Sunday, August 27, 2023

10.27 Priority - Voice Cast Your Pets

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write about a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-seventh day of the month is "Priority."


There's currently a movie out called Strays (I only know about it because of a PCHH episode) in which four talking dogs have an adventure together. I have no opinion on this movie (the description "raunchy" gets used a lot which makes me think it's maybe not my jam), but the existence of this film led to my husband and I spending a lot of time talking about who would voice our pets.

Hannah is originally a Texas dog, so we originally posited some southern voices, like Julia Roberts or Beyoncé. But that didn't really address her silliness, so we had a moment where someone like Lisa Kudrow came into play. But what of her German shepherd roots? Marlene Dietrich or Zazie Beetz? Tough call on this one.

For Zelda, we were much more interested in someone who has an aristocratic voice, so we're thinking Mid Atlantic accent here. Katharine Hepburn, maybe. I think, however, Catherine O'Hara would be a really good choice because Zelda is frequently NOT aristocratic in bearing, but goes off the rails. In the way that good kitties should.

Yes, we did spend a lot of time on this. Our Saturday priority was clearly to not think about anything important. 


Who do you think should voice Hannah and Zelda? Who should voice your pets?


  1. Zazie Beetz would be awesome for Hannah! For Zelda (going by your description) Kathryn Hahn?

    1. Oh and our pets! Of course we do "voices" when speak their thoughts for them... but haven't thought of actors who could do that in a show/movie.

    2. Our voices for the girls are pretty generic, but Zelda is very snotty in our world and Hannah is a tiny bit stupid. LOL. We just stereotype them.

  2. What a thought-provoking idea. I can't believe I never thought about this with my cats, Marlowe and Piper. Piper is a huge, chunky orange tabby male who is very needy and constantly wants to be on my lap. Marlowe is his littermate, also huge, part Maine Coon, very fluffy, and luxuriously bored most of the time. Casting them requires some thought.

    1. Hmmm...I feel like Piper could be an Owen Wilson voice. Does that seem right? Marlowe with his ennui could be Nic Cage? This is such a fun game!

  3. I don't know who would do it, but it would have to be a ridiculous booming clown-like voice for Rex.

    1. Pee Wee Herman back in the day! LOL.

  4. Hee hee. Well, definitely an aristocratic voice for our cat Charlotte. Actually, even though she's a girl, I keep imagining the voice of Morris from the old 9 Lives commercials. She has this way of staring at us as if to say, "Surely, you jest." For Muffin... I think a kid. Even though she's three now, we got her as a kitten and still treat her like a toddler. I'll have to think about this and present this question to the rest of my family!

    1. Yes! Those Nine Lives commercials. That's exactlly what Zelda is like, but as a girl!

      Oh, Muffin will be the eternal toddler in your house! I'd love to know what the rest of your family comes up with voices for Charlotte and Muffin.

  5. Haha, that's a fun Saturday afternoon activity. I don't think I know your pets' personalities enough to make suggestions, but it sounds like a fun exercise ;)

    1. I think I'm going to start asking everyone who has a pet this question!

  6. Oh, I suck at this kind of thing. Lucy is small and kind of derpy and very cute. Maybe Kristen Bell?

    1. Consider Kristin Chenowith! Then you could make Lucy sing and dance, too!

  7. Strays was advertised extensively when we were watching a tennis tournament a few weeks ago. I learned to hate it. 😁

    Sue had an app which would make it look like the animal was talking or singing, and she could interpose her own voice. It was fun in the early days of C.

    1. I can absolutely see how an ad for this movie would get grating after a while. I'd honestly seen nothing about it, so if their advertising strategy was to get to me, they failed!

  8. Gosh this is tough. I feel like Oscar would need a regal kind of voice, too. I am not sure who I'd cast for her, though.

    1. I think this is a good conversation starter for your family. Ask Phil and see what he has to say about it!

  9. I love that you discussed this! I will have to ask Steven who he thinks. It will be hard for us to answer because we have voices we do for all 4 of them!

    1. It's a hard job! I'd be interested in knowing the answers, though.

  10. This made me LOL. I used to have a very specific voice for my dog... it's funny how nearly all of us do that, isn't it? Humans. We love our pets in so many kind-of-weird ways. ;)
    I think that Hannah would be goofy-yet-earnest. Zelda? Audrey Hepburn, not Katherine. Just my opinion, of course.

    1. We all do voices for our pets. My husband and I definitely make Hannah sound like a dumb idiot when we talk for her, but Zelda is a southern belle with a potty mouth. It's not kind to either of them. LOL.
