Saturday, May 06, 2023

7.6 Reflection - Of the Way Life Used To Be

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a different theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the sixth day of the month is "Reflection."


My father used to watch television all night long and I remember one summer I was home for college and whenever I'd come home from a late shift at the 24-hour supercenter where I worked, he'd be watching China Beach and I knew I'd made good time if I could hear the theme song, which was "Reflections" by Diana Ross & The Supremes. 

Look! I wore a dress! And sandals! Can I put away my winter coat? That seems a bit risky.

Today I went for a run in the morning. I have not been running much because it's really been cold (but I think the last two days have turned it around and now the weather is forecasted to be glorious for the foreseeable future - do not let me down, WISCONSIN) and the last time I went out my right hip was in agony for days. I considered that I probably needed new running shoes (I think the ones I have are from pre-COVID, which means WAY TOO OLD), but then this morning I decided that I didn't really want to wait until I could get to a store that sells running shoes, so I went out again.

And my hip hurts again.

So, yeah, maybe I should reflect on the fact that doing the same thing repeatedly and expected to get different results is foolish and probably insane.

But I don't WANT to drive all the way to the shoe store and try to tell them about my foot issues. I don't WANT to spend hundreds of dollars on ugly shoes. But needs must, I suppose. 

What purchase have you been putting off? 


  1. Be careful about putting away your winter coat! I bought a bike in early March so we all know who's fault it was that the weather for the rest of March was so bad. No seriously, I get it. One day of good weather and we're all like "woo-hoo it's going to be gorgeous every day!!!"

    Yes, nu shooz for you! The inconvenience of going to the store plus cash out of your wallet in exchange for no hip pain and being able to soak in the gorgeous weather.

    1. I really am uncertain about putting my winter coat away. *sigh* I can't believe it's MAY and I'm still dithering about it. The weather is so fickle this year.

  2. We had glorious weather in March/April, and Rick put away our snow shovels. I warned him, but he was adamant. That pretty much guaranteed the downward trend and terribly cold weather we had immediately afterward. Things seem to be normalizing now, but we're getting way too much rain.

    I put off a lot of purchases far too long. Then I'm so irritated at myself once I finally get the thing. "Why did you wait so long?!" I berate myself. But it doesn't ever make me more proactive, sadly.

    1. I am definitely a procrastinator about buying things. Right now I need these new shoes and new shampoo/conditioner, but I'm just willing to drop the money to get them! *sigh* I also am irritated with myself once I do make the purchases.

  3. I personally like buying new shoes but for my husband, it's a PROCESS. He wears orthodics, and has some foot issues, so it's a big deal for him to buy new shoes. So I understand!
    I have not been running; I kind of stopped when Rex came into our lives. I walk him so much every day that I find I don't feel like running. For one thing, when he arrived it was October, which is generally the start of treadmill running for me, but I just...didn't feel like going to the gym and using the treadmill when I have a perfectly wonderful Peloton bike and elliptical trainer in my basement. Now the weather is nice and I still don't feel like running. I wonder if I will again! Who knows. I get lots of cardio with my equipment at home and I just like going on long walks right now.
    I can't think of anything I've put off purchasing, but then again, I haven't been purchasing much lately.

    1. I have always been a bit of a pill about buying shoes because so many shoes are uncomfortable to me and I'm always amazed when my husband goes into ONE shoe store and comes out with a pair. does that even happen?!

  4. My dad, too, would stay up late watching television. He was always awake when I arrived home late. I remember China Beach and the theme song, and reliving all of these things together made me nostalgic.

    1. I heard "Reflections" on the radio the other day and it was crazy how much I associated it with going in to tell my father I was home from work. Sense memories are crazy things.

  5. Yes, you should get new shoes. Yours are way too old. I agree that it's a hassle, BUT, if you can just get yourself to do it and find shoes that you love, from then on you can just buy them online. And, you don't have to spend hundreds, but it will be over $100. Maybe even $150 depending on what you get. I know it seems like a lot- but you'll get a lot of use out of them. Think how happy you'll be when you're out running pain-free in the beautiful spring weather! Good luck with it.

    1. Ha! I do need new shoes. I'm going to finish replying to comments on this post and go to the running store. There's no excuse for me not to.

  6. Black flats. I just threw away the ones that fell apart because I've had them since 2016. I know, so ridiculous, like, just go to DSW, Daria. But I don't know what the hangup is. I'm an under buyer by nature but I do like nice stuff. It's getting there, searching, trying on, ordering. I'd rather be reading!

    1. Exactly! There are a million other things I'd rather be doing, including reading or just sitting there staring into space!

  7. Do not delay the purchase of new running shoes any longer. It's not worth it ;)

    I've still been putting off buying a bed frame (it's a long story)... mainly because I don't want to spend the money, but also don't want to buy just any cheap frame just to have one. Sigh. Help?

    1. New shoes have been procured! My husband went with me and he got new running shoes, too, so we turned it into a family activity. suggestions on a bed frame. It's actually one of the few things we actually bought new when we moved into our house and we really splurged on it. But it was an investment and hopefully we'll never have to buy another bed frame again!

  8. I bought new sneakers today! Not for running, I don't run, but I needed comfort and support. Such a pain, all the trying on, but I'm so excited to have it done, and well before my trip. I love crossing things off my list.

    1. Yay! Nicely done! Doesn't it feel good to get things done?

  9. Buying shoes is THE WORST. I have finally settled on some shoes, I think? After trying on many many pairs. I think they're fine. The last pair, I bought from a fancy shoe store where they measured my gait and knew everything about all the brands... and the shoes were fine. These are fine. I hope they last awhile and don't make my plantar fasciitis worse.

