Tuesday, November 28, 2023

13.28 A Year of Meaning

I just finished a yearly project. Each day of the month I posted on a pre-determined theme. During the month of November, I'll post a collage of all my photos on the daily theme from the past year. The theme for the twenty-eighth day of the month was "Meaning."


2022 Advent Calendars - This reminds me that I need to start looking for an advent calendar for this year. 
Those Tiny Memories - Happy remembrances of Christmas. 
Safe in the Car - We thought we had a gas leak, but it was really our furnace dying. 
Me & My Girls - I listened to a podcast episode and it made me sad. 
Community - Local claim to fame. 
For My Friend Mingus - RIP, good boy.
A Day with Family - Fun in Iowa. 
A Cat's Life - Zelda is queen. 
Daily Minutiae of the Linen Closet - What's in your closet?
Ice Cream - My reward for a bad day. 
Life, Now - We are inching closer and closer to the end of my volunteer position. 
No Pumpkins - I didn't get to carve a pumpkin in 2023. So sad. 
Dog who isn't Hannah or Humphrey count: 1
Zelda count: 3
Dessert count: 1
Public art installation count: 2
Community center count: 1
Modes of transportation count: 1
Hey, Jenny. Zelda wins this prompt! Not a Hannah to be seen!
Remember last week when I forgot my wallet and had to drive back home to get it? I told no one about this story except for you, My Loyal Reader, and my husband. I mean, it's so mundane and ridiculous. But you know how my sister-in-law gave me a present for my new job?  It was this!

And now my ID actually lives in there instead of in my wallet and then that lives in the pocket of my school bag with my school keys. So even if I leave my wallet at home (who here hasn't done that?!), I will have my ID and will be able to get into my office. 

That's all. I just wanted to leave you with a little win in my life right now.

Also, further wins. Two more days of NaBloPoMo. We can do this!!!

What's your latest win?  


  1. YAY! I also keep my ID in my work bag because SAME. I also put some money in my campus cash account so I can grab coffee or lunch at the cafeteria if I find myself debit card AND cashless AND without a lunch. Which has happened **eye roll**

    1. I should probably put some money in my campus food account, but then I'm giving money back to my employer and I'm resistant about that. I am even salty about having to pay for a parking pass!

  2. Cute wallet! I have a tiny one like that too that only holds a few cards and some cash, so I don't have to lug around an entire bag. My only issues is if I switch bags; then I sometimes forget to put the wallet in. However, (knock wood) I have not forgotten it on my way to work, or have remembered in time to go back and grab it at the last minute!

    1. Fortunately for this situation, I only have one work bag and I always take it with me to work, even if it's empty (because it won't be empty when I come home, probably). If I switched bags, I would DEFINITELY mess it up.

  3. I like your SIL so much RN! I have a wallet that's super glued on to my phone. It's super convenient--until I lose everything important in one fell swoop. LOL

    1. My SIL is obsessed with leather goods. She is the same one who has gifted me 2/3 of my purses. LOL. She's a great sister-in-law to have!

  4. What a cute wallet! And how prescient of her!

    1. She obviously knows me better than I do. I never imagined I'd need something like this, but she KNEW.

  5. That is such a cute wallet! Love it. It's so nice when things we need for utility are also beautiful. *Swoon*

    1. Form and function will always win us over, won't it?

  6. What's your latest win? At Target yesterday I got the last 2 boxes of LED netted lights that match the ones we already have. This is unprecedented for us to have exterior lights that are the same. We are now *those* people on the street who have it together. A first.

    1. YES!! The lights must match! Great job!

  7. My latest win: a BOGO on vitamins at the pharmacy. I'm so easily won over.

    1. I will only buy BOGO vitamins. Otherwise you're just wasting money, right?

  8. God, that makes me miss Frostie Freeze.

    1. It will reopen in only a few long months!

  9. Eek I had forgotten about always having to have my badge with me during the work day. I really don't know how I made it back in those days. Actually yes I did, anytime that I forgot my badge I just shared with a coworker for the day. But still...it was complicated.

    1. I think I would probably have just not worried about it if it had been any day except last Wednesday when my co-workers all took it off or were '"working from home." There was no one there to borrow from!

  10. I have a little wallet like that that I love, though I would worry about NOT having it when I didn't have my work bag. Is that not an issue? Is it just a work ID and not a driver's license? I may not sleep tonight, thinking of you going to work without your drivers license, or going about your non work days the same way...zzzz (I guess I'll be OK...lol)

    1. It's not my DL! It's an ID specific to my employer, so I don't need it unless I'm at work.

  11. Wow, your SIL just really knew what you needed. I love that.

  12. People who know what you (might) need and fill that (anticipated) need are the best kinds of gift-givers. Note: this is not me. :)
