Wednesday, September 27, 2023

After Dark with the Duke (The Palace of Rogues #4) by Julie Anne Long

After Dark with the Duke by Julie Anne Long is the fourth book in The Palace of Rogues series. I am listening via audiobook and the narrator is Justine Eyre.

Mariana Wylde is an outcast opera singer when she arrives on the doorstep of the Grand Palace on the Thames boardinghouse. However, the owners of the boardinghouse agree to let her stay there if she'll put on a musical performance for them in their brand new ballroom. Another guest in the boardinghouse is national war hero, James Blackmore, the Duke of Valkirk. He thinks she's flighty and irresponsible, she thinks he's stuck-up and boring. I bet we all know what's going to happen next.

Look. I have some issues. He is twice her age. Yes, they're both adults, but isn't the power difference between revered Army general and disgraced opera singer enough to suggest that perhaps (just perhaps!) any real relationship between them can't be really consensual?  It's all fine here and played as if it's consenting, but it all squicked me out a bit. 

Also, look...there are not that many dukes in England (30ish). How come they're all staying at this boardinghouse in a nasty part of town? Fine. I will stop picking nits. 

But, all in all, I think this book was fun and maybe even fine? Eh. I'm going to keep going. 3/5 stars

Lines of note:
Men were the solution to women's problems as often as they were women's problems. (timestamp 03:14:15)
The more you endure, the more you can endure until one can easily bear weights, troubles, responsibilities, grievances, deaths, triumphs that look to someone on the outside inconceivable. It happens over time.  (timestamp 04:34:24)

Hat mentions:
He covered his heart with his hat as she approached. (timestamp 04:42: 09)
He jammed on his hat...(timestamp 05:14:33)
He buttoned his coat, reached for his hat... (timestamp 05:30:26)

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