it's not usually just one person. I do think you could skip it, though. We're eleven episodes in and JUST met Johnny, so it's pretty slow moving. LOL.

      Why are celebrities taking over podcasts?! Grr. It's upsetting to me.

  2. I'm not a huge Dirty Dancing fan (I saw it years ago, and would say I'm neutral on the movie) but that podcast does sound fun, if you're into it.
    You would not like my podcasts! They're all about ultrarunning these days and people doing crazy adventures. Come to think of it, I should probably branch out a little.

    1. I don't think I'd like your podcasts, but that's the true beauty of them. There's a podcast for everyone's interests!!

  3. I'm with you - I'm listening to more audio books b/c the podcast well has been running dry lately. But August was a good month - thanks to Nicole I binged Wilder (about Laura Ingalls Wilder) and Scamanda was decent. It sounds a bit like Coco - it's about a woman named Amanda who had a cancer blog and raised a lot of money from it - except oops she didn't have cancer.

    1. I think Scamanda and Coco are very similar and have similar problems (need to be edited to a lot fewer episodes!!). Interesting that influencer cons are the new podcast trend.

  4. For a while, I was addicted to the New York Times podcast series. I'm picky when it comes to podcasts. I think it is because of my short attention span. The topic needs to be very interesting and very specific to hook me.

    1. I'm definitely pretty picky about my podcasts, too. There are A LOT that I don't get through a single episode. We're just particular. There's nothing wrong with that.

  5. I basically never listen to podcasts anymore. I feel guilty about this ALMOST EVERY DAY. Why?!! It's like a serious FOMO but I just...don't really like them/have the right opportunities to listen to them. I feel like I need to talk to a therapist about how bad I feel about not listening to podcast.
    Ahem...and moving on...
    I am Canadian and know almost exactly nothing about American history. That's not so bad (I am Canadian after all), but I know barely above nothing about Canadian history. I really should take the citizenship class, because I have American friends who have gotten citizenship and know WAYYYY more about Canadian history than I do...

    1. Hey, I don't watch movies. You don't listen to podcasts. Everybody has their own thing!
