Sunday, October 01, 2023

12.1 Hat - A Trip to Costco

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the first day of the month is "Hat."


Can we all just celebrate the fact that I am on the last month of writing about these prompts?! Woot woot!


I assumed when we went to Costco yesterday (YES! on a Saturday! it was a madhouse) that there would be decorations for the spooky season and I would be able to find a witch's hat or something. Ha ha ha! Joke's on me, I guess, because now Costco is selling Christmas stuff and TOO BAD IF YOU WANT HALLOWEEN, NGS. 

There is nothing more mortifying to my husband than me telling him in the middle of the store that I need to stop to get a photo of a hat. He's officially done with these prompts, too, I tell you.

Minor complaint: A week or two ago, I went to our local Walgreen's to pick up a prescription. While I was there, I thought I'd grab some Halloween cards for the niblings. It was mid-September. Yo. ALL THEY HAD WERE THANKSGIVING CARDS. I can't even with this anymore. Pretty soon I'm going to have to cut pumpkins out of construction paper because there's no way it would have occurred to me in August to buy Halloween cards. I'm just not that on top of things. Just like how we breezed right by the Christmas crap at Costco today because that is THREE MONTHS AWAY.


I promise to update this post if anyone in our neighborhood posts spooky decorations with a hat.


Are your stores already selling Christmas decor?  What is up with that?


  1. I haven't noticed, but I don't spend much time in stores.

    1. I don't spend a lot of time in stores, either. That's why these two things were so surprising to me!

  2. Yep, the Christmas stuff showed up on the shelves in August at Costco. At least I can count on the grocery stores to stay with Halloween until Oct 31 before switching over to Christmas stuff.

    1. I did have to get Halloween cards at our local Hallmark store. *sigh* I bet if I went inside a Target it would still be Halloween, right?

  3. Ooooh the gnome! I actually have one of those snowmen too.

  4. What, this is our last "hat" post???
    Yes, the store have Christmas stuff out. Who buys it in September, anyway??? I know Target still has Halloween though (I mean, I would hope so!) and so does our grocery store. I don't shop at Costco so I don't know how they work their crazy schedule.

    1. Well, there will be one more wrap-up hat post next month and then I'm going to stop thinking about hats. Do you think I'll be able to? Or will the first thing I think about on the first of the month always be HAT?

  5. I think I joined while you were doing the prompts, and when you kept doing them after Christmas I wasn't sure if this was just your life now lol.
    One of my friends did just post Christmas decorations on a store shelf - I don't think I've seen any yet, but I've only been in the grocery store. I HATE the rushing the seasons thing - does it even really work? Are people actually buying Xmas stuff at Costco right now, and aren't they missing out on some of their halloween market?

    1. LOL. This IS my life now. But not forever. Come December 1, will I post something? Who even knows?

  6. Well grocery stores are selling Christmas candy. They started. in September. Previous years you could see in in August already. This year I NEEDED Christmas cookies in August for a. photo shoot and could get any. Thank you very much.
    But I. hate that it is so iff season. I tend to have cards for all occasion at home.
    I wonder though, is it a common thing to write Halloween cards? I've never heard of that.

    1. I don't know if greeting cards for Halloween are COMMON, per se, but they do sell them. I always send my nieces and nephews cards for holidays (Valentine's, St. Patrick's, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas) and they seem to like it.

  7. I haven't seen any Christmas stuff up here yet? Even Halloween seems toned down this year, but maybe I'm just not in the stores that push this sort of thing as heavily?
    I also have never heard of Halloween cards! But, why not, I suppose?

    1. Huh. I mean, I don't think a lot of people send Halloween cards, but they are readily available in most stores here!

  8. Our Costco still has Halloween!! Also! I got the CUTEST Halloween mugs at Walgreens the other day. Maybe Madison is still in a retail time warp?

    1. Costco does still have some Halloween candy and costumes. It's just all the home decor has switched to Christmas (the one in Sun Prairie). Walgreens still has its entire Halloween aisle up, including costumes, but it does not have Halloween greeting cards. So weird!

  9. I actually think that my Costco had Christmas stuff the last time I was there, which must have been a few weeks ago. They are really getting a jump on it, I tell you! I just ignore all of the holiday themed stuff and send people cards with photos with trees on them. That is fall right? I have so many note cards already and I guess in a pinch I could cut out a pumpkin!

    1. YES! Our Costco did have some Christmas stuff up at our last trip a few weeks ago, but it was mixed in with Halloween. Not a witch to be found on Saturday.

  10. Where we are (mid-Michigan) some of the Christmas stuff is even on SALE! We were talking about how corporations probably decided that the climate crisis is coming at us fast, so they better sell all the plastic, crap, and plastic crap while we're still around... Sorry! This frantic rush through the year really makes me (disproportionately, probably) mad.

    1. Ugh. I get it. I am also frustrated by the huge amounts of unnecessary plastic used in holiday crap. We have reused our Halloween decorations since we moved to this house and I don't really think we need any more. Do some people really buy all new every year?

  11. I haven't seen Christmas stuff yet, but I'm sure it's coming.

    I can't believe this is your last month of prompts! What will your life be without them?!

    1. Ha ha. Without my prompts, I will probably blog a lot less. LOL. Maybe I'll just designate a day once a month where I use a random noun generator!

  12. How are you feeling about being close to done with the prompts? It sounds like good? :)
    Hmm, I haven't noticed Christmas stuff up yet! I haven't gone to the back of Target in a while. I dislike shopping so much that I do it as fast as I can, LOL.

    1. I honestly can't wait to be done with these prompts. If I ever did something like this again, I would think harder about the prompts and maybe not just use a random noun generator to come up with them!

  13. I'm not quite sure why we have to RUSH through all the holidays so's almost as insane as going to Costco on a Saturday. 😳😜

    1. I don't know when else we could have gone! We like to go together, but maybe we're going to have to start splitting up if one of us can fit it in during the week.

  14. The "too-early-holiday-item-selling" is out of hand. I can't deal with Christmas decor at the store quite yet. Sorry.

    1. No, you're quite right to be upset about it. I mean, who is even thinking about Christmas decor right now?!
