Sunday, December 18, 2022

2.18 Winner - Podcast Episode of the Month

Bestest Friend and I are doing a podcast project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the eighteenth day of the month is "Winner."


I have rarely in my podcast listening history, relistened to a podcast. I relistened to The Adventure Zone's Balance campaign and have relistened to select episodes of Serial and Let's Go to Court. But I have never listened to an episode and then immediately listened to the episode a second time and then later that same week relistened for a third time.

Until this past week. Evan and Andrew Gregory were guests on Too Scary; Didn't Watch (a horror movie recap I really enjoy hosted by three female friends) and they kept talking about how great the episode of their podcast, Punch Up the Jam, that two of the TSDW hosts had guested on was. I generally don't listen to a lot of music podcasts, but as I've mentioned here before, I'm running a little low on podcasts because of holiday hiatuses, so I downloaded the "Barbie Girl" episode.

In PUTJ, the hosts talk to the guests about a song in great detail. It could be a song the guests like a lot or a song that they mostly like but have one issue with or a song that the guests don't like at all. Then the hosts go and "punch up" the song.  Sammy and Emily were the TSDW guests and they talked about every line of "Barbie Girl" by Aqua and then Evan wrote a banger punch up and I laughed so hard. There was a moment in the discussion when Sammy referred to the song as "devastating" and a part where she sang the man's part of the song and I have to admit that I have a crush on Sammy.  I have never laughed as hard at a podcast as I did at this serious examination of one of the dumbest songs in history. 

Anyway.  I listened to it twice in one day and then listened to it again later in the week. I'm obsessed with this episode. (I've also listened to the punch up of Brandy (You're A Fine Girl) multiple times, but did not feel the need to listen to the discussion multiple times.)

Have you ever immediately relistened to an episode of a podcast?


To see what Bestest Friend wrote about winners, go check her blog out at Too Legit To Quit.


  1. Hmmm. I don't listen to many podcasts (and almost never listen to audiobooks - maybe two my entire life)?
    I don't know if I've ever re-listened to a podcast...but I'm assuming not? At this point I can easily go weeks between listening to an episode of anything.

  2. I don't usually re-listen to episodes but every once in a while I do. I'm going to check this one out- although I don't know the song Barbie Girl (should I?) so I might not listen to that episode. Brandy You're a Fine Girl is a classic from my childhood so maybe I'll listen to that one.

  3. I can say that I've never listened to an episode more than once. Never. I listened to this one for a little bit; very funny. I laughed that they were all chatting and one of the ladies referred to a Mall that I've been to in Fort Lauderdale.