    I have been putting off buying a new fridge for, oh, several years now. Primarily because I am so mad that our fridge isn't lasting forever (fridges should last forever) and secondarily because new fridges, or at least the fridges I *want* to buy, are so expensive.

    1. We have put off buying a new washer and dryer since we moved into our house for many of the same reasons you have listed. They should work better and I don't want to spend money on replacing them! *sigh* I bet we'll get a new washer and dryer after you buy a new fridge - that's how much we procrastinate.

  10. You've done well enough with jogging. I had to quit very early in life due to bone spurs and knee issues. Meanwhile, I haven't put my winter coat in mothballs, but I would not be surprised if it can be left off until November.

    1. Yes, I considered putting my winter coat away for the season, but didn't chance it. Maybe next weekend I'll be more comfortable doing so.

  11. My one coat (I don't count my ski jacket) never gets put away, but I'm sure it's not as heavy as yours. I would say, best not to push your luck by packing away your coat.

    I must go and buy new bras. One of them needed to be replaced pre-pandemic.

    1. Bras! I do not replace mine nearly enough. "Experts" say to replace them every six months! SIX MONTHS?! Like I'm made of money over here!

    2. Every six months? Yeah, that won't be happening.

    3. Who are these so-called "experts"? Bra manufacturers?

    4. All the people who review bras say 6 to 9 months! Crazy, right? There's no way. It's like the people who say to wash sheets weekly!

  12. Oh no! I am sorry your hip hurts :( I wish getting new shoes was easier :( It's such a pain to go have them fit you and not even know if the shoes will work.

    1. I went! I got shoes! It was mostly painless! I'll try to get a run in this week to see how they do.

  13. Good running/walking shoes are so important and so expensive. For some reason, I have two pairs right now where the souls are great and supportive, but my toes are creating holes in the top. Stupid. I can't be bothered to go spend all of that money either.

    1. I think I'd probably keep running in shoes with my toes coming out, as long as the sole/foam was still in good shape. But, as we all know, I'm a shoe buying procrastinator, so maybe don't take advice from me!

  14. It's more like I should STOP buying stuff over here...

    1. Ha. I'm too much of a skinflint to buy stuff willy-nilly!

  15. Also, that reflection picture is so cool!

    1. Thanks! Obviously I was on a walk with Hannah. She was not excited about having her photo taken.

  16. Come to Madison and buy shoes at the fancy store that makes you run on the treadmill so they can image your feet. It’s by my house and we could get outdoor lunch! Also, probably leave the winter coat out for now LOL.

    1. I did leave the winter coat out. But I'm putting it away next weekend, NO MATTER WHAT. (I apologize if I have cursed all of southeastern Wisconsin to freezing temperatures.)

    2. What is this mythical store of which you speak? Treadmill analysis? I don't run anymore (gait and strength issues) but wonder if they could help with my gait stuff if I just walk. Hm.

    3. Tradehome Shoes has a foot scanner. There's one at East Towne and West Towne malls in Madison, although I'm not sure if both have this scanner. It's probably worth a try to see if they can help you get a more comfortable shoe!

  17. Get the shoes!!! You will be so glad. I need to get some new ones as well as my last pair is about a year old. I usually get running shoes yearly although I bought them much more frequently when I was training for a marathon and logged lots of miles. But I loved new running shoes even though they are usually obnoxiously ugly. I really like my current ones, though - they are a bright fuscia color!

    1. I did get new shoes. They were on a pretty good sale, too, so it wasn't quite the bite I thought it was going to be.

  18. China Beach was such a great show. I had to YouTube Reflections to remind me of that song; yes, it's a great one!
    I hope your weather continues in a good direction.
    I've got feet issues and was recommended a pair of New Balance (860) by a physical therapist; they're pretty magical and I don't even have to use my custom orthotics that I thought I'd be buried in. Bonus: They're cute sneaks!

    1. I have a pair of New Balance cross trainers that are amazing, but I ended up with a pair of Brooks running shoes. We'll see how they fare or if I continue just wearing my cross trainers to run.

  19. Buying running shoes is one of my least favourite purchases. They're expensive and it's SO hard to know how they're going to feel from wearing them around a store for a few minutes. I always put off purchasing new pairs for wayyyy too long.

    I have sandals in the front closet, but I've only worn them a handful of time because the weather has been quite chilly lately. May does not know what to do about the weather - spring, summer...or winter?! It's a tossup every morning...

    1. The shoe situation in our mudroom is bananas right now. I have winter boots, rainboots, tennis shoes, and flip flops. That is a lot of variety, but they all have to be out because, as you say, every morning is a different adventure.

  20. I also really need to replace my running shoes. I actually can't remember when I bought them, but they might be pre-Covid, too. They don't make my feet hurt but I know it's time for a new pair. I need to just buy them already!

    1. Just buy them! It's worth it!

  21. LOL. I'm reading this 10 days later and literally thought, this morning, I wonder whether I can finally wash my winter coats? (I almost did and then we had those bizarrely freezing days and I was glad I hadn't, yet!) Hope the new shoes are working out - they are so important. And I'm right there with you - buying things, especially if in my brain they're "non-essential", is NOT my priority, thanks.

    1. I put all my winter stuff away last weekend (so..two days ago). If I need to pull out my long underwear or heated vest anytime soon, I will revolt!
