Wednesday, September 27, 2023

11.27 Priority - Avoid the Rain

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write about a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-seventh day of the month is "Priority."


It was raining yesterday morning, so Hannah would not go outside. She put one little paw out and backed up back in the doorway. This is, sadly for all of us, unacceptable, so I dragged her into the backyard under the cover of our giant pine tree, but she just stared at me with Those Eyes and I gave in and took her back inside before she did her business. The rain did not stop until late morning and I dragged her back outside because at this point she had not emptied her bladder for more than twelve hours. If any dog can do it, it's my baby girl, but no dog should HAVE to do it, you know?


I'm ignoring some big things right now. I spent the day working on book lists and getting a hair cut instead of sending out resumes and answering emails about The Situation at the community center. Oh, well. A girl can't do it all. I did manage to get Hannah outside again before the rain started again this evening. 


I've had several interviews over the course of the last month. I have felt like all of these interviews have gone well. Fingers crossed something works out because I'm about to say screw it all and get some shift work at the local factory.


What is your top priority on your to-do list today?


  1. I too have something I have been ignoring.

    Let's make a pact to get to it today... or sometime?

    Sending you good energy, strong vibes, and best wishes for the work to be done and hearing back from the interviewers.

    1. I got to it today! I did it! I mean, it still is not great, but at least I faced it. Did you do yours?

    2. Yes!! YAY us!!

  2. It's been so dry this summer, I think we're all like, wait, what is this? when it rains now. Haha. My main thought when it's a rainy day is just always that I would like to simply curl up with a blanket and a book or a movie all day. But this usually always occurs on a work day, so.... there's that minor detail. :) My main to-do today is to make it over to the post office to mail a package that I need to get out the door.

    1. Oh, man, I just realized that I desperately need to get to the library or they're going to send a hold back. *sigh* Our post office is next to our library which spurred this thought process on my end. This endless rain is terrible!

  3. I need to tackle some e-mails in my work inbox and then...relax. I'm on a sort of "working vacation" this week at my parent's place and it's lovely. I'm here to recuperate from a rough few months so I'm trying to take it easy!

    1. Yay! I'm so happy you're getting time to recharge by yourself.

  4. I am glad the interviews went well and fingers crossed you hear something soon!

    Top priority at work today is to prep for a tough meeting I have to run tomorrow.

    1. Good luck with your meeting tomorrow. You're going to kill it!

  5. My dog is exactly like Hannah - if it's raining she won't go outside and let me tell you, she can hold out for a LONG time. On the one hand, she's 11 and she knows when she needs to go and how to tell us. But on the other hand DANG she can go a long time.

    I am a big fan of procrastination for life's annoying things. You've had a string of good interviews so applying to the next round of jobs can wait a bit. Whatever is going on at the community center doesn't sound like fun and hey they're not paying you so it can go on the "whenever you get around to it" list.

    1. Yes! Hannah can hold for a LONG time. I guess I just feel like her bladder has got to be smaller than mine and I can't hold it for longer than a few hours. Dogs are tough!

  6. Ah, I would say my main priority today was being home for the freezer repairman. I swear, our appliances have decided to take turns breaking, one after another. Anyway, good luck with the job situation. And I hope your rain has let up by now- Hannah needs her walks!

    1. Your kitchen is going to be BRAND NEW at the end of all this and that's going to be AMAZING.

  7. Fingers crossed something comes out of those interviews!
    I have had a weirdly busy day but it feels like I've accomplished nothing. I mean, I have accomplished things but I wanted to get some OTHER things done, and the other things kept getting in my way!

    1. Oh, man, when things on your to-do list keep getting shifted down for more emergent problems, it's always a bit deflating. Oh, well. There's always tomorrow!

  8. I son't mind doing a bit of ignoring at times too. I hope something comes out of your interviews.

  9. If I was Hannah, I wouldn't want to go out in the rain... just imagine you had to be dragged outside any time you had to relieve yourself. I'd hold it until I couldn't anymore LOL

    I am keeping my fingers crossed for those interviews. I hope you do get some positive answers.

  10. I'm so behind on your blog since I can't comment from my phone (which is also where I do most of my blog reading!). Today is the 1st business day and the first day after quarter end so it's a super busy time. So my top priority was getting my new hire started on refreshing a bunch of portfolios. I'd usually be scurrying to do this on top of a ton of other things but now I have help. HOORAY.
