Friday, September 29, 2023

11.29 Song - On the Seasons

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-ninth day of the month is "Song."


On my walks with Hannah, we usually go by this tree. It's always one of the first ones in the neighborhood to start changing. But how would I even know if it's changing this year because it's always dark when we go walking or rainy/overcast. Oh, September. I am not going to be sad to see you leave. 

Why aren't there songs about seasons? What's a song about fall? 

Songs about summer:

These exist. "Summer in the City," "Summertime," "Saturday in the Park," and " Heatwave" spring to mind before I even do an internet search.

Songs about fall:

Hmmm..."Wake Me Up When September Ends" is pretty good.  It hits the nail on the head about how I feel about September.  

Do you have any songs about fall that aren't directly related to Spooky Season?

Songs about winter:

Most of the songs I'm thinking of are actually Christmas songs, like "Let it Snow" or "Winter Wonderland." Do you have cold weather songs that aren't associated with holidays?

Songs about spring:

"Here Comes the Sun"? Hm. I keep thinking of that "Bus Stop" song by the Hollies, but that's actually about a summer relationship, not spring, so it belongs in the summer category.

Help me out, friends. What are your seasonable songs?


  1. Today I'm humming Harvest Moon because it's the harvest moon! And I love Wake Me Up When September Ends. Also: do you remember, the 21st night of September. Blue Rodeo's Hasn't Hit Me Yet always makes me think cozily of winter.
    Sorry your September has sucked, Engie! But that tree is beautiful.

    1. That tree is beautiful. I should do better about recognizing the really wonderful things in September. It's not all bad!

    2. Yes! I was coming to offer you Earth, Wind, and Fire too...

  2. Other than Christmas I don't really listen to seasonal songs, but I LOVE September. The return to school is such balm to my weary Mama soul, the mornings are crisp, the sun is warm in the afternoons. Mid-Sept to mid-Oct is MY TIME of the year. The rest of the weather I could pretty much skip. Winter is terrible. Spring is depressing. Summer is too hot. But this one golden, glorious month my heart sings.

    Maybe next year you should plan on spending a month in Nova Scotia with me!!!

    1. I actually really like October. I get more used the never-ending dark and spooky season begins. We can put up decorations in our house! I know you don't love Halloween, but I'm a fan and I like that there's something to look forward to in October. I'm going to pull out of my dreary rut, I promise!

  3. Please help me, I'm falling ... 😁

    1. Is this a reference to a song? I bet it is and I don't know what it is!

  4. The best thing about this time of year is that it's pretty and weather is (mostly) perfect. I try to ignore the later sunrise/early sunset and pretend that it's going to stay like this for a good long while.

    1. Huh. I'd like the weather to be slightly more consistent than September usually is. I think October is going to provide an answer for me!

  5. Songs for now about leaves: Coldplay's "Yellow" and White Stripes' "Dead Leaves and Dirty Ground."

    Someone on my socials was sharing a whole playlist from Pioneer Woman:

    Also: I realize now that it's a bit stalkerish (are all 90s songs like that?) but Don Henley's "Boys of Summer" is a fave. Another (new-ish) favorite for summer is Young the Giant's "Heat of the Summer."

    1. Is "Boys of Summer" stalkerish? I'll avoid looking too closely at the lyrics!

  6. Earth Wind and Fire! I agree with you about September-- such a weird weather month here. I have been leaning in to outdoor fires and smores and also early walks to see the sunrise-- it is actually perfect catch-the-sunrise season here right now. Otherwise, bring it, October.

    1. I guess I'm just frustrated by September's rudeness in cutting daylight hours short AND not knowing if it wants to be hot or cold. I just want to know how to dress when I get up in the morning.

  7. I was going to suggest the Earth Wind and Fire song too. A song that September brings up in my mind is April Come She Will, by Simon and Garfunkel.

    1. It is interesting that people do seem to have some songs associated with seasons!

  8. Ufffff love the tree yet I don't have the song. Christmas - of course, so many...
    In my area (NJ) September has a quiet beauty to it, just a hint of fall, but come October- wham!!!! October has a great fall vibe here! You should see houses in Summit and Chatham, NJ that go ALL OUT with their fall decorations. I often think "how much $$ do you people spend on pumpkins every year?..."

    1. October is a great month here, too. I am desperate to enjoy it no matter what!
