Sunday, May 07, 2023

7.7 Contact - Old Skool Cool

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the seventh day of the month is "Contact." 


Earlier this week, Bestest Friend started randomly texting me photos from about fifteen/sixteen years ago. These photos made me laugh at both their randomness and the timing of it all. Apparently, she'd gotten an email that a PhotoBucket account she'd long forgotten about was closing, so she had a cache of hilarious photos to share. 

The baby in those photos is now a giant, Dr. BB's beard is almost entirely grey, that dress is two sizes too small for me, and I have been through about five shower curtains since the frog one. We do still have a frog wastebasket in our bathroom because of the frog motif, though, so some things remain the same.

What always surprises you about photos you see from back in the day?


  1. These photos are great! I love looking at older photos. My favourite thing is seeing the background of photos - the room, the decor, etc., especially from my childhood.

    1. Yes! That bathroom is from our first apartment together. It brought back so many memories to see the way we had it decorated.

  2. Awww, these are so fabulous! How fun to get a little blast from the past like that from a friend.

    1. They were fun texts to get, that's for sure.

  3. This is fun. Old photos are so odd in that I'm often more taken with how things looked than how any person looked. It's the time capsule aspect of them.

    1. Yes! Whenever we go on trips, I take a photo of the car because it's always so interesting to see what the car looked like when you look back years later.

  4. I love old photos! I love the things in the background (like the frog shower curtain.) I liked seeing "youthful Engie" in these!

    1. My hair was darker! My glasses were bolder! I was very amused by these photos.

  5. What wonderful surprise for you. I always love seeing what's in the background of old photos, which is why I need to often remind myself to take at least some photos that have all the stuff in the background.

    1. Yes! I had forgotten all about the set-up of that bathroom, but seeing it in this photo, it all came back. We should all remember to try to get "stuff" in photos.

  6. I feel like I've always been kind of plain looking and overweight, and when I look at old photos of myself, I am surprised that I was neither. Then I wonder if 15 years from now, I'll look back at pictures from this time and think the same thing. Sigh. (My profile picture there is almost 30 years old, by the way...I did not feel overweight then. I was on my honeymoon and at what I considered my 'perfect weight'.)

    1. Ha. It is crazy how we always cut ourselves a break from in the past. I think I look great in those photos, but I know that I spent a lot of time obsessing over my appearance. I try not to fuss about it too much because I'm pretty sure I'll never be hotter than I am right now ever again. I try to enjoy my body for what it is today.

  7. Only two sizes? You’re doing well.

  8. These are so fun...for us and of course for you too! You both look like children.
    I love when I stumble on an old, forgotten photo. I'm always taken back by how small I was. I honestly thought I'd always be that way, but nope.

    1. Ha! I try not to focus on my appearance too much because that is the way to really psyching myself out about my current looks.

  9. I am always so surprised by how pretty I was and so bummed I didn’t appreciate it. I try really hard to not let this keep happening to me, but it ALWAYS DOES.

    1. This is the reason I never fight photos. When people say they're taking my photo, I just smile and let them take my photo because someday I will look at it and think about how good I looked!

  10. Also! We still have a monkey tissue box cover in a bathroom even though the rest of the monkey theme is long gone

    1. Right? The frog wastebasket is here to stay!

  11. What a fun flash back for you! It is fun to look through old photos. I usually view myself through a kinder lens, and I'm shocked by how much younger I looked. I mean I knew I looked younger at the time, but you don't appreciate that until you see your younger self as an older person.

    1. Right? How was I ever that young? Why do I look so old now? (Also, twenty years from now I'll be thinking how young I look NOW. What a vicious cycle.)

  12. Oh these are fun! (I also got the same Photobucket email, too, lol) I think the one thing that always surprises me when I look at old photos of myself is that I was not nearly as overweight and ugly as I always thought I was. Why do we do this to ourselves?!

    1. Ha! I didn't realize the Photobucket email was so widespread!

  13. Ha, that's the best. I am so glad she shared those long forgotten photos with you.

    A thing that always surprises me in old photos that I look "chubbier" , even though I have maintained the same weight... goes to show that things shift and morph (in all aspects of life!) over time ;)

    1. I always think old photos look like they were taken So Long Ago. I mean, those photos were probably taken in the early 2000s! It wasn't the Stone Age!
