Tuesday, November 07, 2023

13.7 A Year of Contact

I just finished a yearly project. Each day of the month I posted on a pre-determined theme. During the month of November, I'll post a collage of all my photos on the daily theme from the past year. The theme for the seventh day of the month was "Contact."


Invitation - In which I ponder if we should have a holiday party. (Answer: no.)
So Much Snail Mail - What types of snail mail do I send? Where do I get all those greeting cards?
Touchless - The cat cuddles, the dog does not.
How Do Advertisers Reach You? - A ridiculous ad I got on Instagram.
Photo Text - I had to text my husband where I hid the house keys. 
In the Mailbox - My nephew sent us a postcard.
Old Skool Cool - Bestest Friend sent me some photos from long ago.
Friendship Question - When is someone a friend and not just a colleague or acquaintance?
Higher Than - I started enjoying a yoga meditation class more when I just let myself do whatever I had to do to make it work for me. 
At the Blueberry Patch - I picked blueberries. 
In the Mailbox, Part II - My sister sent me a postcard.
Q4 Goals - Last goals for the year! Will I hit them? Stay tuned.

Hannah count: 2
Hannah's LED collar count: 2
Hat count: 1
Park by our house count: 1
Public art installations count: 2
Artistic renderings of animals count: 7
Fish count: 1
Community center count: 1
Snow count: 1
Water count: 2

Lots of talk about snail mail here. That seems appropriate!

Sunday morning Hannah and I took ourselves over to the dog park where we met up with all our doggy friends - Humphrey, Hank, and Jack! It was a gorgeous fall day here in Wisconsin and all the dogs enjoyed themselves, although Humphrey got bullied by some huskies and his person was pretty ticked off about it. Hannah proceeded to put the smackdown on one of the huskies, so I was pretty proud of her.

Hannah and Humphrey always have a rough greeting, but then they settle into just hanging out, orbiting their people. Jack and Hank took off and were rarely in sight, so who knows what they were doing? It's a different thing to own a hound, I guess. I would freak out if Hannah left my sight, but Jack and Hank's person just treated it like a regular trip to the dog park, which I guess it is for them!
Humphrey! He hasn't grown too much since I last saw him, but he's getting bulkier. 

Hank! Still the most popular dog at the dog park?

Have you ever heard the sound of a basset hound that doesn't want to leave the dog park?!


  1. Your dog park looks extensive. Ours is a fenced area within a larger park. Not that I have used it, but I have observed.

    1. Our dog park is HUGE - about forty acres divided up into four sections. It's delightful.

  2. I love snail mail and have been using the postcard YOU sent me as a bookmark this week.

    Speaking of snail mail, my photocards arrived yesterday and it is ridiculous that I want to address and send them this week. I'll try to hold back, but I just want to cross this off my list AND I also feel like the first card people get they pay attention to and the last one of the season. Thoughts? I know you don't like things before Thanksgiving. Will you be mad if you get my Christmas card in mid-November?

    1. If I get a holiday before American Thanksgiving, it goes into a pile to be opened after Thanksgiving. I wouldn't be MAD, but I wouldn't appreciate it until later. But! Then your card would be on our card display for the ENTIRE TIME it was up, so that's a bonus for you.

  3. Oh poor Humphrey! Glad Hannah took care of those huskies (or at least one of them.) And I'm glad she and Humphrey have come to an understanding. I don't think I know any basset hounds, but Hank looks loveable.

    1. Hank's ears are soooo soft. I think that's my overwhelming impression of him. Soft ears. Loud.

  4. So much snail mail love. I had to click back to some of the posts as I apparently missed a bunch (sad.) As you know I also like to write letters but not as regularly and many as you do. However I try to do it.

    Also blueberries are my favorite.

    1. Blueberries are my favorite, too. I like most berries, but blueberries are on the top for me. It's interesting because I was watching a cooking show from the UK (Great British Bake-Off) and everyone was talking about how blueberries don't taste like anything and I was dumbfounded. Maybe they aren't as fresh over there?

  5. I love your format, where you start with the collage of images!

    Sometimes I'm still surprised we still use snail mail so much with the alternatives we have now that are cheaper and easier. And yet it's still just a little bit exciting to physically hold and open a letter or package you've been waiting for.

    1. I think the excitement that comes with opening a "real" letter or package is exactly the reason email hasn't entirely taken over. There's something about the physical nature of things that is viscerally important.

  6. Humphrey is filling out!
    My aunt had a russet basset hound named Cyrus. He smelled terrible. He made some pretty strange noises.

    1. Humphrey is filling out! He's very solid, especially compared to Hannah. He's so timid, though. And that's coming from someone with a dog who's scared of the rustling of leaves. I hope he gets a smidge tougher as he gets older or he's going to have a hard life.

  7. Replies
    1. It was fun! It wasn't even that hard to coordinate, either, so that was nice.

  8. I'm trying to envision the basset hound's sound. I think it might be close to the sound I make when coughing when I am trying to clear my throat/lungs. In other words, it's really attractive and has a hound-like sound to it. Or maybe it's more like a dolphin sounds? It's not a good sound.

    1. Hank has many sounds. His bark sounds mostly like a smoker with a dry cough, but his howl is something to behold.

  9. Awww, that reminded me of Calgary, there was a fellow in our neighbourhood with two basset hounds. They were super friendly and wow, could they be loud!

    1. YES! Henry is very social, but so loud. I could not handle it if he were my dog. Between the loudness and the running out of sight at the dog park, my nerves would be shot!

  10. Yay, dog pics! I love going to the dog park and watching the dogs play. We took Mulder a couple of times, but his favorite game is chase, and apparently that can be problematic if there are any bully dogs there. He'd be running around playing merrily, and then the next thing I knew there'd be 6 dogs chasing him and then he'd be down on the ground and dogs are at his throat and though there were no SOUNDS of a fight, it made me really uncomfortable. I think it made him uncomfortable too, because once we got it broken up, he'd come hide behind me and ask to leave. Sad, I wanted to see him play.

    1. Oh, poor Mulder getting bullied. Our dog park is so big that we can easily just go in a different direction and avoid any dogs. That's what we did with those huskies and then we never saw them again. I think those parks that are merely fenced in fields frequently aren't large enough to avoid dogs who have personality conflicts.

  11. I love when dogs have friends. When our son lived with us, his dog had a bestie on the corner. Oden still comes to our deck when they walk by, looking for Finnegan. It sort of breaks my heart, even though I'm very glad Finnegan doesn't live with us anymore. That basset is super cute. His name really suits him. No, I'm unfamiliar with basset hounds and their sounds.

    1. Oh, poor sad Oden. He misses his friend. :(

      Hannah used to have a friend named Gus who lived a couple of blocks away. Gus moved away, but Hannah frequently tries to get me to go by the house where Gus used to live. I think she wants to play with him. That makes me sort of sad, too.

  12. I love the adventures of Hannah and Humphrey! Basset hounds do howl don't they? It's a good thing they look so cute.

    1. Their adorableness is the only reason I can think that someone would keep a basset as a pet. They're so independent and loud!

  13. Snail mail is the best. There's nothing better than a piece of handwritten mail in the mailbox.

    I love your dog park adventures and how Hannah gets to hang out with her friends :)

    1. I love that Hannah has a busier social life than I do!

  14. Ah, snail mail. The best. And I am The Worst at sending it out. Sigh. I aspire to be as connected (and in contact) as you are.

    1. It doesn't have to be your deal just because it's mine!

  15. We have not done a dog park yet, though Charlie is now fully vaccinated etc.- and I am not sure I ever want to! I don't know, it just seems stressful, especially with a smaller dog. Maybe I'll change my mind eventually. But it seems like it would be SO overwhelming for him right now, I can't really fathom it. Maybe if we were going with another doggie friend it would be diferent?

    1. There are different dog parks for dogs of different sizes - so there's a part of our park that's sectioned off for smaller dogs, so the Pekinese isn't playing with the Doberman. Dog parks are not a great fit for every dog, either, so if you think it would be too much for Charlie, you can absolutely skip it or wait until he gets older.

  16. The noises I made when I saw that basset hound. GIMME.

    1. Yeah, he's quite popular at the dog park. To be quite honest, I think he's adorable, but not...cuddly? His fur brother Jack is so much more my style of dog!
