Saturday, September 30, 2023

11.30 Depression - A Trio of Happiness

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the thirtieth day of the month is "Depression."


As per usual, I'm going to talk about some things that are helping me to battle depression for this prompt. 

1) Elisabeth's back! Her old blog accidentally got deleted, but she's has a whole new blog. If you have been missing her regular posts, this is super good news.  (Also, everyone back up your blog!)

2) As many of you know, there is a water tower in our town that I am somewhat obsessed with. When I was scheduling speakers for our regular lecture series at the community center, someone suggested that we have one of the docents do a virtual tour of the water tower. The series this fall is about local history, so this fit right in and I was super excited to have a couple of people there to talk us through the history. It's so interesting - the mayor didn't want to build it and this eventually led to the dissolution of the mayor/alderman system of government in our town and now we have a city manager/city council.  

I was super happy that we had pretty good turnout for the talk, it was really well done, and at the end of it all, they handed out notecards with a watercolor of the water tower. This is like the absolute best collision of my interests possible - snail mail AND local history.

3) Apparently one of my nephews is learning about sending letters in school. My husband received this absolutely fabulous letter from him.

Dear Ted,

How are you doing? 2nd grade is so fun. My teacher is so nice. We get gym day. We have to fill the marble jar fast. 2nd grade recess is so early. It is at 9:35!
Love, Charlie

My SIL reported back that he was going to write it to me, but my name was too long! LOL. 

The best thing is that my husband then broke out his own personalized notecards to write him back. So cute. 


What's making you happy today?


  1. Wow! An actual paper note. I have to write one soon -- well a little note on a card.

    1. I know! I love that they're teaching little ones how to write mail.

  2. CUTEST letter. I love when little kids write-- their handwriting alone is so precious.

    1. The handwriting is amazing. He even wrote the addresses on the envelope!

  3. Ha ha, i love the letter! I love the "news" kids decide to share.
    Let's see... well it's Saturday, that makes me happy. i work this morning but then am off for the weekend. There's a Baylor game on this afternoon, AND (the best part) I got the new Cormoran Strike book!!! It's so good! So I have a fun day ahead of me.

    1. Right? I NEED to know more about the marble jar!

      I didn't even know there WAS a new Strike book. I'll wait for you to tell me how good it is before I order it from the library. I have too many books out right now.

  4. I absolutely love what is important for kids to share. Early recess! Gym! Filling up marble jars! Love it.

    1. It really does give a glimpse into their minds and priorities, doesn't it?

  5. I love that letter, it's a keeper for sure. And that your husband wrote back makes it even more perfect.

    1. My husband LABORED over his letter because he wanted our nephew to be able to read it. It was very charming.

  6. That letter is the cutest thing and reading about it made my day :) I love that you didn't get the letter because your name was too long (LOL) and that Mr B responded to him :)

    1. My name is too long! I knew it would come back to harm me someday.

  7. Is there anything sweeter than a handwritten note from a child?! NO THERE IS NOT. Well, maybe Hannah's eyes...those may be sweeter.

    Also, full disclosure: I read the title of the post and then saw the #1 thing was a link to my blog and I started to panic thinking: Oh no, my return is making Engie depressed. Thankfully I'm pretty sure I read that the wrong way ;) Thanks for linking to my new site and I'm so glad that some people have backed up their blogs because of my disaster! That said, in the end, I think I can look at this as a net positive because I got to finally make some changes I'd been wanting to do. In all likelihood I would have stuck with the status quo forever. There's nothing like having your blog deleted to provide a major kick in the backside to get things done!

    Love that watercolour. And I'm so glad the talk was well attended.

    1. I'm so glad you're back on the Internet, Elisabeth! I can't wait to read all the things you're going to write about! It is sort of nice to have a clean slate without all the little things you would have changed.

  8. I love that letter! ❤️

    1. It IS pretty adorable, I must admit.

  9. The letter is everything.

    I had a rough morning, yelled at my 5 year old for not being able to find her uniform whereas it was right there in her dresser. Just open the drawer. Sigh.

    What's making me happy today?... Music. Slow and steady to calm myself down. Writing.

    1. Thank goodness for music. It can definitely change the mood instantly!

  10. I'm late to comment, but honestly on Saturday, I wasn't feeling the love for anything at all--other than the watercolor, and the kid letter, both of which are excellent. But today I talked to my mother and she sounds so much better, and will go from the hospital to rehab soon, so--Canadian wildfire smoke/haze aside--today is a brighter day for me.

    1. I am so sorry that your mom's been having so many issues. Fingers crossed that she'll be nearing the end of this soon and she'll be able to come SAFELY home.

  11. That watercolor is GORGEOUS! Wow! And that note from Charlie. OMG, all the heart eye emojis!

    1. Charlie has no idea how absolutely charming we found that letter. And my husband's letter back to him was just as adorable!

  12. This post made me happy! I love the snail mail coming to your house, even if your name is too long for him to write to you directly. Yay for the waterpower tour and artwork!

    1. Yay for everything coming up roses! (/focusing on the positive)

  13. Just had to say I love the letter and it made me smile in the middle of a very long week (already on Tuesday). Also? That postcard is fantastic. Yay for awesome events that you made happen.

    1. That letter is so adorable. My husband has it hanging in his work office and it pleases me greatly.
