Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Is C. C. DeVille Gay?

Is that what the fistfight between C. C. and Bret was about? Had C. C. just told Bret he was gay? I mean, for a band like Poison, a band that based its merchandising and image on hypersexualized images of the female form, maybe it was too much for Bret. And he flipped out, didn't handle it well, and it took eight years before Bobby Dall could fix things up between them? I think that might be what happened.

Yes, people. I went to see Poison at the State Fair. Poison. It rocked. But C. C. is gay. Who knew? Why didn't I know that when I was younger?

Oh, but guess who opened for Poison? A band called FIREHOUSE!! And, my, oh, my, the lead singer of Firehouse has kept in shape. While Bret Michaels and Rikki Rockett could have used some time at the gym, I was a bit blown away by C. J.'s (does he even have a last name?) arms. I would like to lick him. A little bit.

Okay, and, just so you know. I honestly thought that "When I Look into Your Eyes" and "Love of a Lifetime" were the same song. I mean, let's be honest here - they have the same words for part of them. Oh, and did you even remember that Firehouse was responsible for "Don't Treat Me Bad"? Dude, I had so forgotten. It was exciting when they played it. A bonus for the Firehouse lovers in the crowd.

Sadly, I will be out of town for Kenny Rogers and the Oakridge Boys, but next year I'm going to all the State Fair concerts. Yes, that's right. Bring back the cheesy hair bands!!!


  1. Anonymous1/30/2007

    CC DeVille is NOT gay, I know this for a fact. I'm not gonna kiss and tell, but he is NOT gay!

  2. Anonymous2/12/2007

    Was this recently anonymous? I thought that he had a steady girlfriend that was pregnant with his kid...
