Sunday, October 01, 2023

September 2023 Accountability Buddy

I fought hard during September. There were a lot of days I would have rather taken a nap.


Friday, September 1
Day off

Saturday, September 2
Hours in the pool at the family reunion. This may not be technically a workout, but I led some pool yoga and did some crazy supervision. 

Sunday, September 3
30-minute Yoga with Adriene video

Monday, September 4
Day off

Tuesday, September 5
30-minute Caroline Girvan Iron series (day 15 - shoulders)

Wednesday, September 6
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime*
30-minute cardio & core class
30-minute body blast class

Thursday, September 7
30-minute Caroline Girvan Iron series (day 16 - hamstrings)

Friday, September 8
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime
40-minute vinyasa with 2Birds yoga 

Saturday, September 9
30-minute Caroline Girvan Iron series (day 17 - upper body) - The upper body workouts in the Iron series are so well done. Thumbs up.

Sunday, September 10
35-minute Yoga with Adriene video

Monday, September 11
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime
30-minute Sydney Cummings Houdyshell lower body workout (skipping day 18 of Iron because I ain't got time for thirty minutes of hamstring thrusts) - I tried to keep up here, but dropped down to bodyweight at the last third of this workout

Tuesday, September 12
30-minute tabata class

Wednesday, September 13
45-minute body blast class (in person!)
45-minute yoga class (in person!) 
Our local healthcare consortium has done digital fitness classes only since COVID in 2020. They are transitioning to face-to-face classes at the community center where I volunteer. These were free classes and I was happy to see them go off well and be well-attended. Their new sessions start in October and I'm sort of on the fence about signing up for them because the old classes were $20/month for all the classes and the F2F classes are $25/class.  Going from $20/month for five classes a week to $75/month for three classes a week is quite an increase in investment and I'm not sure I'm willing to do it. We'll see. 

Thursday, September 14
Day off

Friday, September 15
30-minute Caroline Girvan Iron series (day 19 - total body)

Saturday, September 16
40-minute Breathe and Flow standing balance vinyasa yoga video

Sunday, September 17
30-minute Caroline Girvan Iron series (day 20 - arms and core)

Monday, September 18
45-minute Werq (dance) class - The last of the free classes.

Tuesday, September 19
30-minute Yoga with Adriene video

Wednesday, September 20
30-minute Caroline Girvan Iron series (day 21 - legs)

Thursday, September 21
30-minute Caroline Girvan Iron series (day 22 - upper body)

Friday, September 22
Day off

Saturday, September 23
30-minute Yoga with Adriene video

Sunday, September 24
30-minute lower body workout video (replacing day 23 of Iron with this)

Monday, September 25
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime
30-minute Caroline Girvan Iron series (day 24 - fully body circuits)

Tuesday, September 26
30-minute Caroline Girvan Iron series (day 25 - shoulder) - I think I said this before, but this is too much shoulders. 

Wednesday, September 27
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime
30-minute Yoga with Adriene video (this is called Yoga for When You're in a Bad Mood, so I think you know how this day went)

Thursday, September 28
30-minute Caroline Girvan Iron series (day 26 - legs)

Friday, September 29
Day off

Saturday, September 30
35-minute 2Birds Yoga video 

Totals: 25/30 (83.3 %) days
17 days strength/cardio
9 days yoga
5 short 15-minute stretch classes at lunchtime

*Our local healthcare group does free 15-minute stretch classes via Zoom three times a week. Come join us! It's free! It's fun! We talk about food in the chat almost every time! You don't ever have to be on camera. You have to register, but there's no cost. 


  1. Well I still think you did really well! I take it you're not that crazy about the CG lower body in the Iron series. I remember some of them were ver tedious and painful, and I also remember that shoulder one!
    I agree that's quite a price increase for the classes. It's hard to pay that much more when there's so much free stuff on the internet.

    1. So a lot of the leg workouts in Iron are just endless repetitions of hip thrusts and Bulgarian lunges and they're both uncomfortable for me in different ways. I have learned that I just need to sub in other leg workouts on those days to fit my needs. I'm sure they're great workouts for other people.

      I did the math and it comes to about $5/45 min class. That does seem reasonable, so I did register for one fitness class and one yoga class per month.

  2. In awe, as always. Of the exercising AND the keeping track of it.

    1. I assure you that keeping track of it is way easier than doing it!

  3. This is just SO dedicated, Engie. I walked and did 2 yoga videos. That was it! *Sigh* Exercise is just so low on my list of priorities right now, but I'm trying to be okay with it, be gentle with my body and know that just moving it is enough (as in - walking with the kids, not actually running or doing any strength training).

    1. I think I'm actually getting to the point now where if I do not exercise, my body starts to revolt. But you're younger than I am and I used to be able to get away with a lot less movement without noticing stiffness and soreness. There will come a day when your life is less crazy and you'll be able to fit in more consistent movement.
