Sunday, September 17, 2023

11.17 Method - Evolution of the Perfect Shot

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the seventeenth day of the month is "Method."


I started by noticing how adorable Hannah and Zelda were next to each other, so I took a photo to commemorate the occasion of the two of them living peaceably together. It's also somewhat amusing because Hannah's laying on a towel that we use to wipe dew off her paws in the morning and Zelda is laying on Hannah's warming mat. We bought this mat for Hannah, but Zelda uses it more. 

I decide to go in a bit closer to the cat because she's in the sun and her belly is just so fabulous. She is actually a relatively small cat, so this is a way to show that she's mostly fur.

The next morning Zelda was back on the mat, but the light was even better.

The dog is quite ticked off that Zelda is getting all this attention, but look at that face! I went in closer, just to see if I could get her looking at me.

Too close. Her murder mitten is out of frame.

Perfect. The perfect shot of a blissed out kitty in the sun. 


Which one is your favorite photo of the Queen of the Gimbalshes?


  1. I love your cat. So much.

    1. Thank you. She feels nothing but contempt for you.

  2. Ha ha, well my favorite is the one of her stretched out on her back (the third photo down.) She looks so long! I love it when cats lie on their backs with their legs sticking up.

    1. She IS very long. Her proportions are all wrong. I love it.

  3. Oh, the first solo photo. She has her tail curled up onto her belly and is completely comatose in the sunshine. No one can luxuriate like a cat.

    1. It's true. Cats know the true meaning of life is a sunbeam and a nap.

  4. All stretched out and showing all the floof!

  5. the picture of Zelda stretched out is unreal! There is just so much cat belly there! But the close up up her beautiful eyes is pretty special too.

    1. Her belly is fabulous, thank you for noticing!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks! She definitely knows it, too.

  7. They are all gorgeous because she is gorgeous! Love them all <3

    1. You're definitely easy to please when it comes to Zelda photos!

  8. Zelda is always ready for her closeup and I find the last two pics (yes, even the one without her mitten) amazing!

    1. Her eyes are so gorgeous. Her makeup is always so spot-on.

  9. I WANT TO RUB THAT FLOOFY TUMMY (and get my hand mauled in the process. It would be worth it, I think.)

    1. We all want to rub the belly. But it's safer if we look, but don't touch. LOL.

  10. MURDER MITTENS!! Lol. 😜😜

    She is the loveliest cat. I really like the first day, second shot which shows her tail coming up on her belly. She's comfy!

    1. The best part of that second photo is that she's right next to Hannah. She has no fear of the dog, which I LOVE.

  11. They are so cute. My fave photo is def the second belly shot. So much fluff!

    1. She's going to have a procedure done and they're going to shave her belly and I'm so sad for her. It's going to be like cutting off her power source.

  12. Zelda surely is a photogenic beauty :)

    1. Thank you. She knows it, too!

  13. Zelda is beautiful, but what I want to know is, what goes through Hannah's mind when she looks at Zelda? Does she want Zelda to like her? Zelda, of course, has a cat attitude towards everything - including having her photo taken and taking the dog's warming mat. ;)
