Tuesday, May 30, 2023

7.30 Depression - More Puppy Love

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the thirtieth day of the month is "Depression."


Much as I did last month, I am writing about an antidote to depression. A puppy!

I invited myself over to my friend's house yesterday so I could see Humphrey the Puppy.

He's still about a month away from getting all his puppy shots and being able to meet Hannah, but don't you worry. I went over there sans the big dog and found that Humphrey's already so much bigger than the last time I saw him. The vet apparently said "he probably won't get much more than 80 pounds" and my friend's head spun around like an owl. EIGHTY! Humphrey might be a very large dog.

I asked him to sit and he did, but he was so sad about it.

Humphrey is very friendly, but still full of puppy nips and scratches. There's a huge red welt on my right arm from a bit of puppy play. But mostly we snuggled, played tug, and told him how adorable he was. I also enjoyed watching him drink water and get it everywhere and then have some in his beard at the end. Watching a puppy drink is the best amusement for its money. 

How big do you think Humphrey will get? His paws are already bigger than Hannah's (Hannah, for reference, is almost 50 pounds)!


  1. Puppies and kittens are so adorable.

    1. Absolutely. They're also so much work!

  2. O.M.G. That picture of Humphrey sitting is priceless. A puppy is definitely the antidote to depression. And so is a kitten! We got Muffin in the middle of the pandemic, when we were all feeling down and blah- she really brightened up our lives. My sister recently lost her elderly cat (so sad! RIP Gypsy) and I'm gently urging her to think about a new one- but she's not ready yet.

    1. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about Gypsy. It's so hard to lose our beloved family members. It's always interesting whether people immediately get a new dog/cat or if they wait awhile - you can just never tell what your reaction to the grief will be.

  3. Humphrey is going to be at least 70 pounds. He's a Big Dog In Waiting.

    You really bummed him out, asking him to Sit. You People with all your rules and decorum. Way to go.

    1. Asking him to sit was so funny. He did it, but side-eyed me the whole time!

  4. I have no idea how to evaluate dog size (and no idea what size range any kind of dog might fall into) (although the Hannah size comparison is very useful! I may use it as a benchmark), but Humphrey is darling, and I am so glad you get to play with him.

    Has Hannah met puppies before? What do you think she will make of this particular rough and tumble ball of cuteness?

    1. Hannah has met some younger dogs at the dog park. She's...not the most patient of the dogs. LOL. We'll see how it goes. I think she'll play at first, but she'll get really tired really quickly and put the smack down on Humphrey if he pesters her too much. But I think in another month, he might be closer to Hannah's size and so it might not be as easy for her to take charge as I'm thinking right now. An adventure for everyone!

  5. His feet are HUGE compared to the rest of him. 80 pounds? Sure I'll take that bet!

    1. His feet are so big! He's a stubborn guy, so I don't envy my friend trying to train a giant, stubborn baby!

  6. He's so cute, I want to steal him.

    1. Ha! My friend might not be too happy about that!

  7. What a photogenic puppy! He's such a doll and I can see how he is the antidote to depression! I can't evaluate dog sizes either. I've never had a dog! My family had dogs when I was very young, but I don't have many memories of them!

    1. I feel like attempting to figure out how big a dog is or what breed it is just a fun guessing game. Humphrey will get as big as he does and we'll just enjoy the journey!

  8. I would 100% invite myself over to a friend's house if they had a puppy!!!! Very often.

    1. Ha! I'm glad I'm not the only one. I try not to go over there more than every two or three weeks, but I think the owner is pretty interested in socializing him, so I don't think he really minds. But! They don't stay little forever.

  9. The size of a puppy's feet are the key to how big they'll get - I learned that a while ago. Humphrey's feet are huge so I'm certain he'll be a big boy. But a sweet and lovable one! I love all these puppy pictures. :)

    1. He's going to be so big. I can't wait to see it!

  10. OMG. He might be as cute as Nicole's Rex. That picture of him not wanting to sit is *priceless*. He is going to be one big dog. He will probably come up to my waist when he's finished growing. The challenges of being super-short. Ha!
