Monday, August 28, 2023

10.28 Meaning - Ice Cream

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-eighth day of the month is "Meaning."


Turtle sundae. This was a SMALL.

Last Friday, I had a bad day. I was on the phone with people who were raising their voices at me for a good portion of the afternoon and, if I'm perfectly honest with you, even though these people were upset with the situation, not necessarily at me, I took it a bit personally. I rallied from moping on the couch, made dinner, and after we ate it, I just broke.

I think I need some ice cream to eat my feelings.

So we went. I don't go often. But sometimes, the real meaning of living a life is to eat the ice cream.


What's your favorite ice cream sundae?


  1. I'm sorry about the yelling and happy for you about the ice-cream... Here's hoping this week is much nicer.

    1. The ice cream was marvelous!

  2. I hear you. Believe it or not, there's a vegan sugar-free ice cream (made by So Delicious) that I get every once in a while. It's not really healthy because it's sweetened with erythritol, but that's better for me than sugar. ANYWAY. Every time I eat it I marvel at how delicious it is. Cold, creamy, sweet- why is ice cream so good??? And so soothing. I'm glad you were able to have some after your difficult day.

    1. Why is ice cream so good? I always forget how good it is until that first creamy spoonful!

  3. Ugh I am sorry to hear you had a rough call. That is what so many of my calls were like last spring when we were in the height of the banking crisis. People weren't mad at me, but they were mad at the performance of the product that my company manages. The worst calls were when the end client was on the line. Usually it's me, a sales person, and the financial advisor. I got yelled at A LOT and could be yelled at on back to back to back calls. It was horrid. I should have had a sundae! My favorite sundae is hot fudge!

    1. You get it. They're mad and I'm the bearer of (maybe bad? maybe not?) news and they take it out on me. Ugh. It was hard. The ice cream helped.

  4. Yum! We have a local ice cream place that's really good but I hardly ever go there. Note to self, now is the perfect time of year to go out for ice cream.

    And of course boo to bad phone calls.

    1. I don't go to this place very much, to be honest. Maybe 2-3 times a year. But it's delicious and I always celebrate it with a photo.

  5. Sorry about the bad phone call. Those really throw me for a loop. I'm a people-pleaser and even if it's not me they're actually upset it, it cuts deep for me emotionally.

    Since starting to eat intuitively I embrace emotional eating when I need to (which I feel is less than I used to when I was so careful about what/when I ate). For me it's often chips or yogurt and granola. I'm not much for sundaes, but I do LOVE soft serve ice cream. My kids love hot fudge sundaes.

    1. I agree with you that soft serve is the best. I used to love to get a McDonald's soft serve cone with a Diet Coke and that would be the best treat for ages. I try not to go by McDonald's anymore because the call of the Diet Coke might be too great, but maybe I should return for the delicious ice cream.

  6. I'm sorry you had a day like that and hope the ice cream helped! It looks delish! I've never ordered a sundae! :-o

    1. What? You've never ordered a sundae?! You've gotta put that on your bucket list, girl!

  7. I take any kind of yelling personally, too. I'm glad you ice creamed your feelings. 😘

    1. The ice cream definitely helped!

  8. I'm so sorry about the yelling people. Why do people yell? Sigh. Ice cream, however, is the perfect remedy. I try to eat some every night - life is too short not to eat the ice cream. And since we have the miracle of central heat, well, ice cream is also appropriate year-round, even if one is wearing fuzzy socks.
    Although I would have selected a different option because ew, peanuts on ice cream. ;)

    1. They just raised voices. I don't even know if it classifies as "yelling." I was just sad about all of it. But the ice cream helped.

  9. Ice-cream fixes almost everything. Also, I am sorry you got "yelled" at, even it it wasn't personal, it always feels personal (IMHO).

    1. It did feel personal and I'm hoping that it doesn't happen again anytime soon.

  10. I've had a tough day and having ice cream in the house definitely helped! It's coffee Oreo, but for a sundae, give me coffee with butterscotch sauce, and maybe a sprinkle of Heath bar bits!

    1. Coffee ice cream with butterscotch sauce sounds DELICIOUS.

  11. Yay for getting the icecream! I think it's hard not to take things personally when there's yelling happening.

    We don't usually do sundaes here. I love a good gelato but have to limit it because I have a dairy intolerance.

    1. Gelato, ice cream, whatever. I take all frozen treats!

  12. I think that would soothe the spirirt.

  13. You sound like you had a horrible day. OF COURSE you needed ice cream... for medicinal purposes, obviously. I'm sorry about your lousy day, but happy that you got a post and a sundae out of it.

    1. It was just what the doctor ordered!

  14. Ug, I hate those days. Sorry that happened to you. I know we always say don't shoot the messenger, but I do feel like the messenger gets shot a lot! I definitely had some rough days, especially during the pandemic, when the stock market when down so sharply. It was like some people took all their pandemic frustrations out on me! I know that it was like you though; it was not my personal fault, but some days were hard. I don't remember eating ice cream, but I should have! I like a nice firm banana split with just vanilla ice cream, slivered almonds and tons and tons and tons of whipped cream.

    1. I was wondering if anyone would say banana split! I don't really like bananas much, but sometimes I could go for a banana split!

  15. I'm sorry that you had a crappy day and people were yelling at you; never a good time.
    I've not had a sundae in forever. Not even ice cream really, but when I was a tiny little kid I could put away a giant Banana Split like nobody's business.
