Tuesday, December 26, 2023

2023 Blog Stats

Every year Stephany does a wrap-up of her blog stats and I'm always so jealous! Then I realized that I don't *have* to be jealous - I can just do it, too. I don't think Blogger gives as many stats as whatever she uses, but I do have some things to share.

The Stats (for the last twelve months)
227,000 pageviews
516 posts (this is too many posts)
136 book reviews
Most people come to my blog via other blogs. Nicole, Stephany, Maya, Elisabeth, and Allison are my top referral sources.
People from around the world view my blog, but especially people in the US, Canada, and Singapore. 

Top Five Blog Posts of 2023
(Blogs written in 2023, in order of number of pageviews.)

1. Week 4: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Chapters 19-26 - It has to be the riveting discussion of Tammany Hall, right?

2. 3.13 Failure - A Matter of Timing - When we bought our house, I spent ages going to antique shops and tons of money furnishing our house. But now, just when our house is pretty much fully furnished, we are getting some family furniture.

3. Beauty Tax - A very recent post about how much money I spend on personal care items. Do you think it's because I used actual dollar amounts? Or because it's so controversial? I'm still talking to my husband about the comment section of this post.

4. Week 1: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Chapters 1-5 - I am so surprised at how much love there is for the Cool Bloggers Book Club posts in the top five!

5. Week 2: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Chapters 6-10 - YOU GUYS. The photo collages of everyone's books are here. Birchie shared her dust jacket that included so much awesome stuff. I love that I asked you all to do homework and you did it. 

My All-Time Top Five Blog Posts
(Total number of pageviews.)

1. The Duke and I (with second epilogue) by Julia Quinn - I stand by this book review. Rape is not sexy.

2. A Holiday Survey - I answered questions about how I celebrate the holidays (totally copied from Lisa).

3. November Physical Activity Accountability Buddy - I post one of these every month. Why is this one so popular? (I bet it has to do with all the photos of Hannah.)

4. Thanksgiving Gratitude - From 2021. 

5. Is C.C. DeVille Gay? - I wrote this in 2006!! I have NO IDEA if he's gay or not, but the post only got two comments and people were outraged that I even suggested it. I'm sorry, Mr. DeVille, for speculating about your sexuality. But why did you and Bret get into a fight?


What was your top post of the year? 


  1. I love these kinds of wrap ups! I find it interesting that your Beauty Tax post made it into the top five even though it is very recent! Of course the ATGIB posts are popular; that is a great book and our book club is awesome. I will have to go back and read some of your all time top posts! I do wonder what word or phrase makes them popular and would like it if you could sort it by most comments instead of most views.

    1. ooohhhh....most comments is really interesting. I imagine it would be a lot of the same posts, but I'll see if I can do that!

  2. This was fun! I went back and re-read your post about how you celebrate the holidays, because I love stuff like that. And- 516 posts is not too many! Keep them coming!

    1. It is FAR TOO MANY, Jenny! I will not be approaching that number in 2024!

  3. This was a fun post. I LOVED the Beauty Tax post and definitely referred some readers your way on that one.

    My stats are all wonky because I lost my original blog in August...so I don't think I'll do one of these recap posts for this year since it's not a very complete picture but I love this idea and making a mental note for 2024.

    Cheers to another amazing year of blogging, Engie. And confetti and champagne for hosting the Cool Bloggers Book Club <3

    1. That Beauty Tax post is FASCINATING. The comments are so good because we're all so different and what one of us considers "normal" is just insane to other people. We'll see it has staying power and becomes more or less popular as time goes by.

  4. Love seeing the insights from the past year! So cool. And wow -- more than 500 posts this year (and counting!!!!!)?! You are a superstar.

    1. It's TOO MANY, Suzanne. I'm all tapped out and have no more blog topic ideas. 2024 will be different.

  5. I love that you write so much...and that it's never repetitive! I really appreciate having your musings to read on the daily, Engie.

    1. Well, I appreciate that, Maya. It's been so lovely to discover so many new bloggers this year.

  6. Maybe I should do a post on a discussion my advanced sophomores and I had as to whether Gatsby was written to be gay or not. I might get a lot of hits and engagement on that. 😉

    (I doubt I'd be allowed to have that particular discussion these days in Ohio in a public school. Sigh.)

    1. Oh, that's an interesting question. Surely you'd be able to TALK about sexuality in the classroom, as long as you didn't take a stance? Or is it so toxic that just the mention could get you in trouble? I'll have to ask my friend who teaches English in Columbus what the atmosphere is like in the classroom.

  7. Tammany Hall is how all of the cool kids went viral in 2023!!!

    But seriously, congrats on a great blogging year. 516 posts was not too much!

    1. Tammany Hall was clearly the search term that made it leap to the top!

  8. You motivated me to look at my stats. I was surprised to see that my blog is read in A LOT of countries! Singapore, Korea, etc. Wild!

    1. Right? If someone from Singapore is reading this, let me know!

  9. Love this recap and want to do my own— you always have excellent blog ideas.

    1. Oh, I shouldn't get credit for it - Stephany does it every year and I straight up copied her.

  10. Wow, Engie. 500+ post is what you get when you a) read and review a lot of books, and b) participate in a challenge to post every day. I hope you enjoy a bit of a blog posting vacation. Just don't leave us deprived for too long, ok? (Although I did see that you posted today, so... ;>)

    1. I have an editorial calendar for the year that has my first day off being Saturday. :) We'll see how many times I post these days now that I am freed from the shackles of daily blogging. Maybe I'll take a page from your book and just post sporadically!

  11. 500+ posts is INSANE. Insanely awesome for us readers, but I know it was a LOT of work for you. As much as we would all like you to continue posting at such an impressive rate, I hope you can get to a place where you feel more balanced!

    I'm so impressed that the Beauty Tax post is in your top-5 since it's so recent! That post resonated with a lot of us, it seems. (I already have it in my editorial calendar to do my own version of it at the end of the month, haha.)

    1. It's a lot of work for you readers, too! How annoying to have more than one post to get through each day!! You'll all be grateful now that I'm not posting daily, I'm sure.

      That Beauty Tax post keeps rising. I wonder if it will be in the all-time top five next year. I had no idea when I posted it that it would be so popular!

      I think one thing that's so surprising about the stats is that there doesn't seem to be a relationship between how hard I work on a post and how popular it is. LOL. There's probably a lesson in there.

  12. Where did you look up these stats? Can you tell I've never really paid attention to stats in all the years I've been blogging. You did blog a lot last year. It's so impressive.

    1. On the Blogger dashboard there is a page for statistics. All of this information is there. I don't know where it lives in other platforms. (Too much blogging in 2023. Never again! I'm even rethinking if NaBloPoMo is for me. I'll probably feel differently about it in ten months, right?)
