Monday, December 30, 2024

2024 Blog Stats

Every year, Stephany does a round-up of her blog stats for the year, so I've completely ripped her idea off and here we are. I did it last year, too. 

The Stats (for the last twelve months)

331,000 pageviews
295 posts (as of 12/28 - I might sneak in another post before the year officially ends)
85 book reviews
Most people come to my blog via other blogs. ErnieElisabethAllison, and J are my top referral sources.
People from around the world view my blog, but especially people in the US, Canada, Hong Kong, and Singapore. 
This year I did two Cool Bloggers Book Club (CBBC) editions: My Brilliant Friend in the spring and I Capture the Castle in the fall. 
This year I also did a 20th Blogiversary Extravaganza that included TWENTY guest posts and lists of twenty things and it was so much. But let's all agree that I'm not going to do a big bloggy project in 2025, okay?
Other fun tidbits: one author commented on my blog this year and I had an email exchange with another author to get an ARC of his book. 

Top Five Blog Posts of 2024
(Blogs written in 2024, in order of number of pageviews.)

1. I Said I Was Chill, But I Was Wrong - Very recent post makes it to #1 for the year. If you want a follow-up, I just brought a salad. 

2. Tell NGS What To Do: Advice Needed for Basic Adulting - Updates on that post. 1) Kim turned me on to this product from Dove and I have been using the brown sugar and coconut butter and it's been life altering. 2) I still don't have a yoga bag. 3) The bloodwork was fine. 4) Kim's magic product fixes this issue. 5) We still don't use any garlic. 

3. 20th Anniversary Countdown: Guest Post #16 (written by Kae) - I don't know why some of these guest posts have more traction than others, but congrats to Kae!

4. Week 1: My Brilliant Friend CBBC - This one makes sense to me because a lot of people started with MBF, so week one was pretty popular. 

5. 20th Anniversary Countdown: Guest Post #7 (written by Lisa) - Congrats to Lisa, too!

My All-Time Top Five Blog Posts
(Total number of pageviews.)

As with Stephany, my top five all-time posts have remained the same. 

1. The Duke and I (with second epilogue) by Julia Quinn - I stand by this book review. Rape is not sexy.

2. A Holiday Survey - I answered questions about how I celebrate the holidays (totally copied from Lisa).

3. November Physical Activity Accountability Buddy - I post one of these every month. Why is this one so popular? (I bet it has to do with all the photos of Hannah.)

4. Thanksgiving Gratitude - From 2021. I do this every year, but this is the one with the most views. 

5. Is C.C. DeVille Gay? - I wrote this in 2006!! I have NO IDEA if he's gay or not, but the post only got two comments and people were outraged that I even suggested it. I'm sorry, Mr. DeVille, for speculating about your sexuality. But why did you and Bret get into a fight?
Do you ever look at your blog stats? What's the most surprising to you?


  1. I sometimes look at my blog stats, but I don't get much salient info from them. Many times, a post of mine gets lots of traction because of the graphic I chose.

    But, hey, I'm really glad you only took a salad to the get-together. I bet no one said a thing and there was still a ton of food.

    1. I'm with you, Nance. I don't know what I'm supposed to take from these stats. Do more guest posts? Hypothesize about the sexuality of famous people?

  2. I'm also happy for the salad update! I'm hoping we get a recap of that get-together, and find out how the sald was received (were people mad there wasn't also a "vegetable" dish?)

    1. One of my SILs brought a charcuterie board! (Guess what no one ate?) No one said a word to me about not bringing vegetables.

  3. You took a salad! And not the giant bag of frozen peas that I so helpfully suggested??? (lololol I'm picturing everyone's reaction as you just dump frozen peas into a pot). I don't generally look at my blog stats, but I just did now after reading this and the only takeaway is that my most popular post of 2024 was entitled "Dinner Every Damn Day" in which I wrote a weekly meal plan. Who knew? Welp, it's going to be all recipes all the time from now on! (no)

    1. Ha! Imagine if you just stopped writing about Rex, cart corrals, books, and laundry and just wrote about food. What a shock to your regular readers!

  4. I looked at my blog stats just this morning because I might do a similar year-end wrap-up. I want to do something to mark the occasion; I'm just not sure what exactly. Biggest surprise? That I have so many readers in Bangladesh!

    1. Yeah, who are these readers from Hong Kong and Singapore and how come they don't comment more?

    2. I'd love to hear what they have to say!

  5. I'm really glad you brought a salad to Christmas! High fiving you from afar.

    My blog stats are all messed up since I moved from blogspot to wordpress in November! It was quite an undertaking and I still don't feel completely comfortable on wordpress but I like that I can respond to comments and people will get an email notification! Hurrah!

    1. Yes! It doesn't make very much sense to try to compile stats from multiple sites. Maybe next year you can get a clearer picture of what your traffic looks like. Although, what do you do with that information?!

    2. I'm tempted to jump shit to WordPress too, Lisa. But I think the only way that would work would be for you to come live with me for a week or however long it took to set it up. Could we call it another work trip for you? Ha. When I respond to comments, it LOOKS like I'm responding in order of each person, but it doesn't post that way. So weird and I don't like it.

