Thursday, April 27, 2023

6.27 Priority - The Other Senses

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write about a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-seventh day of the month is "Priority."

What I think are rhododendrons in our backyard. They bloomed early and have survived a couple of nights at freezing or slightly below freezing temps. If they're not rhododendrons, please tell me what they are!

I was recently talking with some friends (in real life! face-to-face! like it's 2018 in here!) and I mentioned that my yoga class was going to go on a break for a few weeks and I wasn't sure what I was going to do with myself. There was a pause and one of them sounded surprised. "Yoga? What do you get out of that?"

I was a bit surprised myself because I count on yoga for so many things. First off, I'm extremely clumsy. You know how sometimes people say there are senses beyond touch, taste, smell, hearing, and seeing? Sometimes people talk about proprioceptive or interoceptive senses, which are basically your ability to sense the relative position of neighboring parts of the body and effort used to move body parts (proprioceptive) and sensors that provide a sense of what our internal organs are feeling, like hunger, thirst, or oh heavens I need to itch my nose right now (interoceptive). I feel like my own proprioceptive and interoceptive senses are not well-developed and the focus on how your body feels RIGHT NOW is really crucial for me in developing those senses. Sure, I'm still likely to fall and break body parts*, but now I fall with grace. I know when something has changed in my body because I'm always paying attention to it.

Also, I'm a bubbling mess of spiraling thoughts and didn't realize until I talked to my husband once about my thought process that some people don't have a constant voice in their head, rehashing their to-do list on top of lots of negative self-talk with the occasional DOG! interjections. My brain is constantly thinking about dozens of things at the same time and sometimes I need to slow it down. Yoga and meditation are really crucial for me controlling my thoughts and marshaling them into a structured list that I can tackle one thing at a time. 

In the fall of 2019, I was overworked and I didn't prioritize yoga. I found myself unable to sleep, unable to focus, and constantly on the edge, snapping at my loved ones, missing deadlines, and failing basic tasks like getting my hair cut and cleaning the house. I found myself doing a Yoga with Adriene video and some of the feelings of oppression and worry about life started to feel manageable. I did another video the next day and suddenly I was prioritizing yoga not for the making me flexible (ha ha ha! I do not understand how some people can touch their heels to the ground in downward dog), but for the mental health aspects.

But let's talk about the physical health benefits, too. I love that when my niece wants to play Twister, I can easily join in. I love that when she dares me to do a cartwheel, I can do it (okay, FINE, it's really a roundoff, but I try). I do not want to be a person who struggles to get down to the ground to do a home repair or pet a dog or clean up cat puke (just being real here) before my time. I feel like yoga keeps me as limber as I can really be. 

So, yes, friends, I try to prioritize yoga. Otherwise, just imagine how much more of a mishmash of thoughts these blog posts would be for you!!

*In the blog post I linked to, I still thought that thumb was sprained. Ha ha ha on me. It was broken.


  1. First things first. I GOT YOUR POSTCARD!!!!! It didn't just make me smile, it made me laugh. And my husband got a good laugh out of it as well. So, thank you!!! It's prominently displayed on the front of my fridge, which I mentioned in Elisabeth's comment section today. And, I do have to say I was astonished when my husband told me I got a postcard. Me??? It was definitely fun mail for a change.
    Okay, yoga. I'm surprised your friends were even questioning what you got out of it. I know not everyone does yoga but I thought the benefits were widely known. Reading this post made me realize how much I miss it. I'm still dealing with a wrist issue (my wrist is fine unless I start putting pressure on it, then it hurts and it can get really bad.) I know there are alternative ways of placing your hands to take the pressure off the wrists but I just haven't taken then time to learn them. Well, one of these days. Anyway, I'm glad yoga helps you so much. I hope you find an alternative while your class is on break.

    1. Yay! I was sort of hoping you'd get the postcard before your race, but I was not on the ball about getting it to the post office in time!

      You can do most poses on your forearms instead of your wrist, but that does make some of the poses pretty challenging, so I can understand why floorwork might not be your jam! I think just doing some sun salutations on a regular basis can have a lot of the calming benefits I'm looking for and can help stretch out some of my problem areas (back/hamstrings), but your mileage may vary on that!

  2. I'm so happy to read this! Funnily enough, I was just drafting a post about yoga. I am so glad it's part of your life - the benefits are incalculable.

    1. Yes! I'd love to read your take on the benefits of yoga. I'm sure I'm just scratching the surface here.

  3. I love that you do this for SO many reasons! It's so important to have an activity like that that lets you connect with your body and also be a bet meditative. That was swimming for me, when I did it!

    I used to be a personal trainer and would talk about proprioception all the time. It's something I need to work on. I have very little awareness of the space I take up and run into things all the time. Oops.

    1. I have two giant bruises on my left leg right now and no idea how I got them! I run into things so often that I never really think about it! I always just think about how much worse it would be if I didn't do yoga!

  4. Sigh. This is one thing I'm so bummed at myself for not prioritizing. I know yoga - or even some daily deep stretching - would be so good for me and I never, ever stick to it. I should join a class for the accountability, but I haven't. Excuses, sighs, and more excuses from me on this today. I bought a new mat last year and everything and have used it twice?!

