Friday, December 24, 2021

A Holiday Survey

 Lisa's Yarns posted these questions earlier this week and I thought it was so fun that I stole her idea.  

Egg nog or hot chocolate?
I would rather not drink either of the above beverages. Just give me some tea and I'll sip it quietly in the corner.

Does Santa wrap presents or just set them under the tree?
He wraps them, of course. I mean, I guess the elves wrap them, really, but they are definitely wrapped.

Colored lights on tree/house or white?
White lights, thank you. I have very strong memories of our cat chewing through a cord of lights and trying to replace them and they were these ever so slightly blue-tinged LEDs and I cried. Because I think the lights should look like candles. (Oh, I even wrote about my breakdown here on this blog.) White.

I do LOVE when other people have colorful displays, particularly outside. I'm a big fan of the large colored bulbs.  

Do you hang mistletoe?
We have a mistletoe that we hang at the top of the stairway of our house that my mother sent in a card many years ago. My husband swears it's actually holly, but regardless I make him give me a kiss if we meet at the top of the stairs, which actually rarely occurs. It's the only Christmas decoration upstairs, except for two candles in windows.

When do you put your decorations up?
After Thanksgiving, preferably on a day when it's above zero so that the outside lights go on a little bit easier.  

What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?
My husband's aunt makes a corn casserole that involves Jiffy mix and creamed corn and I dream of the stuff.  I've tried to make gluten-free versions and it is absolutely not the same.  

Favorite holiday memory as a child?
We went to visit my mom's family one year for Christmas and I just remember running around with my cousins and being crazy.  We rarely visited that side of the family, but I truly remember having the time of my life.

What is on your Christmas wishlist?
Oh, you know, an end to the global pandemic and for my dog to be pain-free. In terms of material goods, I have a giant wishlist on Amazon, although my true hope is that someone will buy me waste bags for my dog.

Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve?
Not usually, unless we're not going to be home on Christmas morning.  We have been married well over a decade and still haven't settled into a holiday routine. Splitting time is hard.

How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
With ornaments?  While listening to Christmas music? I feel like this is a trick question.

Okay, for real.  I put on the lights because walking around the tree makes my husband nauseous.  Honestly, it took two years in a row for him feeling crappy for hours after putting up the tree for us to realize what was going on.  Anyway, this super annoys my husband because I'm short and don't really have a lot of spatial reasoning, so I apparently don't put the lights on correctly, but we get through it. Then we put on ribbon that is leftover from our wedding decorations, and then we put on ornaments. From start to stop, it probably takes less than an hour.

Snow? Love it or dread it?
Both? I love snow on the ground, but I don't love traveling when snow is falling. A big snowfall two or days before Christmas is the best, but I don't think we're going to get it this year. Rain is in the forecast.

Real or fake tree?
When we first moved to our house, we went to a tree farm and chopped a real tree. It became obvious that I'm allergic, though, because I would break out into hives whenever I touched it. This made decorating it quite challenging, as you can imagine. So we bought a fake tree at Bronner's when we were visiting Michigan one year and now we have a fake tree. I think it looks good, but you can feel free to judge me for having a fake tree if you want.

Do you remember your favorite gift?
I really wanted a Cabbage Patch doll when I was seven or eight, but my parents didn't have money for that shizz. My Uncle Kevin sent me one from his Navy deployment in Hawaii.  He still sends me Christmas presents every year.  My Uncle Kevin is a great guy. (Last year my husband got a gift from Uncle Kevin and I didn't. I didn't think much of it until a package arrived in mid-March (!) and it was for me. I called Kevin IMMEDIATELY and he started laughing thinking it was strange that I never sent him a thank you note because I'm so good at that start of thing.)

What is the most important thing about Christmas for you?
Just time off to relax. I'm not a fan of the go, go, go holiday season and I love being to lounge around in my cozy clothes, read a book, and hang out with my loved ones.

What is your favorite tradition?
Putting up the tree. I love the extra light it brings in the darkest part of winter.

What tops your tree?
We have a blue tree topper. It pretty much touches the ceiling. 

Do you prefer giving or receiving?
Oh, I love all parts of gift giving! I love finding the perfect gift, but I also love to receive a nice gift.

What is your favorite Christmas song?
The Los Straightjackets version of "Let It Snow." 

Candy canes, yuck or yum?
I love having candy canes on the tree - they look great. But then I always have a bunch of candy canes that are hard to eat. They're all sticky and messy. I used to put them in my coffee to use as stir sticks, but now that I can't have caffeine, I can't even do that anymore. 
Favorite Christmas movie?
I honestly don't have one. I guess "It's A Wonderful Life"?  I just don't watch movies, yo. 

What do you leave for Santa?
A dog and a cat to tell us if a strange person enters our home? 

Dear Santa,
If you come into our house this year, please wear a mask and wash your hands.

Do you have a Christmas morning tradition?
Not really. Again, because we haven't really settled on a family tradition just the two of us, it's really variable.  I think this year we'll wake up, walk the dog like normal, eat breakfast like normal, and then open presents.

Do you prefer to shop online or at the mall?
Online. I never liked going to a mall back when it was our only option, mostly because lugging along your winter gear while juggling bags and never being the right temperature is a recipe for me to be grumpy and being able to shop online has changed my life. 

Christmas letter or Christmas card?
We send cards, but I like all snail mail!  Send me everything from the yearly family newsletter to a snapshot from your vacation to Duluth.

Merry Christmas, everyone!!


  1. I loved reading all this! I got a Cabbage Patch doll when I was seven, and it was during the huge craze for them. Apparently my mom was on this list, and had to go to the back room to get one at our Zellers, and it was quadruple-wrapped because people were mugging other people in the parking lots to get one. So much drama! I still have her, her name is Kora Candi. The other gift I really remember from my youth was a dollhouse my grandpa built for me.

    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and that Santa brings you a TON of waste bags! xo

  2. Oooh, your tree is pretty! I love the ribbon. I definitely won't judge you for having a fake tree since you're allergic! I love hearing about other people's Christmas traditions. I hope you have a nice, relaxing, cozy Christmas!

  3. I love reading these posts. I love the ornament from last year - sad that was the reality, but I think it's such a great memento (you know how I feel about ornaments).

    I answered lots of this over on Lisa's blog, but completely agree on I'd skip the egg nog and hot chocolate and go right for a nice cup of tea, I am also staunchly in the white light fan club, and think it is hilarious that you are hoping for dog waste bags. That last bit made me laugh out loud!

  4. Someone tried to make that egg casserole gluten free for me one year and I agree - not the same. I told them to just make it the way it's meant to be made so everyone else can enjoy it. I'm the only GF person in my family so I appreciate that people are accomodating for me but really, don't ruin it for 99% of the family! Ha.

    I loved reading this as everyone has such different traditions. It does take time to establish holiday traditions after you are married. We have been married for 4.5 years and are still figuring it out.

  5. I think maybe we wanted the same Cabbage Patch doll. I was SO CONVINCED I was going to get it, but I didn't. But then, a few months after Christmas, the doll got recalled so I guess it all ended up being fine, haha.

    I am Team Fake Tree alllll the way. A real tree is so much work!

  6. Mark me down as cosigning on not watching movies (ever, not just Christmas movies) and candy canes being yuck. Oh, and I'm also Team Tea, thanks. Egg nog...bleargh.
    I am absolutely fascinated by people who love giving gifts! I don't mind - but don't do it often, and the most stressful part of it is finding the right one. I want it to be perfect, and well-loved, so that puts extra pressure on. :)
