Thursday, November 30, 2023

13.30 A Year of Depression

I just finished a yearly project. Each day of the month I posted on a pre-determined theme. During the month of November, I'll post a collage of all my photos on the daily theme from the past year. The theme for the thirtieth day of the month was Depression." Generally, I posted about antidotes to depression, not actual depression. 


2022 Stocking Stuffer Ideas - I still stand by these. 
Combatting Winter Blues - In which my beloved husband insinuates I might have pooped on the floor. 
Doggy Woes - Hannah cannot handle being housebound.
Snow! - Hannah ran through my snow heart. 
My Library, My Love - My public library is the best. 
More Puppy Love - Photos of tiny Humphrey!
Hazardous - Bad air quality and Richard Marx. 
Tempest - A summer storm knocked down a lot of trees. 
Doggy Playdate, Part II - The size difference of Humphrey in three months is astonishing. 
A Trio of Happiness - A blogger comes back, the water tower is discussed, and a child writes a letter. 
Another Trip to Michigan - Pretty art. 

Hannah count: 2
Humphrey count: 2
Shadow count: 2
Dog park count: 1
Park by our house count: 1
Library count: 1
Snow count: 1
Shopping, dogs, trees. This seems right.
Last weekend it snowed. Just a little bit, maybe an inch or two. But it has been so cold that the snow has not melted and we never shoveled it, so now it's just ice. That's sort of depressing. But, you know what's not depressing? 

How much this creature loves the snow and the colder temperatures! We could walk for hours if only the human being in the equation wasn't such a whiner about the "cold" and the "ice" and the "runny nose." 
What's cheering you up during these dark, cold days? (If you are in a warm, sunny place, I want to hear all about how MISERABLE it is to be hot and sweaty and how TERRIBLE it is when the sun blinds you. I don't need BRAGGING about how you made better life choices than I did that allow you to have a lovely November.)


  1. Puppies are cheering me up during these dark, cold days... Hannah is bonus cheering up! Humphrey is ++

    1. I can't even imagine I would be bothered to get off the couch if it weren't for my girls. Thank goodness for pets!

  2. Aww, Rexie loves the snow and cold too! He hasn't had it yet BUT it's supposed to snow on the weekend. What will that be like here, I wonder!

    1. Rex is going to be living his best life SOON!

  3. Dogs and snow are the best antedote to the winter blues. Our dog loved taking long, fast walks in the cold, doing snow zoomies, and eating snow. Usually it's cold and dark this time of year, but for some reason we've had a lot of sunny days with the sun very low in the sky, so for that reason I can be one of those annoying people complaining about how the sun is blinding me...for right now until inevitably we'll get storms and endless gray days.

    1. Yes, Hannah eats snow! Why do they do that? It's cold and can't possibly taste good? What's up with that, dogs?

  4. The title of this post made me giggle. (Purely because I know "depression" is a randomly chosen word and not an affliction.)

    There is nothing cuter than a dog who loves the snow!!! My parents' dog (may he rest in peace) LOVED the snow and would charge through the drifts tossing snoutsful of snow into the air with his nose.

    1. Are you familiar with snow nose? Hannah's nose changed color the first winter we had her and we didn't know that some dogs' noses lighten in color over the winter and then they get darker in the warmer months. Scientists don't know why, but there are some hypothesis that it has to do with the noses constantly on the cold ground. It doesn't hurt the dogs!

  5. LOL at the last paragraph! It cheers me up to see Hannah enjoying this shit weather. Honestly, going to be early and being all snuggled up cheers me up. It sounds like avoidance but getting enough sleep cause it's so dark out makes me very happy!

    1. I feel very pleased with Hannah's happiness this time of year. She makes the endless dark seem better!

  6. Oh Hannah. I want to BE YOU.

    Dr. BB thinking you might have pooped on the floor is a catchy summary of that post. Haha.

    It's cold and I'm bitter about it. We also have snow on the ground and ice, and I'd like to be lounging on a beach somewhere (with low humidity; the only thing I hate more than high humidity and heat is cold). I'm so picky...

    1. I guess I need to get over the bitterness of the cold. It's December now and that's a for real winter month. *sigh* I'll catch you in May when it warms up.

  7. Hannah is such a sturdy looking dog. She looks as if she has some Akita in her background.

    We got a snowstorm earlier this week, and I ended up driving in it. UGH. At times there were whiteout conditions, and I swear all I was thinking about was all those people who like snow. I wanted to smack every single one of them.

    I have been using my heating pad and my husband's, too. He never uses his, so I've commandeered it.

    1. Hmm...I don't know if Hannah has Akita. She's definitely got some shepherd in there. All the image identification label her as a black mouth cur. I don't know. Maybe husky from her occasional singing? It's hard to tell! She's an all-around mutt!

      Driving when the snow is falling and you can't see anything is the WORST. I'm sorry you had to do that!

  8. Will that snow stay? Do you have continuous snow cove thru the heart of the winter?

    1. No, the snow is already gone. It stayed for several days, though, because it was really cold in the beginning of the week. It got above freezing in the last two days and it has melted. Apparently we used to have continuous snow cover in Wisconsin, but we haven't since I've lived here. Maybe in Jan-Feb, but certainly not in December.

  9. I love this photo of Hannah in the snow ;)

    1. She's so happy these days! It does make winter more tolerable knowing she loves it.

  10. Snow actually cheers me up. It has been white outside the window for a week now and I couldn't be happier. Unfortunatly temperatures are rising again so it will be a mud pit soon.

  11. Hannah, Snow Dog. Love it. Don't hate me, but I wish it were snowing instead of raining. This warm weather in December messes with my mind. :P (Not that there is much left to mess with, but...)

    1. Oh, 100%. I'd much rather have snow. And so would Hannah!