    3. @Ernie - I was sweating bullets when I made the move. I did a lot of googling to figure it out but still felt like I was fumbling through the process. I never did figure out how to make my old blog site redirect to the new one. I googles a few things and they didn't work so I said forget this!! But hey, a "work" trip to Chicago to guide you through the process doesn't sound so bad! :)

  6. These are so fun! I am still so impressed that you posted 295 times!!!! You are such a posting all-star. Your Blogiversary Extravaganza was so fun!

    I rarely look at my stats, but I did after reading your post and wow - my comments are down 49% from last year! I wonder if that's entirely due to skipping NaBloPoMo this year (when I did it last year)? I am also tickled to see that my most popular post remains the one about pronouncing Joan and Joanne differently. That one really struck a chord, lol.

    1. I just went to reread the Joan post. I LOVE that all the Joans weighed in in the comments. They're probably solely responsible for that being the most popular post. And maybe the hilarious phonics tangent!

  7. It's fun to look at your stats. Look at me, referring readers over to you. I'm glad that people at my blog enjoy reading your posts as much as I do. I don't look at my stats often. I don't feel like they really tell me a heck of a lot of info. I think I should probably turn something off at some point, because I suspect there's a lot of spam stuff happening sort of after the fact and that throws my numbers off. Unless it's accurate that hundreds of peeps show up weeks/months later to read a post and not comment. I'm also glad you brought one salad and didn't feel compelled to do extra veggie stuff. I'm guessing that was well received.

    1. Yeah, now that people have pointed it out, I'm side eying my own stats re: bots. Maybe the Hong Kong and Singapore hits aren't real. This is a fun exercise, but I also rarely look at my stats because I don't know what to do with them?

  8. I think I might steal this idea next year when my blog has been up and running long enough to generate stats like these. I know I got a lot of traffic because of NaBloPoMo which made my new little blog seem busy. 2025 will be fun to see if that changes.

    1. NaBloPoMo can be a real push, especially if you can convert some new readers. Thank goodness San has maintained it for so long!

  9. So glad to hear you just brought the damn salad!! I rarely look at my stats - mainly because I can't be bothered to figure out what it means.

    1. Right? So now I have this information and I then I do exactly what with it?!

  10. I also noticed spikes from Asian countries, and I suspect they are bots. So I no longer trust my blogger stats!

    1. that you mention this, I am leery of these stats, too. Hm.

  11. Yay for just bringing salad! I bet if you wrote a dedicated post about it that it would take the lead as most popular post of the year!

    I don't really look at stats except for cases like this where you all time most popular post if a chicken salad recipe from 2012 followed closely by my recap of getting a payroll certification in 2021...Dear Internet, I am sorry.

    1. That post about C.C. DeVille is one of my greatest bloggy shames. It's pretty reprehensible to be speculating about someone's sexuality and yet, here it is in the top five. *hangs head* So many regrets.

  12. I rarely look at blog stats but did today after your post and turns out you are one of my top referrers <3 And you are the #1 clickthrough from my blog.
    Thanks for the idea for a blog post! Two of my top five posts from this year are also guest posts! And a random Happy Things Friday post. Though my blog stats are heavily skewed since my old blog got deleted so I can't compare things over a very long period.

    1. I think Wordpress has better stats than Blogger, so you'll be able to do some comparison soon enough!

  13. It's interesting that two guest posts made the cut. I look at my stats from one to time buy the ones on Blogger are not that great. Google analytics does a better job but I only just upgraded to the better version of that a couple of years ago so my numbers are a bit skewed.

    I also get a lot of spam comments on financial posts, so I am guessing that those page views are not accurate.

    1. Yeah, I'm starting to think that the spammers are responsible for some of my stats, particularly country of clicks. *sigh* The Internet is no place for the weak.

  14. This is fun. Thanks for sharing. I need to do my version of it.
    I find it so fascinating why some blogposts are so popular and other (one might have spent so much more time on) dont get any traction. The internet is weird at times.

    Happy New year to you.

    1. I think blog success is mostly luck. I didn't have any traction for years and years and even now my pageviews are a fraction of what other people have. Oh, well. It is what it is!

  15. Yay! It's a fun exercise to do every year, I think. Although your page views blow mine totally out of the water! Nice job!!

    I found some VERY suspect spammy links on some of my top blog posts of all-time so ugh, now I'm wondering how accurate some of my stats are. I need to get the spam issue figured out. I don't know how that happened!

    1. I have my comments on lockdown and I still have few enough comments on my blog that I can approve every comment, but that also means that my spam filter (through Blogger) sometimes catches real comments and I have to dig them out of spam. It's either a Type I or Type II error and I'm not sure which one is better. Dang spam ruining everything for us.

  16. I've never looked at my blog stats - I'm not even sure how to do it! But it's really cool to see what posts are your most-read. Now I want to go back and read those posts!

    1. I never looked at my blog stats until I saw Stephany's post. The comments in this post have me reconsidering if it's all spambots anyway, so I don't know how much I trust these stats.

  17. I check the stats about once or twice a year, just to see if anything crazy pops up---like tons of spam that I missed, or if my blog has been taken over by Russian Spies. ;)
    I love that an Author commented, and her comment was gold.

    1. Ha! If the Russians take over this blog, they are not going to like what they find!