    1. I think you should join our thrice weekly yoga stretch class at lunchtime. It's free! It's something on the calendar that will force you to stretch! Plus, it's fun!

    2. I should do this! It's live-streamed, right?

    3. Yes! They are through Zoom, but you can leave your mic and camera off - most people do. Classes are held most Mondays at noon, Wednesdays at 12:15, and Friday at 11:30 (all times Central). There's generally an active chat, but you don't have to chat if you don't want to. It's free and you can sign up here:

  5. I have always wanted to do yoga for the very reasons you reference above. I've started-stopped so many times, but recently had a chat with some of my circle around how some of my barriers with it may be connected to me not liking to go slow (that busy brain of mine) or take the time to build the practice - a recurring theme in my movement life (and probably in all of my life to be honest).

    1. It does take a lot more for me to get motivated to do an in-home practice than it does for me to go to a class. However, it is such a relief for me to have my brain just stop swirling for a small period of time, so I try to push through. I can see that it wouldn't be for everyone, though.

  6. Your flowers are beautiful. I'm not sure what they are, but they're stunning. I'm not sure if the person who asked the question meant it in a curious or offensive tone, but I'm glad they did because it led to this post. My mind is a bubbling mess of spiraling thoughts as well. My "soul homework," which I frequently discuss on my blog, helps me with this. Yoga seems like it could help me as well. I've tried yoga several times over the years and I'm not giving up. I haven't developed a routine...yet. 💕

    1. I think the person was surprised because there is a lot of association of yoga with a sort of crunchy, granola sort of mindset and I'm not really into that vibe. I take what I want from my yoga practice and if it doesn't resonate with me, I just let it slide. I think the person I was talking to was a bit shocked that the more spiritual side of yoga wasn't a turn off for me. It *can* be, but I try to pick my teachers carefully so that I can focus on what works for me.

  7. I dunno what the flowers are, but they're beauts.

    Back when I was running and it would come up in conversation, sometimes people would get defensive and tell me reasons why they weren't runners or made snide comments about running. Dude, I only said that I was a runner not that I thought that they should be runners. I never understood it.

    1. Ha! I think a lot of people get defensive about all forms of exercise if they're sedentary. It's interesting to hear people push back. I don't know if yoga is right for everyone, but I think most people could benefit from stretching at least a few times a week. Maybe they just don't want to hear that they need to make time for their bodies.

  8. I love yoga for most of the reasons you state. And I agree with other comments here-- I am surprised that anyone would even question the benfits.

    1. Again, I think they mostly just questioned whether the spiritual side of yoga works for me. And it doesn't and I spend a lot of time worrying about cultural appropriation, but the movement and focus and meditation DOES work for me, so I go with it.

  9. This is 100% how I feel about exercise. Am I losing weight? No. Am I getting toned? No. Am I building muscle? Somehow also no. Does sweating make my face break out? Yes. And yet I exercise because it is one of the only times that I can truly shut my brain off. I cannot focus on anything except for getting through the workout, and it is so nice to have 30 minutes to an hour that's just for me, not for all the thought hamsters clambering over themselves in my head. And being physically exhausted soothes the hamsters, too; doesn't make them stop, but slows them down a little.

    1. YES!!! When I started working out regularly, I slept so much better. I definitely should have included better sleep as a benefit. It's so wonderful to be physically tired at night and just fall into deep sleep right away.

  10. Any sort of exercise is good. I miss it. I am glad Yoga works for you.

    1. I'm glad it works, too! I think everyone should take some time to stretch on a regular basis.

  11. I wish I could do yoga! I need to start really small, though, because my wrists are really weak and it's so painful (and not in a good way) to hold even the simplest poses. The way it helps your mental health and your stability and your flexibility are such key benefits.

    1. Yes, weak wrists can make floor work a challenge. However, I still think some regular sun salutations and warrior flows can be done without stressing wrists! It's a good place to start.

  12. Yoga sounds like a well entrenched and rewarding practice for you--how lovely! A good reminder for me to restart after the upheavals of the past month. I especially love doing yoga with my spouse as a way of connecting.

    1. Ha ha ha! My spouse and I don't like to do it together AT ALL. Different relationships really call for so many different ways of being.

  13. I couldn't agree more - yoga is beneficial in so many different ways beyond mobility and calmness. I am glad you discovered it for you!

  14. I used to do some yoga poses, but since I can no longer bear weight on my arms or shoulders, it's kind of out for me. I never used it for the purposes you cite, though, so I wonder whether there are forms of yoga that might give me the mental break I need. I also wanted to say - the way you describe what goes on in your head? YES YES YES YES. I could literally copy that. Do other people seriously not have this inner dialogue? I've always assumed it was a common thing. Huh. You learn something every day!

    1. Oh! And you have a rhododendron or an azalea. They're related, obviously. Are the flowers part of larger blooms? Or are they limited to those like you show in the photo? My guess is azalea, but... I could be wrong. :) Here's a handy comparison:
