Monday, November 27, 2023

13.27 A Year of Priority - Holiday Roll Call 2023

I just finished a yearly project. Each day of the month I posted on a pre-determined theme. During the month of November, I'll post a collage of all my photos on the daily theme from the past year. The theme for the twenty-seventh day of the month was "Priority."


2022 Book Club Books - The good, the bad, and the ugly.
Five Star Reads - Do you need a good book recommendation?
Checking In Every Day - I am still curious about people who talk to their parents daily. 
Cool Soup Safely - This really took longer than you would have thought. 
She Can't Be Stinky - Wasted dog bath. 
The Other Senses - The benefits of yoga for me. 
Privacy or Accommodation? - Do you check the box saying you're disabled?
Salad Explosions and Hair Braiding - A fun trip to Iowa hanging out with my nieces. 
Tough Love Needed - My readers are so kind and thoughtful. 
Voice Cast Your Pets - Do your pets have a voice?
Avoid the Rain - General life update.
New Appliances, Shampoo - What I want to buy when our finances become more stable. 

Hannah count: 1
Zelda count: 2
Park by our house count: 1
Dog park count: 1
Book count: 11
Food count: 1
Sign count: 1
Blaze orange count: 1


I guess it's good that I have multiple priorities. Books, pets, shopping. 


But my priority for today is to get my holiday cards ordered and my address list completely updated. I honestly stole this entire post directly from San, including her Google form. LOL. 

If you, my bloggy friend, would like to receive a holiday card from me (SPOILER: there will be photos of my dog and cat on it), please fill out this form and I'll send you one. It's that simple!  

(Further spoiler: The cards have obviously not been ordered yet. I am not Elisabeth or Suzanne and on the ball getting those cards out in November. Who do you take me for? An organized person?!)


Have you already sent out your holiday cards?


  1. Your card from me is going in the mail today!

  2. I remember the braids picture from way back when :). I haven't even designed our card yet--I'll count myself a success if I get them out mid December.

    1. NGS--I've been wanting to get a dremel for our pups since you mentioned using one for Hannah. Is there one you'd recommend?

    2. I have designed six options for my husband to choose from and I'm just waiting until he's in a light-hearted mood before I ask him his opinion. I'd like them to be ordered by Dec. 1, but who knows if that will happen.

      I will check on the Dremel we use when I get home and email you the deets.

    3. Haha--"waiting until he's in a light-hearted mood" really spoke to me! And thanks!

  3. Hahaha... I filled out the form. My husband will be very excited to see the "Midwestern Couple" on our wall again! I have NOT sent out my cards- not even close. Maybe this weekend? Possibly.

    1. I am just excited to know that the form works! Yay! The Midwestern Couple will be BACK!

  4. I love the blog friend card exchange idea. So fun. Spoiler alert - my card includes a quirky poem about all of our adventures and some light-hearted pokes at the kids' shortcomings, ie messy rooms and lost car keys, but also real names and photos with legit faces. I ordered my card on Friday, because of the deep discounts. I haven't started the poem though, so my card won't arrive any time soon. *return address appreciated, or mabye I'll ask for addresses. Not sure I'm capable of adding a form to my blog.

    1. Ha! My form is really just a link to a Google form, which is super easy. That being said, I get that it's a step more than you might want to do!

      I have a 20% off coupon from Minted that will be good until Christmas, so I can wait on ordering, but I guess I shouldn't?

  5. Oh man, I haven't even started our cards yet. The family brainstormed things to go into the newsletter a few weekends ago but that was the extent of it. Also... I realized that we don't have any good pictures of us as a family. There is one picture of us in Amsterdam taken in blazing sun where we are all squinting and then when we went to Longwood Gardens, we had a stranger take one of us, but the six year old refused to put the hood of his jacket down, or even stand in front, so he's just this mysterious hooded figure in the back of the picture. So that's kind of... I don't know... maybe we should use that and keep things real.

    1. You should! That sounds hilarious!

    2. For sure! Send the card with the shady hooded figure in the back. That's classic!

  6. HA hahahahahaha no. I am having the same issue with a dearth of photos of all four of us. I just ordered photos, which I stuff willy-nilly in various configurations into various cards. And they're almost all late.

    1. Every year on our anniversary I INSIST on a photo of me and my husband and most of the time that's the photo that ends up on our holiday card. It's the only real organization I have in my life.

  7. Your card is in the mail and I think you already have my address, but I'll go ahead and fill in the form.
    Yay for Christmas card season!!!

    1. I got your card DAYS ago! As promised, I put it on the bookcase and as soon as we decorate for Christmas, yours will be the first card up on our display. (As of right now, our ONLY card, too.)

  8. It's only November! I think you're devastatingly organized. (I quit sending cards aeons ago. You're a marvel.)

    1. Yes. This is EXACTLY the reassurance I need. Thank you, Nance.

  9. Hee hee I am so behind in Christmas cards that I do not send them. A week before Christmas my husband will get the urge and we'll send out something last minute and wonder why we didn't plan ahead.

    1. Ha. I guess I'm surrounded by organized people. My sisters-in-law were talking about how they ordered their cards over Thanksgiving and I almost started crying. I need more Birchies in my life!

  10. Yay, I LOVE that you "stole" this idea... Holiday Cards are the BEST (I have to take the ones from last year down to make room for the new ones!) I have not ordered my cards yet, but pretty soon! :)

    1. Ha ha! Thanks for not getting upset that I stole it! I realized it was such a great idea AND implementation that there was no improving it.

  11. I am getting started on cards! I filled out your form. And I do have your address from last year, but I don't remember how you spell your last name! Do you think a first-name-only card will get there?

    1. The dirty secret is that the name doesn't matter! As long as the address is right, it should get to the right place. But, if you want my last name to be right, feel free to email me (on the sidebar of the blog) and I can email it to you. LOL.

  12. That is a sweet collage and if your card didn't include Hannah and Zelda, who would you be?
    I just read Suzannes post where she's mailed her cards. *sigh* Not this girl, yet.

  13. Oh, I seem to have missed the card train. Ah, well.
    My (extended) family sends cards with glitter. GLITTER. They apparently hate me.

  14. I am probably too late for the holiday card but if not I entered. I'd love some mail in my new mail box. Also I have not started on my cards. I am feeling I am behind on everything this year. And I have no idea why. Why is that? At least i have some sort of idea for my cards.
