Thursday, May 18, 2023

7.18 Winner - Podcast Roundup

Bestest Friend and I are doing a podcast project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the eighteenth day of the month is "Winner."


I have been trying some new podcasts and have stumbled upon some excellent ones, so let me regale you with what's been going on in my earbuds. 

Violation, a collab from WBUR and The Marshall Project, looks at the case of one black man's journey through the criminal justice system, from being found guilty of a murder while he was a minor to prison to attempting to get out on parole. Jake Wideman doesn't deny killing a fellow camper on a trip when he was a teenager, but should he spend the rest of his life in prison for something that happened when he was sixteen? He's been seeking mental health treatment and has a potential stable home life outside of prison. On the other hand, he did kill a child. It's so fascinating and I found myself wavering constantly about what his fate should be and what role members of unelected parole boards should play in life-altering decisions they may or may not be qualified to judge. As someone who strongly feels that life without parole sentences should be illegal, when confronted with parents pleading that their child's murderer stay behind bars, it was sometimes hard to stick to my guns. Very thought provoking and it really made me think hard about my beliefs.

When I saw a new four-episode season of 30 for 30 drop, I was hesitant. Called The Bag Game, this season investigates how a top NBA recruit fell from the rankings after he was caught up in NCAA violations when he was attending the University of Kansas. I don't know why I was hesitant because 30 for 30 has never steered me wrong, but I thought this sounded like a bit of a snooze. It wasn't, though! It was great and fascinating and character-focused. Billy Preston may not have been squeaky clean, but it was clear to me that he deserved better than he got.  Anyway, I am not a sports person, but I like all these 30 for 30 stories and I was super impressed with this one.

I have been trying to find a replacement for the first season of The Adventure Zone, which was the peak of some people playing D&D in a listenable way for non-D&D players. I've dipped my toes into other roleplaying podcasts, but a lot of them are actual play, which is long and rules-y, and some are just annoying bros being annoying bros. The Adventure Zone itself has yet to have an additional season beyond their first that I have listened to in its entirety. So I downloaded the first few eps of Dungeons & Daddies without much hope, but then I downloaded more episodes and then more and then soon I had listened to the entire first season! Just as good as the first season of TAZ and maybe even slightly better because I found myself tearing up a couple of times at the end. I haven't yet dipped into the second season, but I'll keep you updated. 

And that's all from me from podcastlandia. Have you listened to anything great recently?


  1. Wow, you really listen to a wide variety! I listen to the same type of podcast over and over again- either running-related, or I guess you could put it in the "self help' category- how to be happier, or more productive, or healthier... I love Rich Roll (or specifically, I usually love his guests- I think Rich talks too much) and James Altucher. And I like Gretchen Rubin's Happier podcast- just for something light and fun. Violation sounds really interesting though- I'm going to check it out.

    1. We listen to very different podcasts! The best thing about the podcast boom is that there's something for everyone out there.

  2. I am woefully behind on podcasts lately... I haven't been getting out for as many walks as I used to and in the past, I could listen to a podcast when taking Will for a stroller walk but now that feels wrong since he's so verbal and chatty...

    1. Awww...I think you should absolutely give up podcast time to hear your little boy talk! What a fun thing to be able to hear his observations on walks.

  3. That's quite a variety! I just yesterday listened to Samantha Irby on Forever 35, and it was a great interview. She recently published a book, and also an essay about just liking what we like, even if it's "basic" or whatever. I really enjoyed it a lot. I've also really been enjoying Begin Reagan Palestine Terror on the Airline episodes of We Didn't Start The Fire, and I recently started listening to Betwixt the Sheets, which is a different kind of history podcast.

    1. I read that Irby essay and I think it's pretty spot on. I think we should unironically and 100% enthusiastically enjoy the things we enjoy. I have no shame over my romance and fantasy novel reading ways! Sure, it might make me a basic genre bitch, but that's how I like to spend my time. If someone likes something, let them have it!

      I tried a handful of episodes of We Didn't Start the Fire and it seemed like homework to me, so I stopped listening. But, of course, I'm so happy that it's a podcast that exists for people who like it.

  4. Dungeons & Daddies sounds intriguing. Thanks for the suggestion. I listen to fewer podcasts every year. However my favorite podcast is still Everything is Fine, but I've probably mentioned that before.

    1. I listen to more and more podcast, but I feel like it gets harder and harder to find podcasts that I enjoy listening to! I can't tell if quality is worse or if I'm getting picky.

  5. I have traded podcasts for audio-books almost exclusively. I do still listen to Gretchen Rubin occasionally and sometimes Girl Next Door.

    1. Interesting. I rarely listen to audiobooks because I don't like to listen to fiction books very much. So I listen to non-fiction books on audiobook, but it's hard to take notes that way and so it makes it harder for me to write good reviews. I don't think I'll be giving up my podcasts for audiobooks like you anytime soon.
