Monday, January 30, 2023

3.30 Depression - Doggy Woes

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the thirtieth day of the month is "Depression."


It snowed a fair amount this weekend, maybe six or seven inches of fluffy stuff. It's the good snow that isn't backbreaking to shovel and while it's cold, it's not COLD. But once we get to below twenty degrees or so, Hannah has to wear her coat and booties and she doesn't love it. 

It was actively snowing all day on Saturday and Hannah doesn't like it when precipitation gets in her eyes (has anyone been able to get goggles for their dog in real life? - hit me up in the comments and let me know to size and fit and train), so I didn't get her to go further than our neighbor's yard, although I did get her to wander around in the backyard under our gigantic pine tree for a bit. Yesterday it was done snowing and most people had shoveled, so I thought she'd be happy to go play in the snow! She was not. She was miserable on every walk. 

We ended up shoveling a bit of our backyard down to grass so she would go there, but she doesn't like to do all her business in the backyard, so fingers crossed she gets over whatever her anti-outside stance is ASAP.

But, and this is the kicker. She was also miserable inside. She kept give us puppy dog eyes and staring woefully out the window.  The grass is always greener on the other side, I guess.  It's going to stay cold for the next few days, so hopefully she figures something out because I can't take these looks for much longer!

Did you get snow this weekend? Has the polar vortex affected you?


  1. Poor Hannah! She has Seasonal Affective Disorder. I CAN RELATE, HANNAH. Perhaps she'd like a nice car ride. That always helps me, and no, I am not kidding. You can stop at a Starbucks and get her a Pup Cup. (I do not "do" Starbucks, but they are very dog friendly, from what I understand.)

    1. There's so much to unpack here. Hannah hates the car. We try to make at least some of her car rides fun (to the dog park! to visit her friends!), but she always thinks she's going to the vet, so she's a reluctant car travelers. Also, poor baby's diet is so limited she can't have fun treats. So she's just going to sit next to the window and sulk! LOL! She'll be fine in a couple of days when it gets a bit warmer.

  2. Oh the puppy dog eyes. I always feel bad for our dog when it's raining during walk time because she won't go out unless she absolutely has to. Yes she *can* go outside anytime she wants but she prefers to walk.

    1. Yes, Hannah prefers a walk, too. This will only be a couple of days and she'll bounce back.

  3. Not a flake nor flurry here. The hyacinths have started to bloom. In January.
    Oh Hannah! I feel you. Life is sometimes full of just undesirable options.

    1. Life is sometimes full of just undesirable options. - THIS! Hannah's just got to learn that life is not always exactly what she wants and her people can't control the weather.

  4. Just a teeny bit of snow here. Poor Hannah. I hope she adjusts to the coat and booties or that your weather warms up a bit!

    1. It will warm up in a couple of days. Well, it will at least be above 20 which seems to be Hannah's comfort zone! I hope if you do get snow, it's like the snow here because it was the easiest shoveling I've ever done!

  5. Beatrix HATES HATES HATES he super cold as well, but she is really scared of clothes and boots (LOL), so that's not an option for her. We got so much snow that it buries her, and she loves breaking through it and trying to eat it for like a minute and then she's OVER IT. Sooooooo she often waits until we all go to bed and poops in the front entry way. Can't really blame her. Last winter she got a UTI because she just stopped peeing. She's a stubborn one.

    1. Oh, no! A UTI!!! What can you do to make sure that doesn't happen again? Did you shovel an area on the grass that she can go to? That's what we did for H and it's about 50% successful. *sigh* They have to learn that we aren't torturing them with the coat and boots - it's for their own good!

  6. I'm laughing at Nance's comment to take her for a ride to Starbucks. Well, why not? Do you have a Starbucks in your town? I hope you get some better dog weather soon!

    1. Do we have a Starbucks?! Ha ha ha. Where do you think I live? In a real city? We have to drive 20-25 minutes to get to a Starbucks. I wonder if our local coffee place has dog treats...

  7. Poor baby! I have a fantasy that my dog, Mulder, would LOVE the snow, but so far he hasn't seen it, so I don't know. He HATES going out in the rain, though, and also feels trapped inside and resentful about missing his walk. So Hannah, Mulder can SO RELATE. Hang in there.

    1. As soon as it warms up just a little bit, she'll have so much fun playing in the snow! I find solidarity in knowing that Mulder also hates the rain. It always feels a bit like I am the mean mom when I make her go outside when it's raining and she gives me THAT LOOK.

  8. Awww. Poor puppers. We did get snow and a polar vortex, although temperature wise, I feel like it was not a polar vortex at all. Not that I'm complaining. It was in the minus 20s on the weekend but honestly, that is something I can handle pretty easily. Rex loves the snow and cold so much that I'm wondering how he is going to fare come summer!

    1. Oh, I can't wait to see how Rex handles warmer weather. Hannah doesn't like it when it's warmer than 75F/24C or colder than 20F/-7C, so it's not the most limited range, but does rule out a fair number of days in our neck of the woods!

  9. Oh yes, plenty of snow and not just this weekend.

  10. Oh those puppy dog eyes! How sweet! We did not get snow this weekend - just very cold weather. I would rather have snow than subzero weather! But this has been a much more mild month than usual! So I shouldn't complain. I'm just glad it starts to warm up tomorrow! Today will be the first day I didn't make it outside for 23 minutes. But I had decided to give myself a pass when it's below zero.

    1. I think giving yourself a pass when it's below zero is the right thing to do, honestly. No need to make it punishing!

  11. Poor sweet thing. Those eyes kill me every single time.
    We have not gotten the cold weather yet, but it is coming this weekend and it is going to be FRIGID. I am already bitter (pun intended) about this change in temperature because it has been so mild all winter and this weekend my daughter has super fun plans that will be impacted by this cold weather. Oh well. It's winter, and I guess I need to know this will happen. But it too much to ask for winter to be like a cold fall forever?!

    1. Hopefully this delayed start in really frigid temperatures will mean an early end to winter, too? Or am I just being optimistic for optimism's sake?

  12. She does look very sad. We are lucky that it never gets that cold here, Riley still loves to go for a swim in winter.

    1. I would love a dog who enjoys swims and baths. Hannah is part of the anti-water dog club.

  13. I don't blame Hannah - I wouldn't like snow in my eyes either (but I'd love to see Hannah with doggie goggles LOL)

    We don't get snow here in Sacramento, but it's been unusually cold here the last 10 days or so (I ran in 32F this morning - and I am NOT equipped for that.)

    1. At 32 degrees, it could get icy and slippery, so be careful!

      I'm going to look into "doggles." A preliminary search shows most of them are tinted to provide UV protection and I'd probably want clear ones so she can see when it's overcast. Stay tuned. I may or may not take the plunge on this purchase.

  14. Nooooo, poor puppy! Lucy was really weird on our first walk after her stoned episode - like she was afraid of getting sick again maybe? But it was heartbreaking. I persisted because I don't want her to be afraid of her favourite thing. She doesn't mind tearing around in the snow a little, but she's small so she gets buried easily, and we're getting record-breaking amounts of snow right now.

    1. Hannah has historically liked running around in the snow, but we're not getting above zero right now, so I think it's just a bit too cold for her. Hopefully she'll regain her snow love when it warms up later this week. I'm with you - I don't want to ruin her favorite thing to do by making her do something she doesn't want to!
