Tuesday, September 26, 2023

11.26 Moment - It's Obviously Bedtime

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-sixth day of the month is "Moment." 


There's a moment every night. The dog has been walked. Teeth have been brushed. The dishwasher has been started. I am probably sitting on the couch and doing Duolingo and both of the girls put themselves to bed. They are exhausted. I am exhausted. The day is almost over. 

I will finish my lesson and wake Hannah up to put her in the mudroom. I will chance a quick pet of Zelda's belly. I will say "good night, girls, be good" as I head upstairs to sleep.
What is the most peaceful moment of your day?


  1. Early morning for sure. My younger son now has a job where he starts work at 5:30 am, so he is joining me in the early morning. But he's relaxing company. After he leaves, it's a super quiet house and that's when I start my yoga practice. It's so peaceful. I love early mornings (on the flip side, am in a coma by 9pm)

    1. I can't imagine your early mornings, Nicole. I bet they are very peaceful.

  2. I love your routine. Mine isn't so noteworthy. 😁

    1. I mean, it's hardly noteworthy. It was just so cute to see our two girls clearly ready for bed last night!

  3. Hmm, this is a tough one for me. Early morning, no. I wake up to the cats meowing and have to immediately start morning routine (that is, packing my daughter's lunch, getting breakfast ready, etc.) Bedtime is usually peaceful (although sometimes Muffin still has a lot of energy) or the time when everyone else has gone to bed and I stay up to read a little longer.

    1. Oh, I imagine most people's mornings routines are just packed! Zelda (12 yo) has recently really scaled down her evening zoomies and is usually sound asleep by 8:30pm. I definitely appreciate this about an older kitty.

  4. My most peaceful moment of the day is early in the morning. 🖤

    1. I'm surprised how many people say this! I always imagine most mornings as people rushing around, but I guess there are early risers out there!

  5. When I've showered and gotten ready for bed and done my stretches and I get in bed with a book and Lucy jumps up and gets comfortable and I exhale and open my book.

    1. Oh, man. Bedtime reading is so amazing!

  6. Bedtime, when the kids are asleep. Friday night is my fav. I usually watch a show or read a book and I love the possibility of Saturday morning and not having to wake up and rush around...

    1. Friday nights are GLORIOUS. I 100% agree with you.

  7. It's the time right before bed. My husband, the dog, and I pile in to bed and the dog sleeps while we read. The boys pop in to pet the dog and say good night. Best time of the day.

    1. Awww...that's a lovely image!

  8. Such a lovely domestic picture...

    I try to make space for a few during the day. Mornings (after I've walked Max and Huck, refilled the puppies' food and water bowls, and emptied the dishwasher): green tea and candlegazing. Evenings (after family dinner and game/reading/show) curling up on the couch with whoever will cuddle. Night (after Max's midnight walk and making sure everyone is safe and the house has been put to bed--plugging in my car, starting the dishwasher, etc.) getting ready for bed and actually getting into it. On weekends I get so much satisfaction right after I've watered and tended all the indoor plants and vacuumed and dusted! I guess that's just knowing I'm done there for the week ahead.

    1. I should try to have more of these quiet moments built in to my day like you do. I bet it gives you just a wonderful energy boost in a short amount of time.

  9. Hmm... I think my most peaceful moment is at night when I'm reading in bed. Typically the girls will curl up on pillows on either side of me and I get to just pet them one at a time while I'm reading. It's so lovely!

    1. Yay for kitty cuddles at night. They're the bestest.

  10. The end of the day is also the most peaceful for me. The boys are in bed, I get some time with Phil to watch a show and then I usually read for about an hour in bed in the dark w/ my Kindle. It's delightful. Mornings are the opposite!

    1. Yes, mornings can be so chaotic and we don't even have kids! It's just that so much has to be done in such a short period of time.
